Relativistic mass thought experiment/proof?

In summary, relativistic mass is a generally deprecated concept. When modern physicists speak of "mass" they almost exclusively mean "invariant mass".
  • #1
Hey all,
After reading some fairly elementary texts on special relativity, I understand length contraction and time dilation no problem, as it is well explained with examples of proofs, but I hate to say that relativistic mass is explained nowhere. I know this question has probably been asked before, but I will ask it anyway: Is there a fairly simple proof for relativistic mass, just as there is for length contraction and time dilation? Is it something to do with spacetime momentum four vector or something along those lines? I would really love to understand this, as it would allow me to understand special relativity more fully in order to read about general realtivity etc.
Any answer would be gratefully appreciated.
Thanks, Dom
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  • #2
sorax123, In relativity the three-momentum is p = γmv where m is the rest mass. In olden times people tried to make this look like Newtonian mechanics by defining a relativistic mass M = γm, just so they could write it as p = Mv. Bad idea. It is not the actual mass and leads to a great deal of confusion. Suggest you avoid it like the plague.
  • #3
I second Bill_K's suggestion. Relativistic mass is a generally deprecated concept. When modern physicists speak of "mass" they almost exclusively mean "invariant mass".
  • #4
Thanks for your additions guys, but for my piece of mind, is there any way to prove it, as it must have some weight behind it? I see some people use a right angled triangle with the hypotenuse being E=mc^2, and the other two being Ep=pc=mvc and Eo=moc^2, but how is this the case as where i have read the hypotenuse is mc, being the vector of the momentum four vector, the time part being γmc, and the space part being γmv, so how can this be?
Any help to regain my sanity would be appreciated.
  • #6
I am familiar with the momentum four vector, so I suppose I am :/
  • #7
Then we have: [itex]\mathbf p = (E/c,p_x,p_y,p_z)[/itex]

The invariant mass is then defined as: [itex]- c^2 m_{invariant}^2 = |\mathbf p|^2= -E^2/c^2 + p_x^2+p_y^2+p_z^2[/itex]

The relativistic mass is defined as: [itex]m_{relativistic} = E/c^2[/itex]

For a timelike particle we have [itex]p_i=m_{relativistic} v_i[/itex]

So by substitution and solving you can obtain:
[tex]m_{relativistic} = \frac{m_{invariant}}{\sqrt{1-v_x^2/c^2-v_y^2/c^2-v_z^2/c^2}}=\gamma m_{invariant}[/tex]
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  • #8
I kind of get what you're saying in your reply, but I was wondering if there was a different way of getting it. The idea of the right angled triangle with the sides mentioned in my original post seems the most simple, so is there any way you could explain that?
My brain says thanks
  • #9
Well, (setting c=1 for convenience), from the above, you can always write:
which is the equation for the hypotenuse of a 4D "triangle". However, note that the space in which this "triangle" is NOT the usual Minkowski spacetime. The invariant mass is the "hypotenuse" of that "triangle".
  • #10
Aha I see, this seems to make sense more
  • #11
But still, out of curiosity, how on Earth could you derive the expressions displayed in post 1? :S
  • #13
Thanks for your reply Dr, I am only a high school student, and haven;'t covered calculus :/, was wondering if there was a more elementary derivation?
  • #14
sorax123 said:
But still, out of curiosity, how on Earth could you derive the expressions displayed in post 1? :S
There are no expressions displayed in post 1:
sorax123 said:
Hey all,
After reading some fairly elementary texts on special relativity, I understand length contraction and time dilation no problem, as it is well explained with examples of proofs, but I hate to say that relativistic mass is explained nowhere. I know this question has probably been asked before, but I will ask it anyway: Is there a fairly simple proof for relativistic mass, just as there is for length contraction and time dilation? Is it something to do with spacetime momentum four vector or something along those lines? I would really love to understand this, as it would allow me to understand special relativity more fully in order to read about general realtivity etc.
Any answer would be gratefully appreciated.
Thanks, Dom
Perhaps you meant to include something, but forgot.
  • #15
Apologies for that, stupid mistake on my behalf; I meant my second post regarding the right angled triangle :)
  • #16
sorax123 said:
I am only a high school student

That should be sufficient if you start with m(v):=mo·f(v) and forget about the energy.
  • #17
I originally tried to prove it as follows, but works only if time dilation is used, without length contraction, when length contraction is introduced the mass is deemed to be more;


multiplying both sides by T gets us:


multiplying by γ gets:




I know there is something wrong here as is should be m'=γm, please correct my arithmetic, or let me know if it is possible to show relativistic mass in this form.
  • #19
sorax123 said:
Apologies for that, stupid mistake on my behalf; I meant my second post regarding the right angled triangle :)
Just take the second equation in my post 7, multiply both sides by c², and then substitute in the third equation.

Related to Relativistic mass thought experiment/proof?

1. What is the concept of relativistic mass?

Relativistic mass is the mass of an object that is moving at a relativistic speed, which is a significant fraction of the speed of light. It is a concept that is used in the theory of special relativity to describe the increase in mass of an object as it approaches the speed of light.

2. How does the relativistic mass thought experiment work?

The relativistic mass thought experiment involves imagining an object traveling at a high speed, close to the speed of light. According to the theory of special relativity, as the object's velocity increases, its mass also increases. This increase in mass results in an increase in the object's inertia, making it more difficult to accelerate.

3. Can the increase in relativistic mass be measured?

Yes, the increase in relativistic mass can be measured using particle accelerators. By accelerating particles to high speeds and measuring their mass, scientists have confirmed the predictions of special relativity and the increase in mass at relativistic speeds.

4. Is relativistic mass the same as rest mass?

No, relativistic mass and rest mass are not the same. Rest mass is the mass of an object when it is at rest, while relativistic mass is the mass of an object in motion. As an object's velocity increases, its relativistic mass increases, but its rest mass remains the same.

5. What is the significance of the relativistic mass thought experiment?

The relativistic mass thought experiment is significant because it helps us understand the effects of high speeds on the mass of an object. It also provides evidence for the theory of special relativity and the idea that mass and energy are equivalent. This concept has led to many groundbreaking discoveries and advancements in modern physics.

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