Riemannian Submersions: Understanding the Definitions and Well-Definedness

  • Thread starter Sajet
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In summary, the conversation discusses the structure of complex and quaternionic vector spaces in the context of Riemannian submersions. It is shown that the horizontal lift is unique only once a point in the fiber has been chosen. In the complex case, \lambda w := \pi_*(\lambda \bar w) is well-defined, but in the quaternionic case, this is not the case. However, it is possible to define \mathbb{H}w as \pi_*(\mathbb{H}\bar w) for any quaternionic \lambda.
  • #1

I have the following statements in a script on Riemannian submersions:

a) [itex]T_{\bar p}\mathbb{CP}^n[/itex] carries the structure of a complex vector space for any [itex]\bar p \in \mathbb{CP}^n[/itex].

b) We can associate [itex]0 \neq v \in T_{\bar p}\mathbb{HP}^n[/itex] with a four-dimensional subspace [itex]v\mathbb H \subset T_{\bar p}\mathbb{HP}^n[/itex].

([itex]\pi[/itex] is the submersion [itex]\mathbb S^{2n+1} \rightarrow \mathbb{CP}^n[/itex] or [itex]\mathbb S^{4n+3} \rightarrow \mathbb{HP}^n[/itex] respectively.)

Regarding a) it is then said: "Let [itex]w \in T\mathbb{CP}^n, \lambda \in \mathbb C[/itex]. Let [itex]\bar w[/itex] be a horizontal lift of [itex]w[/itex]. Define [itex]\lambda w := \pi_*(\lambda \bar w)[/itex]. It is easily checked that this is well-defined."

I thought this was pretty clear. But then in b) they say:

"Let [itex]w \in T\mathbb{HP}^n[/itex], let [itex]\bar w[/itex] be a horizontal lift of w. Define [itex]w\mathbb H := \pi_*(\bar w\mathbb H)[/itex]. It is also easily checked that this is well-defined.

Warning: For [itex]\lambda \in \mathbb H[/itex] we cannot set [itex]w\lambda := \pi_*(\bar w\lambda)[/itex] as this is not well-defined."

Now I don't see why exactly the last part is not well-defined. I thought the horizontal lift is unique, therefore [itex]\bar w \lambda[/itex] would be unique and [itex]\pi_*(\bar w\lambda)[/itex] as well.

Or maybe I just don't understand what well-defined means in either case, and why exactly this definition would be viable in a) but not in b).

I'd be very grateful if someone could help me understand this.
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  • #2
The horizontal lift is unique only once a point in the fiber has been chosen.

That is, if p:M--N is a riemannian submersion and y is a point in N with v in TyN a tg vector at y, then to lift v, we need first to chose a point x in p-1(y), and then the horizontal lift of v to TxM is unique.

So they appear to be saying that for complex lambda, [itex]\pi_*(\lambda\overline{w})[/itex] is actually independant of the choice of x to lift too, but not in the case of quaternionic lambda.

But I don't even know what they mean by [itex]\lambda \overline{w}[/itex] in the complex case. Because the tg space of S^{2n+1}, being of odd dimension, cannot support a complex vector space structure...
  • #3
Wow, I completely ignored the fact that you first have to choose a point in the fiber in order to make the horizontal lift unique...

You're right that [itex]T_p\mathbb S^{2n+1}[/itex] does not carry a complex vector space structure, but the horizontal subspace [itex]T_p^h\mathbb S^{2n+1} = (p\mathbb C)^\perp \cap \mathbb C^{n+1}[/itex] does, and this is enough for this purpose.

Now I'm trying to see exactly why the multiplication is well-defined in a) and not in b).

Ok, I managed to construct a fairly complicated proof for a) but I hope there is an easier way:

Let [itex]\bar w = \pi_{*q_1}(w_1) = \pi_{*q_2}(w_2), w_i \in T_{q_i}^h\mathbb S^{2n+1}[/itex] horizontal lifts of [itex]\bar w[/itex]. Proof that [itex]\pi_{*q_1}(\lambda w_1) = \pi_{*q_2}(\lambda w_2)[/itex]

I know that [itex]q_1, q_2[/itex] are in the same fiber. Therefore [itex]q_2 \in q_1S^1[/itex].

