Should I Pursue a PhD in Physics or Settle for a Master's in Mathematics?

In summary, the person is a junior at their local university and is currently taking upper-level physics courses. They have made A's on 95% of their undergraduate courses required for the physics program and have an associate in arts degree. They are having issues as to whether or not they will be able to pursue a PhD level degree in physics and may have to settle for a Master's degree in Mathematics which is offered at their local universities. They are receiving grants and scholarships which are helping to offset some of the costs of their higher education, but they are having bills that are hindering their probability of moving anywhere. They are advised to stay away from credit cards if they are having financial troubles and to look into a student line of
  • #1
To make things short, I would like to teach college level physics as my future career choice. I am currently a junior at my local university starting their upper-level physics courses, spring semester 2009, therefore, I am still unaware as to what I am getting into. However, I did make A's on 95% of all my undergraduate courses required for the physics program and associate in arts degree. Given the economic woes we are currently facing along with the financial hardships my family is going through, I am having issues as to whether or not I might be able to pursue a PhD level degree in Physics and might have to settle for a Master's degree in Mathematics which is offered at my local universities whereas I would have to move out of where I am currently living to pursue a PhD in Physics or even a Master's because my family nor I can afford for me to move anytime soon. If I go with the Master's in Mathematics, I figured I could teach at my local community college for the time being and earn money to go back and enroll for graduate school in Physics - how does this idea sound? Also, I am receiving grants and scholarships, therefore, I am not being lazy in searching for extra funding for my higher education needs. Though, I do have bills and this is what is really hindering my probability of moving anywhere - is there anything I could do let's say if I did get accepted into a graduate school for physics where I could have my credit card bills temporarily suspended until I am done? Your advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Physics news on
  • #2
vladittude0583 said:
To make things short, I would like to teach college level physics as my future career choice. I am currently a junior at my local university starting their upper-level physics courses, spring semester 2009, therefore, I am still unaware as to what I am getting into. However, I did make A's on 95% of all my undergraduate courses required for the physics program and associate in arts degree.

Given the economic woes we are currently facing along with the financial hardships my family is going through, I am having issues as to whether or not I might be able to pursue a PhD level degree in Physics and might have to settle for a Master's degree in Mathematics which is offered at my local universities whereas I would have to move out of where I am currently living to pursue a PhD in Physics or even a Master's because my family nor I can afford for me to move anytime soon.

If I go with the Master's in Mathematics, I figured I could teach at my local community college for the time being and earn money to go back and enroll for graduate school in Physics - how does this idea sound? Also, I am receiving grants and scholarships, therefore, I am not being lazy in searching for extra funding for my higher education needs.

Though, I do have bills and this is what is really hindering my probability of moving anywhere - is there anything I could do let's say if I did get accepted into a graduate school for physics where I could have my credit card bills temporarily suspended until I am done? Your advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Proper paragraphing always helps. Others may not even bother reading a whole block of text.
  • #3
It sounds like you're expecting to just walk into a community college teaching position. Such positions can be very competative, and there may not be one available at that particular place the day you graduate either. If teaching at this level is your goal, a PhD is desirable.

Also, keep in mind that grad students generally get paid. It's not a lot, but it certainly beats undergrad.

is there anything I could do let's say if I did get accepted into a graduate school for physics where I could have my credit card bills temporarily suspended until I am done?

I would suggest you stay away from credit cards at all costs if you're having financial troubles. Secondly, if you need need it, you can look into a student line of credit, which generally makes you only accountable for interest payments on borrowed money until you graduate.
  • #4
Choppy is right - community college teaching positions can be very, very competitive. The local community college has, I believe, exactly one full-time faculty in physics. All the other instructors are part time. I expect that when he retires, they'll hire another one - but only when he retires.
  • #5
vladittude0583 said:
To make things short...


Anyway, this is kind of crazy, but I just this morning talked to a girl in your similar situation.. like.. damn.. lol.

I'll make this short.

This girl wanted to pursue a degree in a science. Her student loans were high when she got her B.S. and she wasn't sure what she wanted to do yet. So.. she went back to school for her masters. Student loans are defered up to 6 months after you graduate, regardless of how long you take. It's even better if you take on an advisor that pays you to work on funded research. She didn't work on any projects, so she still has debt, but her career required that she get a M.S... funny thing is.. she wants to teach now.. so she'll be getting her teaching certificate fairly soon.

