Space Expansion/Time Travel (#IMAN00B)

In summary: space itself would be more compact ... so even if they could get to the right place, they would be giants?
  • #1
So I'm just getting into physics to research for a short story idea I've had for a while, but I've got a few questions I'm having difficulty finding an answer to.

As the universe expands, does space expand? Like, if someone took a marker and drew a small star on a balloon and then inflated it? The balloon would expand, and so would the star... which brings me to my next question. If I'm correct and space is expanding, someone that wanted to time travel back to Roman times, would be going back to a time when A) the universe wasn't as spread out as it is today (the balloon is less inflated), so the Earth would be in an entirely different place than it is now (not to mention a different place in it's orbit) B) Space itself would be more compact ... so even if they could get to the right place, they would be giants?...

Clearly I'm a n00b, and really have no idea what terminology to use to even ask my question properly. So please don't be too hard on me for not making sense. If you could just direct me to a few n00b friendly books to read, I'd be eternally grateful.
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  • #2
Some time ago Earth was the same size as it is now, and the size of Earth orbit was the same (with regard to small change caused by loss of Sun mass due to emission of light and solar wind). Balloon got expanded, but your small star is made of hard plastic and glued to its surface. All 'small' distances are defined by some forces keeping particles on fixed distances. The distance between neutron and proton in deuterium nucleus results from strong nuclear force, not from Universe geometry. The sizes of atoms, molecules, then sizes of material objects (your foot and whole Earth) are defined by electromagnetic forces between molecules. Distance from Earth to Sun is defined by Kepler laws and conservation laws.

You touched quite deep question: what 'distance' mean? What does it mean that Earth circumference is 40,000 km?
In beginning of 19th century the answer was: that is how we define what 'metre' means (1/10,000 of distance from north pole to equator over the Paris meridian).
In the beginning of 20th century the answer was: you may take a measuring rod from Sevre vault and lay it 10,000 times along the same path. Both the rod and Earth should be distorded the same by any changes to space curvature, so the measured distance must remain unchanged.
This definition of 'metre' is closest to common meaning of distance. Natural units for people are those related to dimension of commonly found objects - e.g. their own feet. As all matter would be equally scaled, the dimensions of physical objects remain the same. Both Gulliver and Lilliputs were about 6 feet tall - their feet. If all dimension scale - there is no way to notice that except of comparison with something which is not affected by rescaling.

Modern definition of 'metre' relates it to the distance light goes in some part of second, while the second is defined as some number of oscillations of Cesium atom. You may ask if such definition might have an effect. In order to do so, some physical 'constants' (like speed of light, electron charge, Planck's h, etc) would have to change along with Universe expansion. Such hypotheses were considered probable and lots of measurement had been done to test if they are really constant. No measureable changes had ever been detected - neither in short term (few years lasting) very precise measurements, nor when comparing billions years old geological and astronomical data with expectations made using modern values of those constants in the apropriate models. Billions years old rocks have such properties as chemistry (using modern values of physical constants) expect them to have.

We believe all local experiments performed billion years ago would lead to the same results as they give now. The only difference is measured distance to far cosmic objects - where the distance is not related to forces/interactions between objects, but rather caused by inertia acting since beginning of the Universe. Small stars glued on balloon remains unchanged, just distance between stars increases. To make this metaphore closer to astronomic observations: don't paint/glue stars, but galaxies, or rather galaxy superclusters.
Distances between stars within single galaxy are also defined by local interaction - Keplerian orbiting around galaxy centre.

Romans had smaller feet than we have, and Lucy had even smaller, so the Earth was acually bigger then (if measured in feet) than now. But I won't attribute this to expansion of Universe :-p
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  • #3
Fluxhavok said:
... so even if they could get to the right place, they would be giants?...

No. This is implicit in xts's response but I think the talk about scale difference could have made it a bit hard for you to get that.

Time travel is pure fiction so if you're going to defy physics in that regard (as many SF writers have done very successfully) your audience is likely to give you some leeway in other areas but it is wise of you to try to get the basics right since one of the successful tenets of SF is to only ask your audience for a willing suspension of disbelief in ONE thing and you've chosen time travel as that thing. It would be good if nothing else in your story defied physics.
  • #4
Fluxhavoc, I suggest hitting up Wikipedia and getting familiar with many of the articles on basic physics, quantum physics, and relativity. You don't need to worry about any of the math or equations really, just get a general understanding of the basics. It really helps!
  • #5

Dear #IMAN00B,

First of all, it's great that you're getting into physics and exploring these ideas for your story. It's always exciting to see people interested in science and wanting to learn more. Now, to answer your questions:

1. As the universe expands, space itself does indeed expand. This is a concept known as "cosmic expansion" and it is one of the fundamental principles of modern cosmology. Think of the universe as a big balloon, and as it expands, the space within it also expands. So, if you drew a star on the balloon and inflated it, the star would appear to expand along with the balloon.

2. Time travel is a popular concept in science fiction, but it is still just a theoretical concept in physics. The idea of traveling back in time to a specific point in history is not currently possible, but there are theories that suggest it might be possible in the future. With that being said, your understanding of the effects of cosmic expansion on time travel is correct. If someone were to travel back in time, they would indeed end up in a different location and size due to the expansion of space over time.

3. To learn more about these concepts, I would recommend reading books on cosmology and general relativity. Some good beginner-friendly books include "A Brief History of Time" by Stephen Hawking and "The Elegant Universe" by Brian Greene. There are also many online resources and videos that can help you understand these concepts in more detail.

Remember, there are still many mysteries and unanswered questions in physics, so don't be too hard on yourself for not fully understanding everything. Keep exploring and learning, and who knows, maybe one day your story could become a reality. Best of luck to you!

Related to Space Expansion/Time Travel (#IMAN00B)

1. What is space expansion?

Space expansion refers to the theory that the universe is constantly expanding, meaning the distance between galaxies and other celestial bodies is increasing over time. This expansion is believed to be caused by dark energy, a mysterious force that counteracts the pull of gravity.

2. How does space expansion affect time?

As space expands, it also affects time. This is due to the concept of time dilation, which states that time moves slower in areas with stronger gravitational forces. As the universe expands, the gravitational pull between objects decreases, causing time to pass at a slightly faster rate.

3. Is time travel possible?

The concept of time travel is still a topic of debate among scientists. While some theories, such as Einstein's theory of relativity, suggest that time travel may be possible, it has not yet been proven. Many challenges, such as the need for immense amounts of energy, make it unlikely for time travel to be achievable with our current understanding of physics.

4. Can space expansion be reversed?

There is currently no known way to reverse space expansion. The expansion of the universe is believed to be a natural and ongoing process that will continue until the end of time. However, some theories suggest that it may be possible to manipulate space and time through advanced technologies or by harnessing the power of black holes.

5. Will humans ever be able to travel through time?

While it is currently not possible for humans to travel through time, advancements in technology and further understanding of the universe may make it a possibility in the future. However, it is important to note that time travel would come with many ethical and philosophical implications and would require a deep understanding of the laws of physics.

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