Seg fault in Sparse Matrix Code (due in 2.5 hours)

In summary, The conversation discussed the use of a debugger in a code involving sparse matrices. The code included a sparsematrix.h header file and a main function that called the insertElement function to insert a new node in a linked list. The conversation also mentioned functions for removing and accessing elements in the sparse matrix, as well as some extra operations such as computing the average of data stored in nodes along rows and columns.
  • #1
i just ran it using a debugger and this is what it had:

#0  0x0804939e in SparseNode::getColID (this=0x0) at sparsematrix.h:130
#1  0x08048a2d in SparseMatrix::insertElement (this=0xbfe5ef10, row=1, col=2, elem=2) at sparsematrix.cpp:72
#2  0x080491f3 in main () at sparsematrix.cpp:378

these are the files I have:


class SparseNode;

class SparseMatrix
        int numRows;  // number of rows
        int numCols;  // number of columns
        int numElements;  // number of elements stored in the matrix
        SparseNode** rows;  // pointer to the array of row-list heads
        SparseNode** cols;  // pointer to the array of column-list heads

        // get/set functions for the private variables
        int getNumRows() { return numRows; };
        int getNumCols() { return numCols; };
        int getNumElements() { return numElements; };
        SparseNode* getRowPtr(int rowID)  { return rows[rowID]; };
        SparseNode* getColPtr(int colID)  { return cols[colID]; };
        SparseNode* setRowPtr(int rowID, SparseNode* node)  { rows[rowID] = node; };
        SparseNode* setColPtr(int colID, SparseNode* node)  { cols[colID] = node; };

        // ============= FUNCTIONS TO BE IMPLEMENTED =============
        // constructor and destructor

        /* Function: Creates a Sparse Matrix by allocating memory for rows/columns
           Return Value: none
           Parameters: number of rows (int nr),  number of cols (int nc)
           Pre-conditions: No matrix
           Post-conditions: Each row/column is the head node for a single linked list
        SparseMatrix(int nr, int nc);

        /* Function: Deletes all linked lists and memory allocated for matrix
           Return Value: none
           Parameters: none
           Pre-conditions: No bin
           Post-conditions: Memory for sparse matrix is deleted

        // functions for inserting/removing/accessing elements

        /* Function: Inserts a new node in linked list
           Return Value: 1 if succesful, 0 if not
           Parameters: row/column index(int row, int col), data(float elem)
           Pre-conditions: A sparse matrix with existing nodes
           Post-conditions: New node with data inserted at specified indices
        int insertElement(int row, int col, float elem);

        /* Function: Removes a node in linked list
           Return Value: 1 if succesful, 0 if not
           Parameters: row/column index(int row, int col)
           Pre-conditions: A sparse matrix with existing nodes
           Post-conditions: Previous node will point to node after deleted node
        int removeElement(int row, int col);

        /* Function: Gets data from a node
           Return Value: 1 if succesful, 0 if not
           Parameters: row/column index(int row, col), data array(float* pelem)
           Pre-conditions: No data
           Post-conditions: Data from specified node stored in array
        int getElement(int row, int col, float* pelem);

        // some extra operations on the sparse matrix

        /* Function: Computes average of data stored in nodes along row
           Return Value: number of elements in row
           Parameters: row index (int row),  data array (float* avg)
           Pre-conditions: none
           Post-conditions: avg points to row average
        int computeRowAverage(int row, float* avg);

        /* Function: Computes average of data stored in nodes along column
           Return Value: number of elements in column
           Parameters: col index (int row),  data array (float* avg)
           Pre-conditions: none
           Post-conditions: avg points to column average
        int computeColAverage(int col, float* avg);

        /* Function: Finds indices of common nonempty columns between two rows
           Return Value: none
           Parameters: 2 row indices (int row1, row2), array for storing
                       indices (int** intersectCols), and # of common columns
                       (int* numIntersect)
           Pre-conditions: No bin
           Post-conditions: column indices stored in array, counts # of columns
        void intersectTwoRows(int row1, int row2, int** intersectCols, int* numIntersect);