Move your debt into student loans that will be deferred until after you find a job/six months. Most teaching positions at universities require a terminal degree in the field. PhD in almost all cases. Um.. teaching at a CC to hold you over.. yeah.. not sure if you'd want to do that.. but I can't really say. Good luck.
  • #6
vladittude0583 said:
To make things short, I would like to teach college level physics as my future career choice. I am currently a junior at my local university starting their upper-level physics courses, spring semester 2009, therefore, I am still unaware as to what I am getting into. However, I did make A's on 95% of all my undergraduate courses required for the physics program and associate in arts degree. Given the economic woes we are currently facing along with the financial hardships my family is going through, I am having issues as to whether or not I might be able to pursue a PhD level degree in Physics and might have to settle for a Master's degree in Mathematics which is offered at my local universities whereas I would have to move out of where I am currently living to pursue a PhD in Physics or even a Master's because my family nor I can afford for me to move anytime soon. If I go with the Master's in Mathematics, I figured I could teach at my local community college for the time being and earn money to go back and enroll for graduate school in Physics - how does this idea sound? Also, I am receiving grants and scholarships, therefore, I am not being lazy in searching for extra funding for my higher education needs. Though, I do have bills and this is what is really hindering my probability of moving anywhere - is there anything I could do let's say if I did get accepted into a graduate school for physics where I could have my credit card bills temporarily suspended until I am done? Your advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Given what other people in this thread have said about the competitive nature of the teaching position, you might want to think about alternative careers. A degree in mathematics can take you many places if you are really interested in it. There are a lot of analytical opportunities especially in statistics if you are that way inclined. Most of these however require education up to the honours level and possibly even up to the Masters/Postgraduate level. The jobs in these sorts of fields should help you pay your credit card bills as well.

I should comment that you would really have to want to do this because like any other mature developed/developing science, things can get real hard real quick and require a lot of dedication to nut them out properly and develop the right perspectives needed to solve real-world problems. So if you have an interest that's great enough to hold your attention long enough to master mathematics in some form, then it provide great benefits to you.

As for physics I can't really give you any advice here. I think that due to the flexibility that academia provides for people in that sort of employment, it would naturally be highly competitive. You could always work towards some sort of applied degree but that would lead more towards an engineering discipline or applied math discipline as stated above.

Good luck with your decisions for the future


Related to Should I Pursue a PhD in Physics or Settle for a Master's in Mathematics?

What are some steps I can take to find a career that I am passionate about?

1. Identify your interests and strengths: Reflect on your hobbies, skills, and values to determine what you enjoy and excel at.2. Research potential careers: Use resources such as career websites, job shadowing, and informational interviews to explore different career options.3. Consider your long-term goals: Think about where you see yourself in the future and what type of work would align with those goals.4. Seek guidance from a career counselor: A professional can help you assess your interests, skills, and goals to suggest potential career paths.5. Gain hands-on experience: Consider volunteering, internships, or part-time jobs to gain practical experience and insight into different industries and roles.

How can I transition to a new career without starting from the bottom?

1. Leverage your transferable skills: Identify skills from your previous experience that are relevant to your desired career and highlight them on your resume.2. Network: Reach out to connections in your desired industry and ask for informational interviews or job shadowing opportunities.3. Gain additional education or training: Consider taking courses or getting certifications to enhance your skills and make yourself a more competitive candidate.4. Be open to entry-level positions: While it may not be ideal, starting at a lower level in a new career can provide valuable experience and opportunities for growth.5. Emphasize your passion and motivation: Employers are often willing to take a chance on a motivated and passionate individual, even if they may not have direct experience in the field.

What are some common mistakes people make when choosing a career?

1. Following the expectations of others: Many people feel pressured to pursue a certain career path because of their parents, peers, or society's expectations.2. Focusing solely on salary: While salary is important, it should not be the only factor in choosing a career. Consider your interests, values, and long-term goals as well.3. Not doing enough research: It's important to thoroughly research a career before committing to it. This includes understanding the job duties, work environment, and potential for growth.4. Neglecting to consider work-life balance: It's important to consider how a career will fit into your overall lifestyle and if it aligns with your personal priorities.5. Not seeking guidance: Many people try to navigate their career journey on their own, but seeking advice from a career counselor or mentor can provide valuable insights and guidance.

What resources are available for career development?

1. Career websites and job boards: Websites such as LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor offer a wealth of career-related information, including job listings, company reviews, and industry insights.2. Professional associations: Many industries have professional associations that offer networking opportunities, career resources, and continuing education.3. Career counseling services: Career counselors can provide personalized guidance and support in all stages of career development.4. Mentorship programs: Connecting with a mentor in your desired field can provide valuable insights and advice as you navigate your career.5. Workshops and seminars: Many organizations offer workshops and seminars on various career-related topics, such as resume writing, job searching, and networking.

What steps should I take to advance in my current career?

1. Set goals: Identify where you want to be in your career and set specific, achievable goals to help you get there.2. Continuously learn and develop new skills: Stay up-to-date with industry trends and invest in your professional development through courses, workshops, and certifications.3. Seek feedback: Ask for feedback from your supervisors, colleagues, and mentors to identify areas for improvement and opportunities for growth.4. Network: Build relationships with professionals in your field and attend networking events to expand your connections and learn from others.5. Seek out new challenges: Take on new projects or responsibilities to demonstrate your skills and show your commitment to your career growth.

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