Second degree burn two nights ago (explicit)

In summary: I won't say healing, because it's not...has come from using a product called "Woundheal." It's a topical cream that is made from human hair. It's supposed to kill the pain and prevent any scarring. I've been using it on my hand burns from work, and they're healing incredibly quickly. I'd ask your doc about possible treatment now, before it scabs over, that will reduce the appearance of any scar. I'm sure that Dow Corning has a product that will minimimize scar formation. You should ask since your doctor might not think that scar prevention is important to you.In summary, Greg's hand was severely burned when a pot of
  • #1
I thought I would share my recent story and bad luck. I was at the Melting Pot, a nice fondue restaurant. The waitress dropped the boiling pot of oil and it splashed on me. Hurt like the dickens and almost instantly skin peeled. The photo is of day three. I've been keeping it uncovered the entire time but it won't dry up or scab yet. It is still weeping of lymphatic fluid. I have some burn cream but it says not to use on open or blistered skin. Is this considered an open wound?


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  • #2
Holy @#$%!

Greg, please tell me you have seen a doctor...if not, you have to go ASAP. You don't want that getting infected.
  • #3
I had an off duty nurse look at it, but that was an hour after the incident. I've just been putting some neosporin on it at night. I just want it to dry out, but it won't.
  • #4
The first site I clicked on had this to say.

burns injuring even relatively small areas of skin can develop serious complications. If you think a burn of any type is significant, do not hesitate to seek medical attention immediately.

You don't want to loose your foot, if that gets infected you could.

seek medical attention immediately.
  • #5
Definitely get to a doctor ASAP. In the meantime, wear flip-flops or similar to avoid abrasion from shoes.
  • #6
Did she burn you with water or with oil? If there is still oil present in wound that's a serious problem.

BTW, why would pay $75 for fondue?
  • #7
Good grief! Get to a doctor! I hope that the restaurant offered to pay for any medical costs. They have insurance to cover these things.

Once oil is heated, it should never be moved.
  • #8
Our fearless leader is injured. :eek:

We're all doomed :cry:

I'd definitely call that an open wound. You must see a doctor to get it properly treated. There will be a high risk of infection Greg.
  • #9
Not to mention it covers a large area on the top of the foot, and it looks like the underlying tissue may have been damaged.

If you don't report back that you have seen a doctor, I will ban you!
  • #10
After the doctor, get thee hence to a lawyer. The restaurant is responsible for your medical expenses.
  • #11
Greg, I just recently had 2nd degree burns on the back of my hand. Yes, you SHOULD see a doctor with that large (and severe) of a burn. But here is what the hospital told me - keep it covered with gauze and an antibacterial ointment. You don't want it to dry out yet. I think I had to keep it covered for two weeks (gauze & ointment), then kept ointment on it for another two+ weeks while the new skin grew back. For the record, I have full flexibility of my fingers now, and no obvious scarring (except for where my ring was cooked onto the skin, but you wouldn't know unless I told you, it looks like an indentation from just removing your ring).

Take care of yourself!
  • #12
As has been suggested, go see a doc. You should take proper care of it so you need medical advice.
  • #13
So how about an update, Greg? Are you healing well?
  • #14
... you kept that thing UNCOVERED? Are you insane?!

Cover it. Now.
  • #15
We've seen him around, so unless someone has been using his account* he's probably not dead, but I suppose we can't rule out a foot amputation at this point.

*Come to think of it, someone has been spamming the forums from that account recently...
  • #16
I'm on the mend! Finally started to dry out, dry peel and scab up. I think I will survive :biggrin:
  • #17
Wow Greg! Did the waitress also drop the forks in your groin? From the looks of the wound, it looks like you will have a permanent scar. Get it covered.

I worked on a wound healing agent made from human hair (yeah, human hair!) that is supposed to kill the pain and prevent any scarring but it isn't available yet. I'd ask your doc about possible treatment now, before it scabs over, that will reduce the appearance of any scar. I'm sure that Dow Corning has a product that will minimimize scar formation. You should ask since your doctor might not think that scar prevention is important to you.
  • #18
chemisttree said:
I worked on a wound healing agent made from human hair (yeah, human hair!) that is supposed to kill the pain and prevent any scarring but it isn't available yet.