        /* Function: Finds indices of common nonempty rows between two columns
           Return Value: none
           Parameters: 2 column indices (int col1, col2), array for storing
                       indices (int** intersectRows), and # of common rows
                       (int* numIntersect)
           Pre-conditions: No bin
           Post-conditions: row indices stored in array, counts # of rows
        void intersectTwoCols(int col1, int col2, int** intersectRows, int* numIntersect);
        // ========================================================

class SparseNode  {
        float data;  // data stored in the node
        int rowID;  // row number of the node in a sparse matrix
        int colID;  // column number of the node in a sparse matrix
        SparseNode* right;  // pointer to the right node in a sparse matrix
        SparseNode* down;  // pointer to the node below in a sparse matrix

        // get/set functions for the private variables
        int getRowID() { return rowID; };
        int getColID() { return colID; };
        float getData() { return data; };
        SparseNode* getRight() { return right; };
        SparseNode* getDown() { return down; };
        float* getDataPtr()  { return &data; };

        void setRowID(int rowID) { this->rowID = rowID; };
        void setColID(int colID) { this->colID = colID; };                 //LINE 130!
        void setData(float data) { this->data = data; };
        void setRight(SparseNode* right) { this->right = right; };
        void setDown(SparseNode* down) { this->down = down; };

/* sparsematrix.cpp
 * Contains SparseMatrix class constructor, destructor, functions to insert,
 * remove, and get an element, functions to compute the average of a row or
 * column, and functions that find the common intersecting rows between two
 * columns and vice versa.

#include <iostream>
#include "sparsematrix.h"

SparseMatrix::SparseMatrix(int nr, int nc)
    numRows = nr;
    numCols = nc;
    numElements = 0;

    //allocate memory for each row
    //set each row (head node) to NULL
    rows = new SparseNode* [nr];
    for(int i=0; i<nr; i++)
        rows[i] = NULL;

    //allocate memory for each col
    //set each col (head node) to NULL
    cols = new SparseNode* [nc];
    for(int i=0; i<nc; i++)
        cols[i] = NULL;


    int numRows = getNumRows();
    int numCols = getNumCols();
    SparseNode* tempPtr;
    SparseNode* currentNode;

    for(int i=0; i<numRows; i++)

        currentNode = getRowPtr(i);
        while(currentNode != NULL)
            //deletes currentNode while using tempPtr to keep track of position
            tempPtr = currentNode;
            currentNode = currentNode->getRight();
            delete[] tempPtr;
            tempPtr = currentNode;

int SparseMatrix::insertElement(int row, int col, float elem)
    int rowNum = row;
    int colNum = col;

    SparseNode newNode;

    if(getRowPtr(rowNum) != NULL)
        SparseNode* tempPtr = getRowPtr(rowNum);
        //traverse tempPtr along row until right before the specified index
        while(tempPtr->getRight()->getColID() < colNum)                        //LINE 72
            tempPtr = tempPtr->getRight();
        //inserts newNode between tempPtr and the next element

        return 1;
    //else if the specified row is empty and within bounds
    else if(rowNum < getNumRows())
        setRowPtr(rowNum, &newNode);
        return 1;
    else //else invalid row
        return 0;

    if(getColPtr(colNum) != NULL)
        SparseNode* tempPtr = getColPtr(colNum);
        //traverse tempPtr along column until right before the specified index
        while(tempPtr->getDown()->getColID() < colNum)
            tempPtr = tempPtr->getDown();
        //inserts newNode between tempPtr and the next element

        return 1;
    //else if the specified column is empty and within bounds
    else if(colNum < getNumCols())
        setColPtr(colNum, &newNode);

        return 1;
    else //else invalid column
        return 0;


int SparseMatrix::removeElement(int row, int col)
    int rowNum = row;
    int colNum = col;