I also know that [itex]\pi_*(w_1) = \pi_*(w_2) \Rightarrow \|w_1\| = \|w_2\| \Rightarrow \|\lambda w_1\| = \|\lambda w_2\| =: r[/itex]

Now define [itex]\tilde w_1 := \frac{\lambda w_1}{r}, \tilde w_2 := \frac{\lambda w_2}{r}[/itex].

Now [itex]\exp_{p}^{CP^n}(t\pi_{*q_1}(\lambda w_1)) = \exp(\pi_{*q_1}(t \cdot \tilde w_1 \cdot r)) = \pi(\exp_{q_1}(t\cdot \tilde w_1 \cdot r)) = ... = \cos(tr)q_1S^1+\sin(tr)\tilde w_1 S^1[/itex]

I can also show that [itex]\tilde w_1 S^1 = \tilde w_2 S^1[/itex]. So the above equals

[itex]\cos(tr)q_2 S^1+\sin(tr)\tilde w_2 S^1 = ... = \exp_p^{CP^n}(t\pi_{*q_2}(\lambda w_2))[/itex]

Because [itex]\exp_p[/itex] is injective in a neighborhood of 0 we get [itex]\pi_{*q_1}(\lambda w_1) = \pi_{*q_2}(\lambda w_2)[/itex]

I want to give a presentation on this next week and I wouldn't want to make a fool of myself by proving something obvious in such a difficult way.

Do you happen to see if this can be proven much more quickly?
  • #4
Sajet said:
Do you happen to see if this can be proven much more quickly?

If by "much more quickly" you mean without the need to compute, then I think I do! And as a bonus, we understand what fails in the quaternionic case.

First, a bit of notations. If a group G acts by riemannian isometries on (M,g), write [itex]\pi:M\rightarrow M/G[/itex] for the corresponding riemannian submersion, and write [itex]\theta_g:M\rightarrow M[/itex] for the map [itex]p\mapsto g\cdot p[/itex]. Then [itex]\pi=\pi\circ \theta_g[/itex] for any g. Differentiating this relation gives [itex]\pi_*=\pi_*\circ (\theta_g)_*[/itex]. Since [itex](\theta_g)_*[/itex] is an isometric isomorphism, it preverses the horizontal and vertical subspaces. In particular, let p and q=gp be two points of M in the same G-orbit, let [itex]w\in T_{[p]}(M/G)[/itex], and let [itex]\mathrm{Hor}_p(w)[/itex], [itex]\mathrm{Hor}_q(w)[/itex] be the corresponding horizontal lifts of w above p and above q respectively. Then, [itex](\theta_g)_*(\mathrm{Hor}_p(w))=\mathrm{Hor}_q(w)[/itex].

