Social and (Maybe) Technical Issues in Organic Chemistry Lab

In summary, the person is sharing their experience of feeling targeted and judged in their Organic Chemistry lab due to their social anxiety and slower lab skills. They have made efforts to be more prepared and safe in their lab work, but still face criticism and impatience from their lab instructor and assistant. They have also observed that their professor is less sympathetic and more judgmental in the lab compared to their lectures.
  • #1
bourbon bait
Hi, this is my first post. I'm generally more of a blog/message board reader than a contributor, but there's really been something that has been eating away at me, making it difficult for me sleep at night. (Note: long post coming up)

Last semester in Organic Chemistry I, I made a huge error, which caused an explosion that had the potential to really hurt someone (no one was hurt, thankfully, because I placed the shield down, as I always do, when I operate that machine). It was on a "TONS-OF-RAM" pressure-exerting device that compresses finely powdered solids into a disk than can be fed into an IR machine. Like many of the lab-related posts I dug up on this website, I do suffer from social anxiety and so I appear more frustrated and lost during labs. So, all in all, I looked like the lab lackey that everyone felt sorry for last semester. It takes me a tad bit longer to follow instructions, but while I tend to be one of the last ones to finish the lab, I am by not by any means unusually slow.

This semester, I took steps towards being prepared for labs ahead of time and I am generally comfortable with the labs I am doing. However, my lab instructor and lab assistant seemed to already have me pegged as a disaster case. I am constantly told to "read the directions" by my instructor even though the questions I raise are not questions that even my fellow labmates can answer (and asking my lab mates first before approaching the lab instructor is how I know my questions aren't unreasonable). I suspect I look lost and confused because my countenance during concentration is that of a grimace. Consider the following cases:

1. I was given an unknown compound, different from the ones my classmates received, and the goal was for me to use certain tests to figure out the identity of the compound. I ran a 2,4-DNP test and got a negative for ketones and aldehydes. I continued on to other tests and later asked my professor of my progress. He asked if I heated the 2,4-DNP test tubes and I said no, to which he responded with an annoyed tone of voice that I should "read the directions." So I reconduct the test and realized that the tests revealed a positive. I told him that I really should have followed the directions all the way through and I didn't know why I didn't carry them through: "I was just impatient, I guess" is what I told him.

A few days later, I realized that I didn't follow through because the lab assistant told me that heating was "generally unnecessary, although you could do it if you wanted," and that (!) was the real reason why I didn't follow through. What was implicit in her message was that doing so was not the most efficient use of time.

2. Later on in the experiment I was running the appropriate derivative test to confirm the compound from two possible remaining compounds I had narrowed down. I was doing a recrystallization and I encountered a novel situation of the solution "popping," and a drop of the solution had already bounced out of the Erlenmeyer onto the hot plate (not safe). So I lowered the temperature and considered out loud that perhaps I should drop a boiling chip into the solution. A lab mate who is considered to have better laboratory techniques (who had already finished the lab) counseled against it and came up to me and showed me how to control the popping by using a glass pipette and lightly scratching the bottom the Erlenmeyer during heating... only to have the professor come up to me as remark that "this is not how a recrystallization is done." He basically sat down and did the recrystallization for me. I stood there next to him looking helpless.

I am aware that the a recrystallization requires a rolling boil, but I have never recrystallized from a solution that pops out the Erlenmeyer, and in the context of this situation, I lowered the temperature dial for a bit to get everything under control first. The professor didn't even give me a chance to explain. The lab mate who initially tried to help and saw the whole thing basically apologized, but I realized at that moment that while the professor generally assists other classmates with a softer tone, I don't get benefit of a helpful attitude.

3. Properly reading the labels of a reagent bottle is an important skill in lab. Mistaking one label for another with a slightly different name can have disasterous effects. I misread a label once, and got the same annoyed reaction from my lab professor, only to have someone, who is considered to have superior lab skills by the professor, whisper in consolation that he, in fact, had made the same error (but was not caught).

The only thing running through my mind right now is that he will continue to find more mistakes if he continues to watch over me EXPECTING to find something wrong. The lab assistant will actually come up and look at the bottle of solution I've taken out to make sure I didn't misread. I feel that he scrutinizes me much closer than the others, so of course, he's bound to find something if he looks hard enough and will see less in others he thinks are doing just fine.

