Relativistic Effects On International Space Station (ISS)

In summary, special relativity dictates that the station's clocks run slower than clocks on Earth because of the high velocity, but general relativity dictates that the station's clocks run faster than clocks on Earth because of the lesser gravity. The station's inhabitants age faster than people on Earth.
  • #1
Gary Boothe
On the ISS, special relativity dictates the station's clocks run slower than clocks on Earth because of the high velocity, but general relativity dictates that the station's clocks run faster than clocks on Earth because of the lesser gravity. Which effect is predominant, and do the station's inhabitants age faster or slower than people on Earth? I could work this out for myself I suppose, but someone in the forum probably has the answer at hand. I hope.
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  • #2
Gary Boothe said:
I could work this out for myself I suppose, but someone in the forum probably has the answer at hand

Yes, but that doesn't mean we'll necessarily give it without making you do any work. ;)

You are right about the general tendency of the two effects; however, you should also consider that, for an object in orbit, the two are related, because the velocity is a function of the altitude. So you can actually combine them into a single formula that only depends on altitude, which I will write as:

\frac{d\tau}{dt} = \sqrt{1 - \frac{3 G M}{c^2 r}}

where ##r## is the orbital radius, measured from the center of the Earth (I am assuming a circular orbit for simplicity), ##G## is Newton's gravitational constant, ##M## is the Earth's mass, ##c## is the speed of light, and ##d\tau / dt## gives the object's time dilation relative to an idealized observer at rest "at infinity" (i.e., far enough away from the Earth that its gravity is negligible, and at rest relative to the Earth so there is no velocity effect).

For an observer at rest on the Earth's surface, things are a little more complicated because the observer's velocity is determined by the Earth's rotation speed. The formula that applies to such an observer therefore has to include both altitude and velocity separately:

\frac{d\tau}{dt} = \sqrt{1 - \frac{2 G M}{c^2 R} - \frac{v^2}{c^2}}

where ##R## is the Earth's equatorial radius and ##v## is the velocity of an observer on the Earth's equator (relative to the hypothetical observer at rest "at infinity"). (Again, I assume an observer on the equator for simplicity.)

If you work out the numbers using the above formulas, you should find that, for objects in orbit about the Earth, there is a radius ##r## at which ##d\tau / dt## is exactly the same as it is for an observer on the Earth's equator. For orbits below that radius, the SR effect predominates and orbiting clocks run slow compared to clocks on the Earth's surface (their ##d\tau / dt## is smaller). For orbits above that radius, the GR effect predominates and orbiting clocks run fast compared to clocks on the Earth's surface (their ##d\tau / dt## is larger).

Note, btw, that all these formulas are only valid in weak gravitational fields, like the Earth's (or even the Sun's). In strong fields the formulas get more complicated.
  • #3
Thanks, Peter, for the excellent reply.

Related to Relativistic Effects On International Space Station (ISS)

1. How do relativistic effects impact time on the ISS?

Relativistic effects refer to the changes in time, space, and mass that occur when objects travel at high speeds. On the ISS, time appears to pass slightly slower due to its high velocity. This is known as time dilation and is a result of Einstein's theory of relativity. Astronauts on the ISS experience slightly less time than people on Earth.

2. Does the mass of the ISS change due to relativistic effects?

Yes, the mass of the ISS does change due to relativistic effects. As the ISS moves at high speeds, its mass increases due to the energy of its motion. This effect is known as relativistic mass increase and is a result of Einstein's famous equation, E=mc².

3. How do relativistic effects impact the communication systems on the ISS?

Relativistic effects can cause distortions in communication systems on the ISS. As time appears to pass slower on the ISS, there may be a delay in communication with ground stations. This can be accounted for by adjusting the timing of signals, but it is important to consider in order to ensure accurate communication.

4. Can astronauts on the ISS experience gravitational time dilation?

Yes, astronauts on the ISS can experience gravitational time dilation. This is due to the fact that the ISS is in a lower gravitational field than Earth, causing time to pass slightly faster for those on the ISS. This effect is much smaller than the time dilation caused by the ISS's high velocity.

5. How do relativistic effects impact experiments conducted on the ISS?

Relativistic effects can impact experiments conducted on the ISS in several ways. For example, time dilation can affect the precision and accuracy of experiments that rely on precise timing. In addition, the increase in mass of the ISS may affect the results of experiments that involve measuring mass or energy. It is important for scientists to account for these effects in order to ensure accurate and reliable results.

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