Stopping Microwave Sensors with Aluminum Foil for Homeowners

In summary, a person asked for advice on how to stop microwave sensors from penetrating the walls of their house. They suggested wallpapering with aluminium foil and asked for advice on the necessary thickness or number of layers. Others questioned the evidence of the sensors penetrating the walls and suggested wearing socks or building a Faraday cage. The original person also mentioned hearing noises from their neighbor, and further conversation revolved around potential paranoia and the need for professional help.
  • #1

My neighbour has microwave sensors, and the microwave beam comes through the walls of my house.

this sort of thing i think-

I want to know how I can stop the microwaves. I thought wallpapering the walls with aluminium foil.

If the sensors work at between say 10 t0 24 ghz (i'm think this is the frequency) what thickness of foil would I need? or how many layers would i have to put up, I want to get it right 1st time.

are all microwaves from sensors stopped in their tracks by aluminium (supermarket) foil?

thanks in advance


i don't talk to my neighbour
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  • #2
Don't know the thickness off hand, but one question Deany; What evidence do you have that they are penetrating your walls ?[?]
  • #3
And why do you care? They aren't harmful.
  • #4
Creator *everytime I walk into a different part of my house i can hear him make a noise to let me know that he knows I'm in that room.

there is no way he would know which room I'm in unless he had eyes that could see through walls.

russ_watters *I do know microwave of this frequency are not harmful.


Creator, or anyone know the answer to my question re aluminium foil and the reflective/absortion of the microwaves.

i have found sensors that are 4ghz to 24 ghz

any help (other than moving house) appreciated

  • #5
If you can hear him make noise, he is also capable of hearing you make noise. Perhaps you should just wear socks.

- Warren
  • #6
Just because I can hear him doesn't mean he can hear me.

I don't find your 'wear socks' quip funny, do you always make a joke if you don't know the answer to a question?

needless to say i will avoid reading your 531 posts

  • #7
As long as it is well grounded I am sure any tinfoil with do the job... Quite frankly you sound a tad bit parnanoid. Me thinks you are worrying needlessly. Why would your neighbor care what room you are in? and why would he spend any amount of time or money to figure it out? You must understand that You are NOT the center of the universe and most likly your neighbor is totally unaware of your existence. (I hope that does not upset you!)
  • #8
Originally posted by deany100 I don't find your 'wear socks' quip funny, do you always make a joke if you don't know the answer to a question?[/b]
If you wallpaper your house with any conductor (including any sort of metallic foil), you will create a Faraday cage. We all know from electromagnetic theory that no fields outside a Faraday cage can penetrate to the interior.
needless to say i will avoid reading your 531 posts
*gasp* Oh no! The horror!

- Warren
  • #9
Originally posted by deany100
Creator *everytime I walk into a different part of my house i can hear him make a noise to let me know that he knows I'm in that room.

there is no way he would know which room I'm in unless he had eyes that could see through walls.

I see. Hmmmm... There are 4 possibilities:

1). It's merely a coincidence.

2).Microwaves at these low amplitudes are not harmful physically, but they do induce paranoid delusions.

3). You are really a guinnie pig in your neighbor's test of his latest 'see thru the wall' technology.

4). There's nothing you can do about it now since he's monitored your internet broadcast to this forum, has traced the cookies to your address, and is currently broadcasting all your movements in the house in real time to everyone on the World Wide Web.

Fortunately; there is a solution and counter-technology:

1). Build a Faraday cage around your entire apartment; wear lead-lined underwear and clothing made of copper or aluminum fibers (not steel - it rusts when you wash it). Of course you won't be able to receive cell phone calls, but what the heck... they're probably monitored anyway.

2). Buy yourself the same kind of microwave monitors your neighbor has, cut a hole in your Faraday cage, and aim it back at him into HIS rooms. Then broadcast all of his movements on the internet. That ought to get his attention. :wink:

And always remember: Just because you realize you have a case of paranoia doesn't mean your neighbor is NOT out to get you.

  • #10
deany100, as a person who left intensive undergraduate physics at Yale 25 years ago due to a mental illness, I get the feeling that your problem is more typical of the brain than external microwaves, no matter how real they may seem. Please understand that your symptoms are quite typical for people with a diagnosis best left to professional psychiatrists.

Unfortunately, brain disorders and those who suffer from them are the target of stigma from the ignorant. More than ever, though, the outlook for people with these no-fault brain diseases is heartening. Have you seen the movie A Beautiful Mind? (I have earned a BS and MS in physics since Yale.) Vale!
  • #11
The mental illness part, I figured. The MS in physics, I did not. It sure as hell doesn't seem like it!

- Warren
  • #12
Two things: What is the nature of the sound you hear that let's you know he is tracking you?

The sensor you gave us a link to does not have the capabilities you describe. First has a binary output - it doesn't track anything, it just detects motion anywhere in its area and says yes there is motion or no there is not. Second, it has both microwave and infrared sensors. Both need to be triggered to set off the alarm. And infrared can't see through walls.

I share the assessment of the others - you are paranoid and need a type of help we are unable to provide.
  • #13
Originally posted by chroot
If you wallpaper your house with any conductor (including any sort of metallic foil), you will create a Faraday cage. We all know from electromagnetic theory that no fields outside a Faraday cage can penetrate to the interior.

...and that means no more radio for you (deany100)...

PS: if you don't talk to your neighbour why would he care about you?

Related to Stopping Microwave Sensors with Aluminum Foil for Homeowners

1. Can aluminum foil really stop microwave sensors from working?

Yes, aluminum foil can effectively block microwave signals and prevent them from reaching the sensors. This is because aluminum foil is a highly conductive material that reflects and absorbs microwave radiation.

2. Will using aluminum foil on my microwave sensors damage them?

No, using aluminum foil on your microwave sensors will not damage them. However, it is important to avoid crumpling or tearing the foil as this can create small gaps that may allow some signals to pass through.

3. How much aluminum foil do I need to use to block the sensors?

The amount of aluminum foil needed will depend on the size and strength of your microwave sensors. In general, a single layer of foil should be enough to block most household sensors. If you are unsure, you can test the effectiveness of the foil by placing it over the sensors and attempting to activate them.

4. Are there any safety concerns when using aluminum foil on microwave sensors?

As long as the foil is not damaged or crumpled, there should be no safety concerns when using it on microwave sensors. However, it is important to avoid placing foil near the heating elements of your microwave, as this can cause a fire hazard.

5. Can I use any type of aluminum foil for this purpose?

Yes, most types of aluminum foil will work for this purpose. However, thicker foil or foil with a higher concentration of aluminum will be more effective at blocking microwave signals. It is also important to make sure the foil is smooth and free of any holes or tears.

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