Solve Constrained Motion Question: Car Skids Off Path

In summary, the conversation revolves around solving a physics problem involving a car traveling on a path described by y = 0.2x^(3/2) with a speed of v = 4.8t. The question asks for the x position at which the car skids off the path, taking into account the friction force. The conversation discusses various methods of solving the problem, including parametrizing the curve, calculating the radius of curvature, and using Newton's second law to find the position when the centripetal force is equal to the friction force. There is some confusion about the direction of the friction force and the use of vector calculus. Ultimately, the conversation suggests using the arc length element and finding the acceleration in the
  • #1
[Mentors note: Thread moved from the Classical Physics forum after it had been replied to, hence the lack of a homework template]

Hey I have been trying to solve this problem for the last few days with no luck.


a car starts from rest at the origin and travels along the path given by y=0.2 x ^(3/2) and picking up speed in accordance with v = 4.8 t. At which x position does the car skid off the path? Friction force is known as well (Ff)Attempt at answer:

I parametrized the curve in terms of time, r(t) = <t, 0.2t^3/2> , calculated the radius of curvature (R) as a function of t, and used this to solve for the centripetal force using Fc = mv^2 / R , where v=4.8t . Then I said that the force of friction always acts in the inward normal direction to keep the car from going off the path. The road exerts a reaction force on the vehicle equal to - Fc . Therefore using Newtons second law i solved for the position t when Fc = Ff. This all makes sense to me although I've been told this is not the correct method. Any thoughts are appreciated. Thanks
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  • #2
y is some distance and v is speed? So we know y-distance as function of time and we know speed? Does that mean you have to find the x-position based on those two equations?

Or is it just a typo and the equation for y depends on x?
  • #3
Ah yea my bad, the path is y(x) = 0.2 x^3/2 and the speed is a function of time
  • #4
Since v(t) is not given as a vector, we must assume that it is the speed along the road. Now the arc length element ds is given by ds2=dx2+dy2. Your equations gives y(x) = 0.2 x^3/2, so dy = 0.2⋅3⋅x2/2 dx or [itex]ds=\sqrt{1+0.3x^{2}}dx [/itex]. Since v(t) = at, where a = 4.8m/s2, the position at t = τ is given by [itex] s(\tau)=\frac{1}{2}a\tau^{2}[/itex]. Now, the tangent vector [itex]\vec{t}= \frac{d\vec{r}}{ds} [/itex] and the curvature is given as [itex]\kappa = \vert\frac{d\vec{t}}{ds}\vert [/itex]. ...
  • #5
Together with the centripetal force, we also have to take the acceleration along the direction of motion into account. The friction force has to "cover" both.
  • #6
Thanks for the replies. Still a little confused.

The question is asking for the x position of the vehicle, not the distance covered along the path so would I still need to use arc length?

I think what I am getting confused about is direction of the friction force. Am I wrong to assume that the friction force only acts in the direction normal to the path of travel? Would there be a force that is always acting in the tangential direction Ft=4.8m since the velocity is increasing at a constant rate? Then the net force would be the tangential force plus the centripetal force and friction would have to act to oppose those combined forces?

Oh also note i corrected the equation of the path to make it more clear. Its y(x) = 0.2 x ^(3/2)
  • #7
You'll need the arc length to find the relations y(t) and x(t), otherwise how would you know where you are at a specific speed?
neemer said:
Then the net force would be the tangential force plus the centripetal force and friction would have to act to oppose those combined forces?
  • #8
Hmm okay. I have y(t) and x(t) now so I have r(t) = < x(t), y(t) > . Only thing is that these vectors are getting really complicated to the point i can only work with them in maple, and most of my class has never even seen vector calculus so I am starting to think there has to be a much simpler solution.

since the centripetal force is given by Fc= (mv^2) /r , and v is known, would it be possible to solve it using just this info? like when the magnatude of tangental and centripetal force components is equal to force of friction? So far I am just getting more confused.
  • #9
You'll need r for that formula.
I think the curvature approach is a detour. x(t) and y(t) allow to calculate the acceleration in y and x direction, which gives the total acceleration.
  • #10
I think i might have made a mistake getting x(t) and y(t).

I integrated ds from 0 to x so I had arc length as function of x, s(x) and then set s(x) = 1/2 *4.8*t^2 and solved for x. as far as I know this would be x(t) which i could use in my parametrization of the curve r(t) but this function is impossible to work it takes up a full line in maple and is full of square roots and such. Seeing as though we are not expected to know vector calc, there must be another solution method that I am missing. Even when i continue with maple to solve the problem I end get getting 4 solutions most of which are complex numbers.
  • #11
neemer said:
Oh also note i corrected the equation of the path to make it more clear. Its y(x) = 0.2 x ^(3/2)
This changes several terms. Now dy = 0.2⋅(3/2)⋅x^(1/2)⋅dx, and [itex]ds=\sqrt{1+0.09x}dx [/itex]...
  • #12
Ah yea I realized that before and made the correction but thanks. What would x(t) be? I have an answer but its so long I am having a hard time thinking its right.
  • #13
neemer said:
What would x(t) be?
Taking the indefinite integral on each side, we get [itex] s=\frac{2}{3\cdot 0.09}(\sqrt{1+0.09x})^{3}+C[/itex]. SInce x=0 when s=0, C=0.
  • #14
So then i set this equal to 1/2 * 4.8 ^ t^2 and solved so I have x(t). so now I have my position vector in terms of time. r(t)=<x(t) , 0.2*x(t)^(3/2) > , now differentiating this x2 i get a(t) i believe. Since the only force acting on the vehicle is friction, and this opposes the net acceleration, would the vehicle slip when the magnitude of a(t) = Ff ?
  • #16
neemer said:
now differentiating this x2 i get a(t) i believe
Not quite. [itex]\frac{d\vec{r}}{dt}=\vec{v}(t)=(\frac{dx(t)}{dt},\frac{dy(t)}{dt}) [/itex]. The acceleration is then given by [itex]\frac{d\vec{v}}{dt}=\vec{a}(t)=(\frac{d^{2}x(t)}{dt^{2}}, \frac{d^{2}y(t)}{dt^{2}}) [/itex]. The magnitude of the acceleration is then √(ax(t)2+(ay(t)2).
  • #17
Thanks for help, finally got the correct answer last night

Related to Solve Constrained Motion Question: Car Skids Off Path

1. What is constrained motion?

Constrained motion refers to the motion of an object that is limited or restricted by certain external factors, such as forces, obstacles, or boundaries.

2. How is constrained motion relevant to a car skidding off its path?

In the scenario of a car skidding off its path, the car's motion is constrained by external factors such as the friction between the tires and the road, the car's velocity, and the angle at which it leaves the road. These constraints affect the car's trajectory and ultimately determine where it comes to a stop.

3. What factors contribute to a car skidding off its path?

Several factors can contribute to a car skidding off its path, including the road surface conditions (e.g. wet, icy, or uneven), the speed of the car, the condition of the tires, and the driver's reaction time and handling of the vehicle.

4. How can we calculate the distance a car skids off its path?

The distance a car skids off its path can be calculated using the car's initial velocity, the coefficient of friction between the tires and the road, and the angle at which the car leaves the road. This calculation can be done using principles of physics and mathematics, such as Newton's laws of motion and trigonometry.

5. Can we prevent a car from skidding off its path?

While it is not always possible to prevent a car from skidding off its path, there are certain precautions that can be taken to reduce the chances of it happening. These include maintaining proper tire pressure and tread, driving at appropriate speeds for the road conditions, and practicing safe and defensive driving techniques.

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