Solve Connect Four Game Homework with C#

  • Thread starter Veronica_Oles
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In summary: row1++; } } } row2++; } }
  • #1

Homework Statement

Trying to make the connect four game on C#.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I need to make the horizontal check work which it is not working and I do not know why?
I need to also make the vertical check work for the other player and am not sure why its not working either?

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace C4
    public partial class Form1 : Form

        static int[,] board = new int[6, 7];
        static Button[] one = new Button[6];
        static Button[] two = new Button[6];
        static Button[] three = new Button[6];
        static Button[] four = new Button[6];
        static Button[] five = new Button[6];
        static Button[] six = new Button[6];
        static Button[] seven = new Button[6];

        static int row1 = 0;
        static int row2 = 0;
        static int row3 = 0;
        static int row4 = 0;
        static int row5 = 0;
        static int row6 = 0;
        static int row7 = 0;

        int turn = 0;

        static int games = 0;

        static int player1_wins = 0;

        static int player2_wins = 0;

        public Form1()


        private void button28_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            button28.Enabled = false;


        private void button16_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        {            for (int i = 5; i > -1; i--)

                if (board[i, 0] == 0)
                    if (turn == 0)
                        board[i, 0] = 1;
                        one[i].BackColor = Color.Red;
                        turn = 1;
                        board[i, 0] = 2;
                        one[i].BackColor = Color.Yellow;
                        turn = 0;

                    one[i].Visible = true;
                    i = -1;


            if (row1 == 6)

                button16.Enabled = false;
                button16.Text = "Full";

            textBox1.Text = check_winner_v().ToString();
            textBox2.Text = check_winner_h().ToString();

        private void init_board()
        {            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)

                for (int j = 0; j < 7; j++)
                {                    board[i, j] = 0;


            }        }        private void button18_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            {                for (int i = 5; i > -1; i--)

                    if (board[i, 2] == 0)
                        if (turn == 0)
                            board[i, 2] = 1;
                           three[i].BackColor = Color.Red;
                            turn = 1;
                            board[i, 2] = 2;
                            three[i].BackColor = Color.Yellow;
                            turn = 0;

                        three[i].Visible = true;
                        i = -1;


                if (row3 == 6)

                    button18.Enabled = false;
                    button18.Text = "Full";

                textBox1.Text = check_winner_v().ToString();
                textBox2.Text = check_winner_h().ToString();
        private void button19_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            {                for (int i = 5; i > -1; i--)

                    if (board[i, 3] == 0)
                        if (turn == 0)
                            board[i, 3] = 1;
                            four[i].BackColor = Color.Red;
                            turn = 1;
                            board[i, 3] = 2;
                            four[i].BackColor = Color.Yellow;
                            turn = 0;

                        four[i].Visible = true;
                        i = -1;


                if (row4 == 6)

                    button19.Enabled = false;
                    button19.Text = "Full";

                textBox1.Text = check_winner_v().ToString();
                textBox2.Text = check_winner_h().ToString();

        private void button20_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            for (int i = 5; i > -1; i--)

                if (board[i, 4] == 0)
                    if (turn == 0)
                        board[i, 4] = 1;
                        five[i].BackColor = Color.Red;
                        turn = 1;
                        board[i, 4] = 2;
                        five[i].BackColor = Color.Yellow;
                        turn = 0;

                    five[i].Visible = true;
                    i = -1;


            if (row5 == 6)

                button20.Enabled = false;
                button20.Text = "Full";

            textBox1.Text = check_winner_v().ToString();
            textBox2.Text = check_winner_h().ToString();
        private void button8_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            for (int i = 5; i > -1; i--)

                if (board[i, 5] == 0)
                    if (turn == 0)
                        board[i, 5] = 1;
                        six[i].BackColor = Color.Red;
                        turn = 1;
                        board[i, 5] = 2;
                        six[i].BackColor = Color.Yellow;
                        turn = 0;

                    six[i].Visible = true;
                    i = -1;


            if (row6 == 6)

                button8.Enabled = false;
                button8.Text = "Full";

            textBox1.Text = check_winner_v().ToString();
            textBox2.Text = check_winner_h().ToString();


        private void button21_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            for (int i = 5; i > -1; i--)

                if (board[i, 6] == 0)
                    if (turn == 0)
                        board[i, 6] = 1;
                        seven[i].BackColor = Color.Red;
                        turn = 1;
                        board[i, 6] = 2;
                        seven[i].BackColor = Color.Yellow;
                        turn = 0;

                    seven[i].Visible = true;
                    i = -1;


            if (row7 == 6)

                button21.Enabled = false;
                button21.Text = "Full";

            textBox1.Text = check_winner_v().ToString();
            textBox2.Text = check_winner_h().ToString();


