Self-adjoint operators and Hermitian operators

In summary, self-adjoint and Hermitian operators mean the same thing in the finite dimensional world, but they are not the same in the infinite dimensional case.
  • #1
I was wondering what the difference is between the two. Would be nice if someone could explain the difference in simple terms, because it appears to be essential to my quantum mechanics course.
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  • #2
Basically, they're interchangeable.

- Every operator ##T## on a (complex) Hilbert space ##\mathcal H## has a unique adjoint operator ##T^*##, pinned down by the property that##\langle Tx,y\rangle=\langle x,T^*y\rangle## for every ##x,y\in\mathcal H##. We say ##T## is a self-adjoint operator if ##T^*=T##.
- Every square (compex) matrix ##A## has a unique conjugate transpose ##A^*##. We say ##A## is a Hermitian matrix if ##A^*=A##.
- If ##\mathcal H## is finite-dimensional, and ##A## is the matrix which represents ##T## with respect to some given orthonormal basis (e.g. the standard basis if ##\mathcal H = \mathbb C^n##), then it's straightforward to verify that the conjugate transpose matrix ##A^*## represents the adjoint operator ##T^*##. In particular, ##T## is self-adjoint if and only if ##A## is Hermitian.

So if we're careful (e.g. only using orthonormal bases, for instance), then "self-adjoint" and "Hermitian" mean the same thing in the finite dimensional world. I would suppose they're also being used interchangeably for operators on an arbitrary Hilbert space.
  • #3
For a general complex separable Hilbert space, Hermitean is an old-fashioned notion for what mathematicians call symmetric operator. A symmetric operator has an unique adjoint who's nothing but an extension of it. Self-adjoint is the operator which is equal to its adjoint (in von Neumann's words: hypermaximal symmetric). Quantum Mechanics needs self-adjoint operators to depict observables, not symmetric ones.
  • #4
Things are slightly more complicated in the infinite dimensional case when unbounded operators are considered. In fact when physicists say Hermitian, the definition they often give is something like [itex] A [/itex] is Hermitian if [itex] \langle u | A | v \rangle=\langle v|A|u\rangle^* [/itex] for all [itex] u,v\in \mathcal{H} [/itex] however they also want the spectral theorem and all it's consequences to apply to [itex] A [/itex]. Strictly speaking this definition merely says that [itex] A [/itex] is what mathematicians would call symmetric and the spectral theorem does NOT necessarily apply to such operators.

To give the precise definition for unbounded operators, it is necessary to pay close attention to the domains of the operators in question. So, suppose that an operator [itex] A [/itex] is defined on the domain [itex] \mathcal{D}(A) [/itex] which is dense in [itex] \mathcal{H} [/itex]. Then the adjoint [itex] A^\dagger [/itex] of [itex] A [/itex] is defined on the domain consisting of all [itex] u\in \mathcal{H} [/itex] such that the map [itex] v\mapsto \langle u,Av \rangle [/itex] for [itex]v\in \mathcal{D}(A) [/itex] extends to a bounded linear functional on all of [itex] \mathcal{H}. [/itex] (Note that this extension is unique since the domain is dense.) In this case, the adjoint [itex] A^\dagger [/itex] is defined to be the element of [itex] \mathcal{H} [/itex] corresponding to this linear functional via the Riesz-representation theorem so that the equality [itex] \langle A^\dagger u,v\rangle=\langle u,Av\rangle [/itex] as expected.

The definition of symmetric (or Hermitian as physicists often call it) is simply that [itex] \langle Au,v\rangle=\langle u,Av\rangle [/itex] for all [itex] u,v\in \mathcal{D}(A) [/itex]. The definition of self-adjoint is that [itex] A^\dagger =A[/itex]. The key point here is that in general, [itex] \mathcal{D}(A^\dagger) \supseteq \mathcal{D}(A) [/itex] so a self-adjoint operator has the extra condition that it's adjoint has the same domain as the operator itself which a merely symmetric operator need not satisfy. It is often possible to extend a symmetric operator to a self-adjoint operator by extending it's domain but, contrary to what a previous poster stated, even if this is possible I believe there is no guarantee that you get a unique extension. A related class of operators, the essentially self-adjoint ones, are precisely those which have a unique extension to a self-adjoint operator but this does not include all symmetric operators.

Since the majority of physics books I've read anyway (at least the more introductory ones) do not pay very close attention to the precise domain on which unbounded operators are defined, the above distinction between self-adjoint and symmetric seems to get blurred or not mentioned at all but as I said, the spectral theorem only applies to self-adjoint operators not Hermitian(symmetric) ones so these are what are really meant if you want to be precise.
  • #5
Are we making use here somewhere that for a continuous (i.e., linear + bounded ) map L to extend from a dense subspace into the space (when the target space is a complete normed space), that L must be uniformly-continuous?

Related to Self-adjoint operators and Hermitian operators

1. What is the difference between self-adjoint operators and Hermitian operators?

Self-adjoint operators and Hermitian operators are very similar, but the main difference lies in the context in which they are used. Self-adjoint operators are defined on a finite-dimensional vector space, while Hermitian operators are defined on an infinite-dimensional vector space. Additionally, self-adjoint operators have real eigenvalues, while Hermitian operators have complex eigenvalues.

2. How do you determine if an operator is self-adjoint or Hermitian?

An operator is self-adjoint if it is equal to its adjoint, or conjugate transpose. In other words, if A is a self-adjoint operator, then A* = A. An operator is Hermitian if it satisfies the same condition, but with an additional requirement that its eigenvalues are all real.

3. What is the significance of self-adjoint and Hermitian operators in quantum mechanics?

In quantum mechanics, self-adjoint and Hermitian operators are used to represent physical observables, such as position, momentum, and energy. The eigenvalues of these operators correspond to the possible values that can be measured for each observable, and the eigenvectors represent the states in which those measurements are certain.

4. Can a non-square matrix be self-adjoint or Hermitian?

No, a non-square matrix cannot be self-adjoint or Hermitian. These properties only apply to square matrices, as they involve the transpose and conjugate transpose of the matrix, which can only be taken for square matrices.

5. Are all self-adjoint operators also Hermitian?

Yes, all self-adjoint operators are also Hermitian. This is because the requirement for a Hermitian operator is that its eigenvalues are real, which is already satisfied by self-adjoint operators. However, the reverse is not necessarily true, as there are Hermitian operators that are not self-adjoint because they are defined on an infinite-dimensional vector space.

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