Showing that V is a direct sum of two subspaces

In summary: U_i##'s. But that's okay, because we can still form the smallest subspace containing all of the ##U_i##'s by taking the union of all of the subspaces containing just one of the ##U_i##'s. So the theorem always holds.Ah ok thanks for your explanation jbuniii. If it's not too much, I would also like to ask why this is true? ##V_1 - V_2 = V_1 + V_2## if we define subtraction to be ##\{ x-y | x \in V_1, y \in V_2 \}.## This doesn't feel intuitive at all
  • #1
Hi guys, I have this general question.

If we are asked to show that the direct sum of ##U+W=V##where ##U## and ##W## are subspaces of ##V=\mathbb{R}^{n}##, would it be possible for us to do so by showing that the generators of the ##U## and ##W## span ##V##? Afterwards we show that their intersection is a zero-vector. For example:

##U## is a subspace generated by ##(0,1)## and ##W## is a subspace generated by ##(2,2)##. Clearly those generators span two dimensional ##V##, and their intersection is ##(0,0)##. Therefore the conclusion can be made that their direct sum is ##V##. Is this kind of reasoning okay?
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  • #2
Yes, this reasoning is valid. In general, ##V## is the direct sum of ##U## and ##W## if and only if ##V = U+W## and ##U \cap W = \{0\}##. However, this is not the definition of direct sum, it's a (simple) theorem which you should try to prove.

However, be aware that this only works for two subspaces. If you have three or more subspaces, say ##\{U_i\}_{i=1}^{N}##, then it's possible to have ##V = U_1 + \ldots U_N## and ##U_i \cap U_j = \{0\}## for all ##i \neq j##, but the sum is not direct. It's a good exercise to construct an example where this occurs.
  • #3
jbunniii said:
Yes, this reasoning is valid. In general, ##V## is the direct sum of ##U## and ##W## if and only if ##V = U+W## and ##U \cap W = \{0\}##. However, this is not the definition of direct sum, it's a (simple) theorem which you should try to prove.

However, be aware that this only works for two subspaces. If you have three or more subspaces, say ##\{U_i\}_{i=1}^{N}##, then it's possible to have ##V = U_1 + \ldots U_N## and ##U_i \cap U_j = \{0\}## for all ##i \neq j##, but the sum is not direct. It's a good exercise to construct an example where this occurs.

Ah ok thanks for your explanation jbuniii. If it's not too much, I would also like to ask why this is true? ##V_1 - V_2 = V_1 + V_2## if we define subtraction to be ##\{ x-y | x \in V_1, y \in V_2 \}.## This doesn't feel intuitive at all, I thought the subtraction of two subspaces will somehow reduce the elements of the new subspace, why it could be equal to the sum of subspaces?
  • #4
Seydlitz said:
Ah ok thanks for your explanation jbuniii. If it's not too much, I would also like to ask why this is true? ##V_1 - V_2 = V_1 + V_2## if we define subtraction to be ##\{ x-y | x \in V_1, y \in V_2 \}.## This doesn't feel intuitive at all, I thought the subtraction of two subspaces will somehow reduce the elements of the new subspace, why it could be equal to the sum of subspaces?
Since ##y \in V_2## if and only if ##y \in -V_2##, it doesn't matter whether you add or subtract elements of ##V_2##, you get the same result in both cases: ##V_1 - V_2 = V_1 + V_2##.

Admittedly, the notation ##V_1 - V_2## can seem a bit misleading. Fortunately, since it is the same as ##V_1 + V_2##, there's no reason to use ##V_1 - V_2##. :biggrin:

Note that you could even define ##aV_1 + bV_2 = \{a x + b y | x \in V_1, y \in V_2\}##, where ##a## and ##b## are nonzero scalars. Then ##V_1 - V_2## is just a special case with ##a=1## and ##b=-1##.

Once again we have ##aV_1 + bV_2 = V_1 + V_2## for any nonzero ##a,b##, because ##x \in aV_1## if and only if ##x \in V_1## and similarly, ##y \in V_2## if and only if ##y \in bV_2##. So we can just stick with the notation ##V_1 + V_2## since all the other "linear combinations" of ##V_1## and ##V_2## give the same result.
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  • #5
By the way, here's a bit of extra info in case it is helpful. Suppose we start with a collection of subspaces ##\{U_i\}_{i=1}^{N}## of ##V##. We may be interested in combining the ##U_i##'s to form a larger subspace. The naive thing to do would be to form the set theoretic union ##\cup_{i=1}^{N}U_i##. But this won't generally be a subspace.