    if(getRowPtr(rowNum) != NULL)
        SparseNode* tempPtr = getRowPtr(rowNum);
        //traverse tempPtr along row
        while(tempPtr->getRight()->getColID() < colNum)
            tempPtr = tempPtr->getRight();
        if(tempPtr->getRight()->getColID() == colNum)
            // valid indices, tempPtr points to next next node
            delete[] tempPtr->getRight(); //deallocate memory

            return 1;
        else // invalid indices
            return 0;
    else // row is empty
        return 0;

    if(getColPtr(colNum) != NULL)
        SparseNode* tempPtr = getColPtr(colNum);
        //traverse tempPtr along column
        while(tempPtr->getDown()->getRowID() < rowNum)
            tempPtr = tempPtr->getDown();
        if(tempPtr->getDown()->getRowID() == rowNum)
            // valid indices, tempPtr points to next next node
            delete[] tempPtr->getDown(); //deallocate memory

            return 1;
        else // invalid indices
            return 0;
    else // column is empty
        return 0;


int SparseMatrix::getElement(int row, int col, float* pelem)

    int rowNum = row;
    int colNum = col;

    if(getRowPtr(rowNum) != NULL)
        SparseNode* tempPtr = getRowPtr(rowNum);
        while(tempPtr->getColID() < colNum)
            tempPtr = tempPtr->getRight();
        if(tempPtr->getColID() == colNum)
            //valid indices, get data
            pelem = tempPtr->getDataPtr();
            return 1;
        else //invalid indices
            return 0;
    else //empty row
            return 0;


int SparseMatrix::computeRowAverage(int row, float* avg)
    float sum = 0;
    int count = 0; // number of elements along row
    float average = 0;
    int rowNum = row;

    SparseNode* tempPtr = getRowPtr(rowNum);

    while(tempPtr != NULL)
        sum += tempPtr->getData(); //tempPtr traverse along row
        tempPtr = tempPtr->getRight();
    average = sum/count;
    *avg = average;

    return count;


int SparseMatrix::computeColAverage(int col, float* avg)
    float sum = 0;
    int count = 0; // number of elements along column
    float average = 0;
    int colNum = col;

    SparseNode* tempPtr = getColPtr(colNum);

    while(tempPtr != NULL)
        sum += tempPtr->getData(); //tempPtr traverse along column
        tempPtr = tempPtr->getDown();
    average = sum/count;
    *avg = average;

    return count;


void SparseMatrix::intersectTwoRows(int row1, int row2, int** intersectCols, int* numIntersect)
    int rowNum1 = row1;
    int rowNum2 = row2;
    SparseNode* ptrRow1; //pointer to row 1
    SparseNode* ptrRow2; //pointer to row 2
    int colCount = 0; //number of common columns between row 1 and row 2
    int* array = NULL;
    int index = 0;

    //if either row is empty, # of common cols = zero, intersectCols = NULL
    if((ptrRow1 = getRowPtr(rowNum1)) == NULL
       || (ptrRow2 = getRowPtr(rowNum2)) == NULL)
        intersectCols = NULL;
        *numIntersect = 0;

    //rows are non-empty
    while((ptrRow1 = getRowPtr(rowNum1)) != NULL
           && (ptrRow2 = getRowPtr(rowNum2)) != NULL)
        if(ptrRow1->getColID() == ptrRow2->getColID())
            index = ptrRow1->getColID();
            int* tempArray = NULL;
            //newArray[] is one larger than array[]
            int* newArray = new int [sizeof(array)+1];
            for(int i=0; i<sizeof(array); i++)
                //copy array[] into newArray[]
                newArray[i] = array[i];
            newArray[sizeof(array)] = index;

            //set array[] to point to newArray[], and deallocate the old one
            tempArray = array;
            array = newArray;
            delete[] tempArray;
        //keep traversing pointers until both are at same column
        else if(ptrRow1->getColID() > ptrRow2->getColID())
            ptrRow2 = ptrRow2->getRight();
        //keep traversing pointers until both are at same column
            ptrRow1 = ptrRow1->getRight();

