Special Relativity: Bullets on a train

In summary, the problem involves a train moving at speed v and bullets being fired from the back to the front at speed u (relative to the train). The time between shots in the ground frame is given by the Lorentz transformation, which simplifies to γΔt'. The distance traveled by a bullet in the ground frame is uΔt, which can be calculated using the velocity addition formula. Subtracting the distance traveled by the train in the ground frame, vΔt, gives the actual distance traveled by the bullet. Simplifying further, the final equation for the distance traveled is \frac{u'^2}{u'^2+\frac{vu'^3}{c^2}}l, which is always less
  • #1

Homework Statement

A train moves at speed v. Bullets are successively fired at speed u (relative to the train) from the back of the train to the front. A new bullet is fired at the instant (as measured in the train frame) the previous bullet hits the front. In the frame of the ground, what fraction of the way along the train is a given bullet, at the instant (as measured in the ground frame) the next bullet is fired? What is the maximum number of bullets that are in flight at a given instant, in the ground frame?

Homework Equations

Δt = γ(Δt' + vΔx'/c^2)
u = (u'+v)/(1+u'v/c^2)

The Attempt at a Solution

In the ground frame, the time elapsed between the bullet being fired and hitting the front is given by the Lorentz transformation:

Δt = γ(Δt' + vΔx'/c^2)

If the train has proper length l', then in the train frame Δt' = l'/u' and Δx'=l', so this gives:

Δt = γ(l'/u' + vl'/c^2)

So in the ground frame, the next bullet is fired at Δt. The distance traveled by a bullet in this time in the ground frame is therefore uΔt.

Using u = (u'+v)/(1+u'v/c^2) and Δt = γ(l'/u' + vl'/c^2)

Distance = (u'+v)/(1+u'v/c^2)*γ(l'/u' + vl'/c^2)

Now when I multiply this out I just get a huge mess that doesn't simplify into anything useful, so I feel like I'm doing this completely wrong. Could anyone give me any guidance?

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  • #2
The difference between "time between shots in the train frame" and "time between shots in the ground frame" is just γΔt'. There is no additional term in the transformation, as the shooter does not move in the frame of the train - just time dilation.
You'll need the speed of the bullet in the ground frame, afterwards you can calculate everything in the ground frame and you don't have to care about relativity any more.
  • #3
It's my understanding that Δx' is the distance between events in the train frame which is surely l', meaning the transformation is not simply γΔt'?
  • #4
The shots always happen in the same position in the frame of the train.
  • #5
Ok I see that this is true if the two events are one shot being fired and another being fired. So I now have:

Δt = γΔt' = γ[itex]\frac{l'}{u'}[/itex]

The distance traveled by a bullet in the ground frame is therefore:

uΔt = uγ[itex]\frac{l'}{u'}[/itex]

Using the velocity addition formula this gives

uΔt = [itex]\frac{v+u'}{1+\frac{uv}{c^2}}\frac{\gamma l'}{u'}[/itex]

Now in the ground frame the train also travels vΔt, so subtracting this from uΔt will give us the actual distance of the bullet traveled in the ground frame. This gives:

[itex]\gamma^2 l\frac{v+u'}{u'+\frac{vu'^2}{c^2}} - \gamma \frac{vl'}{u'}[/itex]

[itex]\gamma^2 l(\frac{v+u'}{u'+\frac{vu'^2}{c^2}} - \frac{v}{u'})[/itex]

Which is much larger than l when v tends to c, which cannot be correct so I must be missing some other step.

Edit: Just realized I actually needed to simplify some more. And the [itex]\gamma^2[/itex] cancels out to give:

[itex] distance = \frac{u'^2}{u'^2+\frac{vu'^3}{c^2}}l[/itex]

Which is always less than l, for all c and u.
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Related to Special Relativity: Bullets on a train

1. What is special relativity?

Special relativity is a theory developed by Albert Einstein in 1905 that explains the relationship between space and time. It states that the laws of physics are the same for all observers in uniform motion, and the speed of light is constant regardless of the observer's frame of reference.

2. How does special relativity apply to bullets on a train?

In the context of bullets on a train, special relativity explains how the relative velocities of the bullets and the train affect their observed speeds and positions. It also explains how time dilation and length contraction occur at high speeds, such as those of the bullets on the moving train.

3. What is the significance of the speed of light in special relativity?

The speed of light, denoted as "c", plays a crucial role in special relativity. It is the maximum speed at which all energy, matter, and information can travel in the universe. According to Einstein's theory, the speed of light is constant in all frames of reference and cannot be exceeded.

4. How does special relativity challenge our understanding of space and time?

Special relativity challenges our classical understanding of space and time by stating that they are not absolute, but rather relative to the observer's frame of reference. This means that measurements of space and time will vary for different observers, depending on their relative speeds and positions.

5. What are some real-world applications of special relativity?

Special relativity has numerous real-world applications, including in GPS navigation systems, particle accelerators, and nuclear power plants. It also plays a crucial role in modern physics, helping scientists understand the behavior of particles at high speeds and in extreme conditions such as black holes.

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