So.... The multiverse is unscientificly sound?

In summary, according to the multiverse theory, there is no beginning or end to spacetime, and everything just kinda keeps going.
  • #1
According to science everything has a beginning and an end, even infenent genius. But the multiverse has no beginning and no end, it just keeps going. So in that line of thought, is science really fact, or just people trying to explained things like ancient cultures and their deities?
btw, I'm in middle school.
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  • #2
Hi, I'm in middle school too. Before you get a fairly rude response, I'll have a go at it. 1+1=2. Fact? Yes, but humans made up math to explain why if I have one stone and add another stone to it, I get two stones. Science is just like that, because it tries to explain things (not so mythical as your examples) and is fact. Now, to the multiverse part. As a side note, be careful throwing around the term multiverse, especially around here. The multiverse theory is an interesting one, because it catches people's attention while having no exparimental evidence. Some people on PF get mad when you confuse popular science with real hard science involving lots of math. I made that mistake one too many times. If you go into the issues about spacetime (I will refer to your multiverse as spacetime) people say that spacetime did have a begining, and it did not. Saying spacetime had a beginning implies time outside of spacetime, so there has never been a time without spacetime, but at the same time, saying spacetime is infinite is not exactly correct (so in other words, according to the Big Bang which is widely accepted, there was a "begining" to spacetime, but there was never a time without spacetime). It's hard to wrap your head around, but eventually you'll get it. I hope that helps!
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Likes fresh_42 and AKatheriene
  • #3
So what your saying is there was a time before what we consider the beginning of time. That makes sense, but according to the multiverse theory, everything just kinda keeps on going, so there would be no beginning or end, which is not scientific. It's the same thing size, you can get infenently bigger and infenently smaller, and time (the general term) there had to be something before the "beginning" or there would be nothing at all.
  • #4
One thing to bear in mind is that a Multiverse is not something which is known to exist.
It's a concept that is implied by string theories, and some interpretations of Quantum Mechanics.
We have no evidence at all that it's a real thing, so it definitely can't be called a fact.
At best it's an idea that might be true if certain given assumptions are true, --- and we don't know if they are.
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  • #5
It still doesn't make sense.
  • #6
AKatheriene said:
It still doesn't make sense.
Many would agree with you ...
  • #7
AKatheriene said:
According to science everything has a beginning and an end, even infenent genius. But the multiverse has no beginning and no end, it just keeps going. So in that line of thought, is science really fact, or just people trying to explained things like ancient cultures and their deities?
btw, I'm in middle school.

Science never said anything like that, some type of philosophy did. Science doesn't care about what's nice, makes sense, or tickles fancies- only results; further, science isn't fact. It's a constantly expanding body of knowledge and approximations on how nature seems to behave given a set of constraints.

Anyone who says science does anymore than that is either deluded, a crackpot, or both.
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Likes DrewD and DrClaude
  • #8
AKatheriene said:
So what your saying is there was a time before what we consider the beginning of time.
Nope, I am saying the exact opposite. There was nothing before spacetime. Spacetime has not been here infinitely, but it did not have a beginning. It is very hard to understand. Let me think of a few good analogies and I'll get back to you.
Also, perhaps the most important thing I said in my previous comment was the validity of the multiverse theory, or lack thereof. It has no exparimental evidence for it. You can't say it is not true for sure, but let's not call it fact.
  • #9
By no beginning I mean there was no time before it.
  • #10
AKatheriene said:
According to science everything has a beginning and an end,

Does science say that? Who is saying that where?
I suspect that the answer is that no one is really saying that, you're kind of assuming it. If that's what going on, this thread is a going to be futile because it's based in a false premise (although there are plenty of other threads, so I'd encourage you to stick around and read some of them). Thus, this is thread is closed.

If I am mistaken and you do indeed have a source, someone who is saying that "according to science everything has a beginning and an end", then PM one of the mentors and we can reopen the thread for discussion of that claim.

Related to So.... The multiverse is unscientificly sound?

1. What is the multiverse theory?

The multiverse theory is a scientific hypothesis that suggests the existence of multiple universes beyond our own observable universe. It proposes that there are other universes with their own unique physical laws and properties, which may or may not be similar to our own.

2. How is the multiverse theory supported?

The multiverse theory is currently not supported by any scientific evidence. It is purely a theoretical concept that is based on mathematical equations and theoretical physics. However, some scientists argue that the theory could potentially explain certain observations, such as the fine-tuning of our universe's physical constants.

3. Why is the multiverse theory considered unscientific?

The multiverse theory is considered unscientific because it cannot be tested or falsified through empirical evidence. This goes against the fundamental principles of the scientific method, which requires theories to be testable and falsifiable in order to be considered valid.

4. Are there any alternative theories to the multiverse?

Yes, there are alternative theories that attempt to explain the observed fine-tuning of our universe without relying on the concept of a multiverse. These include the anthropic principle, which suggests that the physical laws of our universe are the way they are because they allow for the existence of life.

5. Could the multiverse theory ever be proven?

It is currently impossible to prove or disprove the existence of a multiverse, as we do not have the technology or means to observe or test other universes. However, some scientists believe that advancements in physics and technology may one day provide evidence for or against the multiverse theory.

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