Science journals (QM and physics )

In summary, the conversation discusses the difficulty of finding reputable journals on quantum mechanics and physics in the UK. The speaker asks for recommendations for serious journals with formulas and equations, and the responder suggests checking peer-reviewed journals by publishers such as the Royal Society and Cambridge University Press. They also mention the APS Physics magazine and arXiv as potential sources for current issues and reviews on quantum physics. However, they note that individual subscriptions can be expensive and suggest looking for institutional access or purchasing individual papers.
  • #1
I seemingly (probably because I am to stupid to) can't find any good journals on QM and physics that one can by every month (or year?) in the UK. I am not talking about the commercial astronomy or science "fun" magazines but serius QM,mathematics or physics with formuals and equations. Any recommendations are very welcome. Thanks for any help.
Physics news on
  • #2
You need to define "good", and, for that matter, "journal".
There are plenty of well respected peer-review journals who publish research.
You are unlikely to approach that quality with anything you may be able to order from your newsagent.
  • #3
moriheru said:
I seemingly (probably because I am to stupid to) can't find any good journals on QM and physics that one can by every month (or year?) in the UK. I am not talking about the commercial astronomy or science "fun" magazines but serius QM,mathematics or physics with formuals and equations. Any recommendations are very welcome. Thanks for any help.

There are no end of peer-reviewed journals published in the UK. Relevant journals are published by the Royal Society, the Institute of Physics (including the open-access New Journal of Physics), Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, and other publishers.

Individual subscriptions to these do not come cheap, if they are available at all. The usual method is either to be a member of an institution which has a subscription or to purchase individual papers whose abstracts appear relevant to your interests.
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  • #4
Hi, apart from what you answered "pasmith" I recommend this journal magazine:

It is perhaps something you're looking for, Quantum Physics matters as applied to current issues. In my humble opinion, is a good reference for understanding quantum physics from real situations.

You can also check

Current issues and reviews of quantum physics. Very convenient for what you're looking for. In general there are not many journal mgazines that publish actual quantum issues because most magazines publish issues "unpublished" or "new" results. I hope you find it helpful. Greetings.
  • #5

I completely understand your frustration with finding quality journals on quantum mechanics (QM) and physics. It can be challenging to find journals that focus specifically on these topics, especially in the UK. However, there are several reputable journals that publish articles on QM and physics, with a focus on rigorous mathematical and theoretical approaches.

Some recommended journals include Physical Review Letters, Physical Review X, and Physical Review A, which are all published by the American Physical Society. These journals cover a broad range of topics in physics, including QM and mathematical approaches. Another option is the Journal of High Energy Physics, which focuses on theoretical and experimental research in high energy physics, including QM.

In addition to these, there are also several academic journals published by universities and research institutions, such as the Journal of Mathematical Physics, published by the American Institute of Physics, and the Journal of Mathematical Physics, published by the University of Oxford.

It is important to note that these journals may not be available for purchase every month or year, as they typically publish articles on a quarterly or semi-annual basis. However, you can often access the articles online through a subscription or by purchasing individual articles.

Overall, I would recommend exploring these journals and their respective websites to find articles and research that align with your interests in QM and physics. I hope this helps, and best of luck in your search for quality journals. Thank you for your dedication and interest in these fields of science.

Related to Science journals (QM and physics )

1. What is the purpose of science journals?

Science journals serve as a platform for scientists to publish their research findings and share them with the scientific community. They also play a crucial role in disseminating new knowledge and advancing scientific progress.

2. What is QM and how is it related to physics?

QM stands for Quantum Mechanics, which is a branch of physics that deals with the behavior of matter and energy at a very small scale, such as atoms and subatomic particles. QM helps us understand the fundamental laws and principles governing the behavior of these particles and how they interact with each other.

3. How are articles selected for publication in science journals?

Articles are selected for publication in science journals through a peer-review process. This means that the article is evaluated by experts in the same field to ensure its quality, accuracy, and relevance. Only articles that meet the journal's standards and contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge are accepted for publication.

4. What are the benefits of publishing in a science journal?

Publishing in a science journal allows scientists to share their research with the wider scientific community, receive feedback and constructive criticism, and establish a reputation in their field. It also allows for collaboration and further research opportunities.

5. Are all science journals the same?

No, science journals can vary in their focus, scope, and level of prestige. Some journals may specialize in a specific field or subfield of science, while others may cover a broader range of topics. It is important to carefully select a journal that is the best fit for your research and aligns with your goals as a scientist.

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