All in all, I had made it a point to be extra safe this semester by reading the instructions more than once and by asking the lab assistant or professor when I had even the slightest bit of doubt. I just want to note that in lecture, he is one of the best professors I've ever had: kind, understanding, entertaining, and able to teach very well. In lab, however, he is less sympathetic and much more judgemental. He basically said at the end of the first semester that laboratory isn't my area. And when I offered that I just need a bit more practice, he responds that there aren't such opportunities (read: sink or swim).

I'm a bit weak in lab, but this is something I want to do. Lab itself isn't a nightmare for me like a few others have posted. It is the opinions/attitude of the instructor that makes it a living hell. Most people gravitate towards things they are good at, but my interests are not dictated by my general aptitude. So, to have a generally easygoing instructor tell me in a serious tone of voice that I just don't have what it takes to work in a lab is quite traumatic. I've heard many say that in terms of lab, you either can do it or you can't, but I refuse to believe that a lab class is different from any other class. If you fail, you'll just have to retake it. I don't think any instructor goes up to his/her failing students, whether it's psychology or english, that they just don't have what it takes to study that respective field. Failing one class is hardly grounds for the university administration to drop a student from a major (I am actually at a junior college, though).

Anyone here with advice? I look up to my professors/instructors as life mentors, as well, and when the relationship gets slightly less than amicable, it becomes quite the traumatic situation. And if my social anxiety and lack of affability is the culprit, what should I do? A good friend has told me that my tone of voice comes out as condescending sometimes, even though she knows I am not trying to communicate such a sentiment. So perhaps the instructor feels I am trying to challenge him. But like the speech impediment I also have of lisping, it is not something I can correct if I can't even hear it myself.
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  • #2

I am sorry to hear about your negative experiences in the lab. It is important for all students to feel safe and supported while conducting experiments, and it seems like you have not been receiving that from your lab instructor and assistant. It is also concerning that you feel like you are being judged and scrutinized more closely than your classmates.

First of all, I want to assure you that making mistakes in the lab is completely normal and expected. Science is all about trial and error, and it is through mistakes that we learn and improve. Your lab instructor should be providing a supportive and educational environment for you to learn and grow as a scientist, not making you feel like a failure.

I would recommend speaking to your lab instructor privately about your concerns. It is important to address these issues in a calm and professional manner. Explain to him how his actions and words have made you feel and ask for his advice on how you can improve in the lab. It may also be helpful to ask for specific feedback on your lab work and how you can improve.

Additionally, it might be beneficial for you to seek out a tutor or extra help from your lab assistant. They may be able to provide you with additional guidance and support in the lab.

In terms of your social anxiety and potential tone of voice, I would suggest seeking out resources on campus for help with communication skills. Many universities offer workshops or counseling services to help students improve their communication skills. It is important to address these issues so that you can effectively communicate with your lab instructor and colleagues.

Remember, you have a right to feel safe and supported in the lab. Do not let anyone make you feel like you are not meant to be a scientist. Keep working hard and seeking out help and guidance, and I am confident that you will succeed in the lab.

Best of luck to you.

Related to Social and (Maybe) Technical Issues in Organic Chemistry Lab

1. What are some common social and technical issues in organic chemistry lab?

Some common social and technical issues in organic chemistry lab include lack of communication among lab members, equipment malfunctions, contamination of samples, and safety hazards.

2. How can social issues affect the outcome of an organic chemistry experiment?

Social issues, such as conflicts among lab members or lack of teamwork, can lead to miscommunication and mistakes in the experiment, ultimately affecting the accuracy and reliability of the results.

3. What are some ways to address and prevent technical issues in the lab?

To address and prevent technical issues in the lab, it is important to regularly maintain and calibrate equipment, properly label and store chemicals, and follow safety protocols. It is also helpful to have a system in place for reporting and addressing any technical issues that arise.

4. How can lab members work together to avoid social issues in the lab?

Lab members can work together to avoid social issues by communicating effectively, respecting each other's opinions and ideas, and establishing clear roles and responsibilities within the lab. It is also important to address any conflicts or issues in a timely and respectful manner.

5. What steps can be taken to ensure a safe and productive organic chemistry lab environment?

To ensure a safe and productive organic chemistry lab environment, it is important to follow all safety protocols and guidelines, properly train lab members on equipment and procedures, and regularly communicate and address any concerns or issues that may arise. It is also beneficial to establish a positive and collaborative lab culture.

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