So what we really want is the smallest subspace containing all of the ##U_i## (or equivalently, the smallest subspace containing ##\cup_{i=1}^{N}U_i##). This turns out to be exactly ##U_1 + \ldots + U_N##. Proof: certainly ##U_1 + \ldots + U_N## is a subspace containing each ##U_i##. If ##S## is another such subspace then it must contain all elements of the form ##u_1+\ldots+u_N## with ##u_i \in U_i##. Thus ##U_1 + \ldots + U_N \subset S## so ##U_1 + \ldots + U_N## is the smallest such subspace.

Now in general, the ##U_i##'s may not be "linearly independent" of each other: maybe there is some nonzero element of ##U_1## which can be expressed as a linear combination of elements of the other ##U_i##'s. But if they ARE linearly independent, then we say that the sum is a direct sum, and we write it as ##U_1 \oplus \ldots \oplus U_N## instead of ##U_1 + \ldots + U_N##. We can obtain a basis for a direct sum ##U_1 \oplus \ldots \oplus U_N## by simply selecting a basis ##B_i## for each ##U_i## and taking the union: ##B = \cup_{i=1}^{N} B_i##. Indeed, this union is disjoint because there are no common elements among the ##B_i##'s. In the finite-dimensional case, this immediately tells us that
$$\text{dim}(U_1 \oplus \ldots \oplus U_N) = \sum_{i=1}^{N}\text{dim}(U_i)$$
This is not true if the sum is not direct. In that case, all we can say is that
$$\text{dim}(U_1 + \ldots + U_N) \leq \sum_{i=1}^{N}\text{dim}(U_i)$$
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  • #6
Wow thanks for your detailed explanation. I just want to make sure for this last time that I understand this correctly.

jbunniii said:
Since ##y \in V_2## if and only if ##y \in -V_2##, it doesn't matter whether you add or subtract elements of ##V_2##, you get the same result in both cases: ##V_1 - V_2 = V_1 + V_2##.

Can I also intuitively think that ##V_2## = ##-V_2## if ##V## is a subspace, because if you multiply every elements in the subspace with -1, then you will basically get the same subspace because every element has an additive inverse? (In other words the negatives will become the positives and vice-versa)
  • #7
Seydlitz said:
Can I also intuitively think that ##V_2## = ##-V_2## if ##V## is a subspace, because if you multiply every elements in the subspace with -1, then you will basically get the same subspace because every element has an additive inverse? (In other words the negatives will become the positives and vice-versa)
Sure, the fact that ##V_2## is a subspace and therefore contains its additive inverses is exactly the reason why ##y \in V_2## if and only if ##y \in -V_2##, and this latter statement is the definition of set equality: we conclude that ##V_2 = -V_2##.

Related to Showing that V is a direct sum of two subspaces

1. What is the definition of a direct sum of two subspaces?

A direct sum of two subspaces is a vector space V that is the union of two subspaces, U and W, such that their intersection is only the zero vector and every vector in V can be written as the sum of a vector in U and a vector in W. In other words, V is the direct sum of U and W if and only if V = U + W and U ∩ W = {0}.

2. How can we show that V is a direct sum of two subspaces?

To show that V is a direct sum of two subspaces, we must first prove that V = U + W and U ∩ W = {0}. This can be done by demonstrating that every vector in V can be written as the sum of a vector in U and a vector in W, and that the only vector in both U and W is the zero vector.

3. What is the significance of proving that V is a direct sum of two subspaces?

Proving that V is a direct sum of two subspaces is significant because it allows us to decompose a vector space into smaller, more manageable subspaces. This can be useful in solving linear equations and studying the structure of a vector space.

4. Is the direct sum of two subspaces unique?

No, the direct sum of two subspaces is not unique. This is because there can be multiple ways to decompose a vector space into two subspaces that satisfy the conditions of a direct sum. However, the dimensions of the subspaces U and W will always be the same, which is equal to the dimension of V.

5. Can V be a direct sum of more than two subspaces?

Yes, V can be a direct sum of more than two subspaces. In fact, a vector space can be decomposed into a direct sum of any number of subspaces, as long as their intersection is only the zero vector and their sum equals V. However, the number of subspaces needed to form a direct sum may vary depending on the structure of V.

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