        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            one[0] = button22;
            one[1] = button23;
            one[2] = button24;
            one[3] = button25;
            one[4] = button26;
            one[5] = button27;

            two[0] = button29;
            two[1] = button30;
            two[2] = button31;
            two[3] = button32;
            two[4] = button33;
            two[5] = button34;

            three[0] = button35;
            three[1] = button36;
            three[2] = button37;
            three[3] = button38;
            three[4] = button39;
            three[5] = button40;

            four[0] = button41;
            four[1] = button42;
            four[2] = button43;
            four[3] = button44;
            four[4] = button45;
            four[5] = button46;

            five[0] = button47;
            five[1] = button48;
            five[2] = button49;
            five[3] = button50;
            five[4] = button51;
            five[5] = button52;

            six[0] = button53;
            six[1] = button54;
            six[2] = button55;
            six[3] = button56;
            six[4] = button57;
            six[5] = button58;

            seven[0] = button59;
            seven[1] = button60;
            seven[2] = button61;
            seven[3] = button62;
            seven[4] = button63;
            seven[5] = button64;

        }        private void button65_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            AboutBox1 help = new AboutBox1();

        private void button66_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Form2 rules = new Form2();

        private Boolean check_winner_v()

            Boolean winner = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)

                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)

                    if (board[j, 0] == 1 && board[j + 1, 0] == 1 && board[j + 2, 0] == 1 && board[j + 3, 0] == 1)

                        winner = true;

                        if (board[j, i] == 1)
                            player1_wins = 1;

                            player2_wins = 2;

            return winner;


        private Boolean check_winner_h()
            Boolean winner2 = false;

                for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                        if (board[0, j] == 1 && board[0, j + 1] == 1 && board[0, j + 2] == 1 && board[0, j + 3] == 1 && board[0, j + 4] == 1)
                            winner2 = true;
                return winner2;

        private void button67_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            label1.Visible = true;
            label2.Visible = true;
            label3.Visible = true;
            label4.Visible = true;

            textBox3.Text = games.ToString();
            textBox4.Text = player1_wins.ToString();
            textBox5.Text = player2_wins.ToString();

            textBox3.Visible = true;
            textBox4.Visible = true;
            textBox5.Visible = true;
            textBox6.Visible = true;
        private void button17_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
            for (int i = 5; i > -1; i--)

                if (board[i, 1] == 0)
                    if (turn == 0)
                        board[i, 1] = 1;
                        two[i].BackColor = Color.Red;
                        turn = 1;
                        board[i, 1] = 2;
                        two[i].BackColor = Color.Yellow;
                        turn = 0;

                    two[i].Visible = true;
                    i = -1;


            if (row2 == 6)

                button17.Enabled = false;
                button17.Text = "Full";

            textBox1.Text = check_winner_v().ToString();
            textBox2.Text = check_winner_h().ToString();
        }       }
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  • #2
This is an unreasonable request. You can't just dump your program on PF and expect anyone to tell you why it doesn't work.

The proper way is to isolate the problem down to a few lines, show the data you got and why you think it isn't working. Often just by doing this you will discover the source of the problem for yourself.

Do you have access to a debugger where you can step through your code and verify things are working as you expected?
  • #3
jedishrfu said:
This is an unreasonable request. You can't just dump your program on PF and expect anyone to tell you why it doesn't work.

The proper way is to isolate the problem down to a few lines, show the data you got and why you think it isn't working. Often just by doing this you will discover the source of the problem for yourself.

Do you have access to a debugger where you can step through your code and verify things are working as you expected?
I did not mean to just dump it that was not my intention what so ever. Still trying to figure this out. I will fix it when I get the chance.
  • #4
Its not the dumping action as much as the notion of :"I don't know what's wrong with my code here is my 1000 line program." Sometimes a programmer needs the whole pie to figure it out.

The issue is you need to isolate it down as much as you can. You need to describe the user actions you took to replicate the problem such that if I ran the same set of steps then I should see the same problem.