Now, in the case that interests us, M=S2n+1, G=S1, M/G=CPn, and for a given p in S2n+1, TpS2n+1 is naturally identified with [itex]p^{\perp}\subset\mathbb{C}^{n+1}[/itex]. With this identification, [itex]V_pS^{2n+1} = \mathrm{Ker}(\pi_*)=T_p(S^1\cdot p) [/itex] is then naturally identified with [itex]\mathbb{R}ip[/itex], and so [itex]H_pS^{2n+1}=(V_pS^{2n+1})^{\perp}[/itex] is then naturally identified with [itex](ip)^{\perp}\cap p^{\perp}=\{p,ip\}^{\perp}[/itex]. As you noted, this is naturally a complex subspace of [itex]\mathbb{C}^{n+1}[/itex]. Moreover, if q=up for some u in S1 are two points in the same orbit, then I hold that [itex](\theta_u)_*:\{p,ip\}^{\perp}\rightarrow \{q,iq\}^{\perp}[/itex] is just the map multiplication by u itself. To see this is the same trick that I explained to you in an earlier post: extend [itex]\theta_u[/itex] to a map Cn+1-->Cn+1. This is linear, so its derivative is just itself: multiplication by u. Now restrict back to the subspaces that interest you and you get that [itex](\theta_u)_*:\{p,ip\}^{\perp}\rightarrow \{q,iq\}^{\perp}[/itex] is the map [itex]\mathbf{v}\mapsto u\mathbf{v}[/itex]. In particular, it is a C-linear isomorphism: for any [itex]\lambda\in\mathbb{C}[/itex], [itex](\theta_u)_*(\lambda \mathbf{v})=u\lambda \mathbf{v}=\lambda u\mathbf{v}=\lambda (\theta_u)_*(\mathbf{v})[/itex]. This is why it makes sense to define a complex structure on CPn by setting [itex]\lambda w:=\pi_*(\lambda\mathrm{Hor}_p(w))[/itex]. Indeed, we have [itex]\pi_*(\lambda\mathrm{Hor}_q(w))=\pi_*(\lambda (\theta_u)_*(\mathrm{Hor}_p(w)))=\pi_*( (\theta_u)_*(\lambda\mathrm{Hor}_p(w)))=\pi_*( \lambda \mathrm{Hor}_p(w))[/itex].

Notice from the above computation that the C-linearity of [itex](\theta_g)_*[/itex] is equivalent to the commutativity of the multiplication in C. So this is what fails in the quaternionic case! However, given any [itex]u\in S^3\subset \mathbb{H}[/itex] and any [itex]\lambda \in \mathbb{H}[/itex], there exists [itex]\mu \in \mathbb{H}[/itex] such that [itex](\theta_u)_*(\lambda \mathbf{v})=u\lambda \mathbf{v}=\mu u\mathbf{v}=\mu (\theta_u)_*(\mathbf{v})[/itex]. So while it does not make sense to define [itex]\lambda w:=\pi_*(\lambda\mathrm{Hor}_p(w))[/itex] in the quaternionic case, it does make sense to speak of [itex]\mathbb{H}w[/itex] as [itex]\pi_*(\mathbb{H}\mathrm{Hor}_p(w))[/itex] for any p.
  • #5
Wow, thank you, this helps me tremendously! This is clearly a much better and more insightful way of approaching this.

Related to Riemannian Submersions: Understanding the Definitions and Well-Definedness

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The main difference between Subspaces of TCPn and THPn is their mathematical structure. TCPn (Tensor Product Codes over finite fields) are linear codes that use tensor products to encode information, while THPn (Tight Hamming Product Codes) are nonlinear codes that use Hamming products. This difference in structure affects their error-correcting capabilities and performance in different communication scenarios.

2. How are Subspaces of TCPn and THPn used in communication systems?

Subspaces of TCPn and THPn are used in communication systems as error-correcting codes. These codes are used to protect transmitted data from errors that may occur during transmission. They are particularly useful in wireless communication systems where noise and interference can cause errors.

3. What are the advantages of using Subspaces of TCPn and THPn codes?

One of the main advantages of using Subspaces of TCPn and THPn codes is their ability to correct errors in a noisy communication channel. These codes can detect and correct multiple errors, making them more reliable than traditional error-correcting codes. They are also efficient in terms of bandwidth and power consumption.

4. How do Subspaces of TCPn and THPn codes achieve error-correction?

Subspaces of TCPn and THPn codes achieve error-correction through a process called encoding. In this process, the original data is transformed into a code word using a specific algorithm. The code word is then transmitted through the communication channel. At the receiver end, the code word is decoded using a decoding algorithm, which corrects any errors that may have occurred during transmission.

5. What are some applications of Subspaces of TCPn and THPn codes?

Subspaces of TCPn and THPn codes have a wide range of applications in communication systems, including wireless and satellite communication, data storage, and digital television. They are also used in medical devices, such as pacemakers, to ensure reliable data transmission. Additionally, these codes are used in military and defense communication systems to protect sensitive information from being intercepted or corrupted.

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