    *intersectCols = new int [sizeof(array)];
    for(int i=0; i<sizeof(array); i++)
        //store common column indices of both rows in *intersectCols array
        *intersectCols[i] = array[i];
    *numIntersect = colCount; //number of common columns


void SparseMatrix::intersectTwoCols(int col1, int col2, int** intersectRows, int* numIntersect)
    int colNum1 = col1;
    int colNum2 = col2;
    SparseNode* ptrCol1; //pointer to column 1
    SparseNode* ptrCol2; //pointer to column 1
    int rowCount = 0; //number of common columns between row 1 and row 2
    int* array = NULL;
    int index = 0;

    //if either column is empty, # of common rows = zero, intersectRows = NULL
    if((ptrCol1 = getColPtr(colNum1)) == NULL
       || (ptrCol2 = getColPtr(colNum2)) == NULL)
        intersectRows = NULL;
        *numIntersect = 0;

    //columns are non-empty
    while((ptrCol1 = getColPtr(colNum1)) == NULL || (ptrCol2 = getColPtr(colNum2)) != NULL)
        if(ptrCol1->getRowID() == ptrCol2->getRowID())
            index = ptrCol1->getRowID();
            int* tempArray = NULL;
            //newArray[] is one larger than array[]
            int* newArray = new int [sizeof(array)+1];
            for(int i=0; i<sizeof(array); i++)
                //copy array[] into newArray[]
                newArray[i] = array[i];
            newArray[sizeof(array)] = index;

            //set array[] to point to newArray[], and deallocate the old one
            tempArray = array;
            array = newArray;
            delete[] tempArray;
        //keep traversing pointers until both are at same row
        else if(ptrCol1->getRowID() > ptrCol2->getRowID())
            ptrCol2 = ptrCol2->getDown();
        //keep traversing pointers until both are at same row
            ptrCol1 = ptrCol1->getDown();

    *intersectRows = new int [sizeof(array)];
    for(int i=0; i<sizeof(array); i++)
        //store common row indices of both rows in *intersectRows array
        *intersectRows[i] = array[i];
    *numIntersect = rowCount; //number of common rows


int main()
    float* a;
    float* avg;
    int** b;
    int* c;

    SparseMatrix s(3,4);
    s.insertElement(1,2,2);                      //LINE 378
    s.getElement(1,2, a);
    s.computeRowAverage(1, avg);
    s.computeColAverage(2, avg);
    s.intersectTwoRows(0,1, b, c);
    s.intersectTwoCols(1,2, b, c);


Related to Seg fault in Sparse Matrix Code (due in 2.5 hours)

1. What is a seg fault in a sparse matrix code?

A seg fault, short for segmentation fault, is an error that occurs when a program tries to access a memory address that is not allocated to it. This can happen in a sparse matrix code when the program attempts to access a non-existent element in the matrix, causing the program to crash.

2. What causes a seg fault in a sparse matrix code?

A seg fault in a sparse matrix code can be caused by various factors, such as trying to access a non-existent element, attempting to perform an invalid operation on the matrix, or memory allocation issues.

3. How can I debug a seg fault in my sparse matrix code?

To debug a seg fault in a sparse matrix code, you can use a debugger tool to track the program's execution and identify the line of code that is causing the error. You can also use print statements to check the values of variables and pinpoint the source of the error.

4. Are there any best practices to avoid seg faults in sparse matrix code?

Yes, there are some best practices you can follow to avoid seg faults in sparse matrix code. These include proper memory allocation, bounds checking when accessing matrix elements, and handling potential errors or exceptions in the code.

5. Can I fix a seg fault in my sparse matrix code in 2.5 hours?

The time it takes to fix a seg fault in a sparse matrix code depends on the complexity of the code and the underlying cause of the error. In some cases, it can be fixed in 2.5 hours, but in others, it may require more time and effort. It is important to approach the issue systematically and use debugging techniques to efficiently identify and fix the problem.

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