I'm trying to show you how a programmer will handle this issue as we do have these kinds of problems with our code all the time.

Do you have a debugger that you can use on your code?

Alternatively you can create a kind of audit trail using print statements everywhere to see what is going on. The Print statement is your friend and is the oldest debugging tool around.
  • #5
jedishrfu said:
Its not the dumping action as much as the notion of :"I don't know what's wrong with my code here is my 1000 line program." Sometimes a programmer needs the whole pie to figure it out.

The issue is you need to isolate it down as much as you can. You need to describe the user actions you took to replicate the problem such that if I ran the same set of steps then I should see the same problem.

I'm trying to show you how a programmer will handle this issue as we do have these kinds of problems with our code all the time.

Do you have a debugger that you can use on your code?

Alternatively you can create a kind of audit trail using print statements everywhere to see what is going on. The Print statement is your friend and is the oldest debugging tool around.
Shoot sorry I'll fix it. And quite sure I don't have have a debugging tool.
  • #6
Veronica_Oles said:
And quite sure I don't have have a debugging tool.
I see that you've invoked System.Windows.Forms (one of your "using" statements). That tells me that you are probably using Microsoft Visual Studio to compile the program. Visual Studio has a built in debugger. (This is true even for the free version.)

Set a breakpoint (by clicking in the left margin) in your code in a place where you want to start checking stuff. You can step through your code using F10 and F11 (Step Over and Step Into). If you want to then let the code run automatically until the next breakpoint, click the "Continue" button.

When the code is halted, a debug window should open up allowing you to inspect local variables and also other variables on your "watch" list.
  • #7
Veronica_Oles said:

Homework Statement

Trying to make the connect four game on C#.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I need to make the horizontal check work which it is not working and I do not know why?
I need to also make the vertical check work for the other player and am not sure why its not working either?
In addition to what jedishrfu said about dumping a long chunk of code on us with little explanation of what is wrong, is there some reason you posted two copied of what appears to be the same code?
  • #8
Mark44 said:
In addition to what jedishrfu said about dumping a long chunk of code on us with little explanation of what is wrong, is there some reason you posted two copied of what appears to be the same code?
That was an accident.
  • #9
collinsmark said:
I see that you've invoked System.Windows.Forms (one of your "using" statements). That tells me that you are probably using Microsoft Visual Studio to compile the program. Visual Studio has a built in debugger. (This is true even for the free version.)

Set a breakpoint (by clicking in the left margin) in your code in a place where you want to start checking stuff. You can step through your code using F10 and F11 (Step Over and Step Into). If you want to then let the code run automatically until the next breakpoint, click the "Continue" button.

When the code is halted, a debug window should open up allowing you to inspect local variables and also other variables on your "watch" list.
I will do that when I can.
  • #11
jedishrfu said:
Did you find your problem?
Yes I fixed the issue with the checks.
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Likes jedishrfu

Related to Solve Connect Four Game Homework with C#

1. How do I create a Connect Four game using C#?

To create a Connect Four game using C#, you will need to use the .NET framework and the Unity game engine. You will also need to have a strong understanding of C# programming concepts such as classes, objects, and methods. You can find tutorials and resources online to help you get started.

2. Can I use a GUI for my Connect Four game in C#?

Yes, you can use a GUI (Graphical User Interface) for your Connect Four game in C#. The Unity game engine has built-in tools for creating a user-friendly interface for your game. You can also use external libraries or frameworks to create a custom GUI.

3. How can I implement the logic of the Connect Four game in C#?

To implement the logic of the Connect Four game in C#, you will need to use conditional statements, loops, and arrays. You will also need to keep track of the game board and the players' moves. It's important to plan and organize your code before starting the implementation process.

4. Can I add multiplayer functionality to my Connect Four game in C#?

Yes, you can add multiplayer functionality to your Connect Four game in C#. You can use networking libraries or APIs to connect players over the internet or create a local multiplayer option. You will also need to handle game synchronization and player communication in your code.

5. How do I test and debug my Connect Four game in C#?

To test and debug your Connect Four game in C#, you can use the debugging tools provided by the Unity game engine. You can set breakpoints, inspect variables, and step through your code to identify and fix any errors. It's also helpful to have a group of players test your game and provide feedback for further improvements.

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