Solving the radial Schroedinger equation with a linear potentail

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem in quantum mechanics and the relevant unitless variable substitution needed to solve it. The method involves transforming to dimensionless variables and choosing constants to make the Schrodinger equation dimensionless. While this does not directly solve for the energy levels, it provides useful information about how the energy levels scale with different parameters of the system. The dimensions of the wavefunction u(r) are not important in this context.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The problem is number three (page 3) on the following link.
I was going to type it out but it got too messy.

2. The attempt at a solution
What I want to know is the relevant unitless variable substitution that the problem suggests. I tried x(r)=u(r)/r^2 thinking that u(r) is in units of r^2. This just led to a very messy diff equ. So If anyone has any other ideas on what I could use, or if this is the right substitution and i merely made a mistake.
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  • #2
Hello forceface. Welcome to PF!

Transforming to dimensionless variables just means letting ##r = a\tilde{r}## where ##a## is a constant (to be determined) that has the dimensions of length. So, ##\tilde{r}## is a dimensionless variable.

Likewise, let ##E = b\tilde{E}## where ##b## is a constant (to be determined) that has the dimensions of energy. Thus, ##\tilde{E}## is a dimensionless quantity.

See if you can rewrite the Schrodinger equation in terms of ##\tilde{r}## and ##\tilde{E}## and ##a## and ##b##. Then choose the constants ##a## and ##b## so that the Schrodinger equation becomes dimensionless of the form $$(-\frac{d^2}{d\tilde{r}^2} + \tilde{r})u = \tilde{E}u$$
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  • #3
This clears it all up, thank you. I was getting caught on the units of u(r) because I was thinking that it was not dimensionless but infact it is. So the idea behind this problem to convert everything else in this equation into dimensionless variables and then from that a relation can be obtained between the dimensionless E and the E in the original equation. The term relating the two E's is related to the allowed energies. But this doesn't mean we have solved for the allowed energies, maybe just an order of magnitude or something.
  • #4
The wavefunction u(r) is not dimensionless since |u(r)|2 represents a probability per unit length. However, the dimensions of u(r) are not important in this question because u(r) appears on both sides of the Schrodinger equation so that its dimensions automatically cancel out. In other words, you could introduce a dimensionless [itex]\widetilde{u}[/itex](r) such that u(r) = λ[itex]\widetilde{u}[/itex](r) where λ is some constant with dimensions (length)-1/2, but λ would just cancel out when you rewrote the equation in terms of [itex]\widetilde{u}[/itex](r).

As you say, going over to the dimensionless form of the Schrodinger equation still doesn't tell you what the energy levels are. But, it does tell you that if you solved the dimensionless equation for the dimensionless energy levels [itex]\widetilde{E}[/itex], then the energy levels for the original problem would be ##E = (\frac{\hbar^2 k^2}{2m})^{1/3}\widetilde{E}##. That provides some very useful information. For example, if you replace the particle with a different particle with 8 times as much mass, then all of the energy levels would be reduced by 1/2. So you can see how the energy levels scale with the various parameters of the system.
  • #5
Well if u(r) is defined at u(r)=r*R(r), where R(r) is the radial part of the wave function, what are the units of R(r)?
  • #6
[EDITED] If R(r) is the radial part of the wavefunction: ψ = R(r)Y(θ,∅), then R(r) would have dimensions of length-3/2. So, u would have dimensions of length -1/2.

But I don't think the dimensions of u(r) makes any difference regarding this problem.
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Related to Solving the radial Schroedinger equation with a linear potentail

What is the radial Schroedinger equation?

The radial Schroedinger equation is a mathematical equation that describes the behavior of a quantum particle, such as an electron, in a spherically symmetric potential. It is a key component of quantum mechanics and is used to determine the energy levels and wave function of the particle.

What is a linear potential?

A linear potential is a type of potential energy function that increases or decreases in a linear fashion with distance. In the context of the radial Schroedinger equation, it is often used to model the potential energy experienced by a particle in a one-dimensional space.

Why is it important to solve the radial Schroedinger equation with a linear potential?

Solving the radial Schroedinger equation with a linear potential allows us to study and understand the behavior of quantum particles in a simplified yet mathematically tractable system. This can provide insights into more complex systems and aid in the development of new technologies, such as quantum computing.

What are the steps involved in solving the radial Schroedinger equation with a linear potential?

The first step is to substitute the linear potential into the radial Schroedinger equation, which yields a second-order differential equation. This equation can then be solved using various techniques, such as separation of variables or the power series method. Once the general solution is obtained, it can be applied to specific cases by applying boundary conditions and determining the energy levels and wave function of the particle.

What are some real-world applications of solving the radial Schroedinger equation with a linear potential?

The radial Schroedinger equation with a linear potential has many applications in quantum mechanics and related fields. It is used to study the behavior of electrons in atoms, as well as the properties of molecules and solids. It is also used in the development of semiconductor devices and in the design of quantum algorithms for computing.

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