This might sound like the stupidest thing that I've ever posted in my history on PF. As much as I believe in Polysporin for most wounds (knife fights and whatnot), some of my most rapid healing followed my cat licking the site. Those little rasps on her tongue hurt like hell, but there seems to be some sort of healing factor in her saliva. Has anyone else experienced that?
  • #19
Danger said:
This might sound like the stupidest thing that I've ever posted in my history on PF. As much as I believe in Polysporin for most wounds (knife fights and whatnot), some of my most rapid healing followed my cat licking the site. Those little rasps on her tongue hurt like hell, but there seems to be some sort of healing factor in her saliva. Has anyone else experienced that?

Maybe not just cats, have you tried licking your own wounds? :wink:
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  • #20
Greg Bernhardt said:
Maybe not just cats, have you tried licking your own wounds? :wink:

If I had that kind of flexibility, I wouldn't need a wife.
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  • #21
Danger said:
If I had that kind of flexibility, I wouldn't need a wife.

  • #22
I've never subscribed to that theory.
  • #23
Danger said:
This might sound like the stupidest thing that I've ever posted in my history on PF. As much as I believe in Polysporin for most wounds (knife fights and whatnot), some of my most rapid healing followed my cat licking the site. Those little rasps on her tongue hurt like hell, but there seems to be some sort of healing factor in her saliva. Has anyone else experienced that?

You would have to quote me...:rolleyes:

Was that the cat that escaped from the curandero lady?
  • #24
chemisttree said:
Was that the cat that escaped from the curandero lady?

No, totally different critter. That was Lucy, who, as you can see below, does my typing for me. In fact, she makes up some of the responses herself.

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  • #25
i'm sure enough time has now passed for the process to complete.

i had a very bad burn under my foot. when i finally went back to ER they said infection was 2mm from the bone. if it proceeded they would amputate the front of the foot. a bone infection is difficult because since the bone is a sponge-like formation, dividing cells just push their way through the cavities, however, since there are no blood vessels, delivery of an antibiotic depends on simply soaking the tissue. IV antibiotics were successful but it took 2 weeks in the burn unit (to block infection) and 2 weeks in a nursing home as i had to admit i couldn't take care of myself then alone. burns acquire infection much more easily than scrapes. the dr said if it smelled it meant it was anerobic bacteria.

the reason i wrote, was the treatment.
the effective cream applied, phonetically stated, was "silva-dine". silver seems to have property of antiseptic in some way. i have heard of sliver threads in diabetic socks.
it needed to be wrapped. there was a lot of drainage before and after ER. this does help relieve the body of having to reprocess it.

the kitty, alas, may have other unsterile exposure.

but, "Mommy, kiss it and make it better" does occur, based on a natural mild but real antibiotic compound found in saliva called defensin.

in a world without any antibiotics at all, any even faint observance from the background stands out. (this is also true of the very mild but actual antibiotic in garlic called allycin, noticed because of the utter lack of anything else available.)

Related to Second degree burn two nights ago (explicit)

1. What are the symptoms of a second degree burn?

A second degree burn may cause redness, swelling, blisters, and pain. In severe cases, the skin may appear white and leathery.

2. How long does it take for a second degree burn to heal?

The healing time for a second degree burn depends on the severity of the burn and the individual's healing process. It can take anywhere from 1-3 weeks for the burn to heal completely.

3. What is the best way to treat a second degree burn?

The first step in treating a second degree burn is to cool the burn with cool water for at least 10 minutes. Afterwards, gently clean the burn with mild soap and water, apply an antibiotic ointment, and cover with a sterile bandage. Seek medical attention if the burn is larger than 3 inches or on the face, hands, or feet.

4. Can a second degree burn leave scars?

If a second degree burn is properly treated and heals without infection, it is less likely to leave a scar. However, if the burn is deep or becomes infected, it may result in scarring.

5. When should I see a doctor for a second degree burn?

If the burn is larger than 3 inches or on the face, hands, or feet, it is important to seek medical attention. Additionally, if the burn is accompanied by fever, extreme pain, or signs of infection such as redness, swelling, or pus, it is important to see a doctor.
