Space time Curvature around the Earth

In summary: I do like his approach of breaking down complex concepts into simpler ones which is great.Yes, I agree. The main problem I found with Susskind's lectures is lack of examples. I mean, in real classes a teacher gives out a formula then gives an example of that formula in use. But Susskind just talks about theory. And his GR lectures are not the best way to understand the differential geometry but one thing which he does well is explaining Black Holes. I mean he spent most time of his carer as a physicist tackling the Black Hole Information Paradox not...quite objective in that sense.
  • #1
Hi all,

I am wondering if it is possible to calculate, using Einstein Tensor, the space time curvature around the Earth. As far as I understand, Einstein Field Equations tell us that the presence of a matter curves the space time. So space time curvature is gravity and gravity is space time curvature.

So the questions are:

1) Can we get Einstein Tensor for the Earth (Ricci+1/2metric*Ricci Scalar)

2) Can we calculate the Stress-Energy-Momentum Tensor of the Earth?

Basically, zero-zero component of Stress-Energy Tensor is energy density. So according to famous E=mc^2, energy density is equal to mass density times c^2. But I have no idea how to calculate the Momentum or Stress of the Earth.

Thank you!

Joe W.
Physics news on
  • #2
GRstudent said:
1) Can we get Einstein Tensor for the Earth (Ricci+1/2metric*Ricci Scalar)
We can get one for the inside of the earh, and one for the empty space around the earth. They are called the Schwarzschild interior and Schwarzschild vacuum solutions.

2) Can we calculate the Stress-Energy-Momentum Tensor of the Earth?
Not exactly, but stellar interiors have been modeled using the Schwarzschild interior solution.

See and linked pages.
  • #3
Why we cannot calculate Stress-Energy Tensor for the Earth? Thank you.
  • #4
GRstudent said:
Why we cannot calculate Stress-Energy Tensor for the Earth? Thank you.

In principle it could be done, and maybe it has been done but the exterior solution is not dependent on the SET, only on spherical symmetry. Calculating the SET of the Earth wouldn't be very useful in GR.
  • #5
Mentz114 said:
In principle it could be done, and maybe it has been done but the exterior solution is not dependent on the SET, only on spherical symmetry. Calculating the SET of the Earth wouldn't be very useful in GR.

Still is it possible to solve the Einstein Field Equations for Earth? If yes, how?
  • #6
Still is it possible to solve the Einstein Field Equations for Earth? If yes, how?

Not exactly, but we can solve the EFE for a spherically symmetric gravitational source and a rotating spherically symmetric source. These solutions are good approximations for planets and stars.

Any good textbook will show how to derive the metric from the field equations in the spherically symmetric case.
  • #7
So what inputs should I put into EFE to get a solution for a rotating spherically symmetric source. I would like to see how it is obtained from G(mu,nu)=8piT(mu,nu) to a real solution for a rotating spherically symmetric source. Thank you.
  • #8
What textbook are you using? It should have a section on the Kerr metric. That is what you want to look at.
  • #9
GRstudent said:
So what inputs should I put into EFE to get a solution for a rotating spherically symmetric source. I would like to see how it is obtained from G(mu,nu)=8piT(mu,nu) to a real solution for a rotating spherically symmetric source. Thank you.
I suggest you start doing some research and look for the derivation of the Kerr metric ( rotating spherical source).
  • #10
WannabeNewton said:
What textbook are you using? It should have a section on the Kerr metric. That is what you want to look at.

I am not using the textbook. I just started watching Leonard Susskind's lectures on GR.
  • #11
I looked up to Kerr metric, and I have 2 questions.

1) It tells about tau, the proper time? Is it time which is "true" or what?

2) Is Kerr metric a solution of EFE? How is it derived from EFE?

Appreciate your help.
  • #12
GRstudent said:
I looked up to Kerr metric, and I have 2 questions.

1) It tells about tau, the proper time? Is it time which is "true" or what?

2) Is Kerr metric a solution of EFE? How is it derived from EFE?

Appreciate your help.
I don't think you're learning much from those TV lectures.

You should read Carrolls lecture notes which are freely available, and understand special relativity before tackling GR.
  • #13
Your advice is well noted! Thanks! I'll certainly review them.
  • #14
GRstudent said:
I am not using the textbook. I just started watching Leonard Susskind's lectures on GR.

I find Susskind's youtube lectures to be awful. He tends to go off on tangents, ramble, and doesn't really explain things clearly. My advice is to get a good intro textbook. The first one I used was Schutz.
  • #15
elfmotat said:
I find Susskind's youtube lectures to be awful. He tends to go off on tangents, ramble, and doesn't really explain things clearly. My advice is to get a good intro textbook. The first one I used was Schutz.

Yes, I agree. The main problem I found with Susskind's lectures is lack of examples. I mean, in real classes a teacher gives out a formula then gives an example of that formula in use. But Susskind just talks about theory. And his GR lectures are not the best way to understand the differential geometry but one thing which he does well is explaining Black Holes. I mean he spent most time of his carer as a physicist tackling the Black Hole Information Paradox not unusual.
  • #16
GRstudent said:
Yes, I agree. The main problem I found with Susskind's lectures is lack of examples. I mean, in real classes a teacher gives out a formula then gives an example of that formula in use. But Susskind just talks about theory. And his GR lectures are not the best way to understand the differential geometry but one thing which he does well is explaining Black Holes. I mean he spent most time of his carer as a physicist tackling the Black Hole Information Paradox not unusual.

Try Hartle's Gravity. It's an introductory GR text with tons of examples and tons of concrete problems that range from very easy to annoying so you get a varied palette. Schutz is good too but he doesn't have as many examples so you can figure out what's going on before you jump in yourself. He has a great chapter on gravitational waves though if that is of great interest to you.
  • #17
Yes, I know Introduction to GR by Hartle is a very good choice (probably the BEST!).

Also, which book would you suggest to review all of undergrad physics?

Related to Space time Curvature around the Earth

What is space-time curvature around the Earth?

Space-time curvature around the Earth refers to the bending of the fabric of space and time around the Earth due to the presence of mass. This bending is a result of Einstein's theory of general relativity, which states that mass and energy can curve the fabric of space-time.

How does the curvature of space-time around the Earth affect objects?

The curvature of space-time around the Earth affects objects by altering their paths and causing them to move in a curved trajectory. This is because objects naturally follow the curvature of space-time created by the Earth's mass. This effect is seen in the orbits of planets and satellites around the Earth.

What is the cause of space-time curvature around the Earth?

The cause of space-time curvature around the Earth is the mass of the Earth. The greater the mass of an object, the more it curves the fabric of space-time. This is why larger objects, like planets, have a greater effect on the curvature of space-time compared to smaller objects, like humans.

Can space-time curvature around the Earth be observed?

Yes, space-time curvature around the Earth can be observed through various experiments and observations. One example is the phenomenon of gravitational lensing, where the light from distant objects is bent by the curvature of space-time around massive objects like galaxies. Another example is the measurement of the precession of Mercury's orbit, which is slightly altered due to the curvature of space-time around the Sun.

Does the curvature of space-time around the Earth affect time?

Yes, the curvature of space-time around the Earth can affect time. This is known as gravitational time dilation, where time moves slower in areas with stronger gravitational forces. This effect has been observed in experiments, such as the famous Hafele-Keating experiment, where atomic clocks placed on airplanes showed a slight difference in time compared to clocks on the ground due to differences in gravitational forces.

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