Riemann vs. Lebesgue integral in QM

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of Hilbert space in undergraduate quantum mechanics and whether it requires Riemann-integrable or Lebesgue-integrable functions. It is concluded that the Hilbert space requires Lebesgue integrals and an example of a wavefunction that is Lebesgue integrable but not Riemann integrable is given. The concept of a 2-norm is also discussed, with the understanding that the relevant Hilbert space is L^2(\mathbb R^3) and not R^4. The conversation also addresses the use of Lebesgue integration in the infinite square well problem.
  • #1
When we talk about "Hilbert space" in (undergraduate) QM, we are typically talking about the space of square-integrable functions so that we can make sense out of
\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} |\psi(\vec r,t)|^2 d^3x.
But are we talking about Riemann-integrable functions or Lebesgue-integrable functions? Can someone give me an example of a wavefunction that arises in practice whose modulus squared is Lebesgue integrable but NOT Riemann integrable? Don't wavefunctions (and hence their modulus squares) have to satisfy certain continuity conditions, implying that the Riemann integral is sufficient?

I realize that writing the limits of integration above from [itex]-\infty[/itex] to [itex]\infty[/itex] might, to some, imply that we're talking about a Lebesgue integral, since Riemann integrals are by definition defined only on closed, bounded intervals. But I suppose it's possible that we're just talking about an improper Riemann integral instead.
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  • #2
They are talking about Lebesgue-integrable functions. No matter what functions show up in practice you need the Hilbert space. There is a completeness requirement in the definition of Hilbert space, which is used in many theorems and cannot be avoided, that you don't have if only Riemann integration is considered.
  • #3
AxiomOfChoice said:
Can someone give me an example of a wavefunction that arises in practice whose modulus squared is Lebesgue integrable but NOT Riemann integrable?
Wave functions that arise in practice are typically real analytic. But if one wants to prove general results about quantum mechanics, one needs to be able to take limits in the topology defined by the 2-norm. But the space of functions whose modulus squared is Riemann integrable is not a Hilbert space.
  • #4
A. Neumaier said:
Wave functions that arise in practice are typically real analytic. But if one wants to prove general results about quantum mechanics, one needs to be able to take limits in the topology defined by the 2-norm. But the space of functions whose modulus squared is Riemann integrable is not a Hilbert space.

By "2-norm", do you mean the norm given by

\| \psi \| = \sqrt{\int_{-\infty}^\infty \psi(\vec x,t) \psi^*(\vec x,t) d^3 x}
  • #5
AxiomOfChoice said:
By "2-norm", do you mean the norm given by

\| \psi \| = \sqrt{\int_{-\infty}^\infty \psi(\vec x,t) \psi^*(\vec x,t) d^3 x}
  • #6
AoC, you should either drop the time dependence on the right-hand side, or introduce a t on the left as well. (The first option is better, if all you want to do is to define a norm on [itex]L^2(\mathbb R^3)[/itex]).
  • #7
perhaps then this norm is over [tex]R^4[/tex] since our wave functions are time dependent
  • #8
homology said:
perhaps then this norm is over [tex]R^4[/tex] since our wave functions are time dependent
No, the relevant Hilbert space is [itex]L^2(\mathbb R^3)[/itex]. You should think of the time-dependent wavefunctions as curves in that space. More precisely, if we define [itex]\psi_t[/itex] by [itex]\psi_t(\vec x)=\psi(\vec x,t)[/itex] for all [itex]\vec x[/itex], then [itex]\psi_t[/itex] is a member of [itex]L^2(\mathbb R^3)[/itex] and [itex]t\mapsto\psi_t[/itex] is a curve in [itex]L^2(\mathbb R^3)[/itex].
  • #9

why is this the case? that is, what would be the mistake with using R^4?

though it seems that what you're saying, resembles the case in mechanics where you gave an inner product at each point on the configuration manifold and the parameter t moves you along this surface through different tangent spaces, us that what you're after?
  • #10
homology said:
why is this the case? that is, what would be the mistake with using R^4?

though it seems that what you're saying, resembles the case in mechanics where you gave an inner product at each point on the configuration manifold and the parameter t moves you along this surface through different tangent spaces, us that what you're after?
The configuration space of a single particle is R^3, not R^4, and the Schroedinger equation describes the dynamics how a wave function in L^2(R^3) changes with time.

If you were to integrate over R^4, all integrals would diverge.
  • #11
oh of course, doh...the inner product is only over space...ack...shouldn't respond to these things in the morning
  • #12
If we considered the infinite square well problem, where the domain is compact, is the Riemann integral sufficient, or do we still need the Lebesgue integral?
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  • #13
You still need the Lebesgue integral to get a Hilbert space. I think you can e.g. find a sequence of Riemann integrable functions (all with the same compact domain) that converges pointwise to a function that isn't Riemann integrable.

Related to Riemann vs. Lebesgue integral in QM

1. What is the difference between the Riemann and Lebesgue integral in quantum mechanics?

The Riemann integral is a method of calculating the area under a curve by dividing it into smaller rectangles, while the Lebesgue integral divides the curve into smaller intervals and calculates the area using a more general concept of measure. In quantum mechanics, the Riemann integral is used to calculate the expectation value of a physical quantity, while the Lebesgue integral is used to calculate the probability of finding a particle in a given state.

2. Which integral is more commonly used in quantum mechanics?

The Riemann integral is more commonly used in quantum mechanics because it is easier to understand and calculate for most physical systems. However, the Lebesgue integral is necessary for dealing with more complex systems, such as those involving infinite dimensions or continuous spectra.

3. How do the Riemann and Lebesgue integral relate to each other in quantum mechanics?

The Riemann integral can be seen as a special case of the Lebesgue integral, where the measure used is the length of the intervals. In other words, the Lebesgue integral generalizes the Riemann integral and allows for a more flexible and powerful approach to calculating physical quantities in quantum mechanics.

4. Can the Riemann and Lebesgue integral give different results in quantum mechanics?

Yes, in certain cases, the Riemann and Lebesgue integrals can give different results, especially in systems with infinite dimensions or continuous spectra. In these cases, the Lebesgue integral is more accurate and provides a better understanding of the physical system.

5. How do I know which integral to use in a specific quantum mechanical problem?

The choice of integral to use depends on the properties of the physical system being studied. If the system has finite dimensions and a discrete spectrum, the Riemann integral can be used. However, for more complex systems, such as those with infinite dimensions or continuous spectra, the Lebesgue integral is necessary for accurate calculations.

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