SSR vs SCR for heating element : what is the difference?

In summary, the SSR is capable of analog control and can be used in place of a transformer when using SiC heating elements. If your AC source is approximately the same voltage range you want for the heater element, you can use the SSR. However, if you have a 480 VAC source and the elements maximum V is 100V - then the Thyristor or SSR will not regulate very well.
  • #1
Panthera Leo

I have Silicon Carbide heating elements which should be used with a Step Down Transformer or SCR as mentioned in the guide from manufacturer.

I currently have a SSR available at hand, and was hoping it could be used instead.

The Solid State Relay when connected to PID can decrease the output voltage very significantly and seems like it's doing similar job as the transformer!

Any chance I could connect the SSR? I don't see why not?! I will highly appreciate your guidance.

This is the SSR's manual:

This is Kanthal Silicon Carbide heating elements guidelines:

Many thanks in advance.
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  • #2
Hello Leo - The SSR works essentally the same way as the reccomended Thyristor circuit. ( Compare fig 9 Celduc to Fig 12 Kanthal).

If your AC source is approximately the same voltage range you want for the heater element, you idea can work, But if you have a 480 VAC source and the elements max V is 100V - then the Thyristor or SSR will not regulate very well - or if the source is 120V but 20 A and you need 40 -50 A to get the heat necessary, same issue. The thyristor or SSR can not "increase" the current when the Voltage is lowered the same way a transformer will.

You need to do the math and figure out how much heat you need, which element you want to use, then calculate what voltage needs to be applied and then how much current is needed.
  • #3
The Celduc relay guide describes several styles of their SSR. They all appear to be SCR based. Apparently they are capable of analog control as you have suggested.

If these heaters are large you'll want to use a 'zero crossing' variant of the SSR as described on page 3 of the Celduc guide.
But read carefully that section on "fast cycle firing" starting on page 26 of the Kanthal guide.
  • #4
Many thanks for your contributions... I highly appreciate it.

Windadct said:
You need to do the math and figure out how much heat you need, which element you want to use, then calculate what voltage needs to be applied and then how much current is needed.

I have calculated 5 watts/cm^2 to be the necessary power. The resistance of each element is 0.6 ohm & 6 of them will be used.

"A total of 110V & 30A" will be required to get 1400C

My supply is 220V & I can draw 30 Amps from this supply.

Can this work?
  • #5
With phase angle control - yes "it can work" - the question is why not do per the Manufacturers Instructions there ar +s and -s:

+ Cost
+ Complexity ( mixed on this one Low voltage could use zero crossing control, to do 220 to 110 conversion - you need phase angle control)

- Line voltage Isolation
- Series (single point failure) vs Parallel operation ( some added reliability)
- controller failsafe(er) - if the controller runs foll 220 to the rods they may die.

There are MANY factors in determining the best solution for your application - in particular SAFETY has value and justifies added expence - ALWAYS. So - I would prefer the Isolation and lower voltage that the transformer provides. Below 50V for any equipment that people would touch - it is nearly impossible to predict the failure modes of systems.

When an electrode (heater) fails - what will happen electrically. I had the heater element in my home oven fail, and it almost killed me - because I "THOUGHT" I knew what happened - but I didn't KNOW. An I have 15 years field experience and was the shop safety coordinator working in power!
  • #6
I see your point windadct... Very precise indeed. I do have an AC transformer but unfortunately I was willing to set up the furnace in a remote location, therefore I was hoping to set it up without a transformer...

But apparently there is no way out, I have to carry the transformer somehow :D

Many Thanks for the contributions

Related to SSR vs SCR for heating element : what is the difference?

What is the difference between SSR and SCR for heating element?

SSR (Solid State Relay) and SCR (Silicon Controlled Rectifier) are both electronic switching devices used for controlling heating elements. The main difference between them lies in their mode of operation.

How does SSR work for heating element?

SSR uses an optocoupler to isolate the control signal from the switching device. When the control signal is received, the optocoupler triggers a triac or thyristor, which then allows current to flow to the heating element.

How does SCR work for heating element?

SCR uses a gate signal to trigger the switching device, allowing current to flow to the heating element. Unlike SSR, SCR does not use an optocoupler and therefore has a slower response time.

Which one is better for heating element: SSR or SCR?

The choice between SSR and SCR depends on the specific application. SSR is ideal for high-speed switching and precise control, while SCR is better suited for high-power applications and can handle larger currents.

Can SSR and SCR be used interchangeably for heating element?

No, SSR and SCR have different modes of operation and cannot be used interchangeably. It is important to choose the appropriate device for the specific heating element and application to ensure safe and efficient operation.
