Relations between workfunction, ionization, redox and fermi

In summary: Workfunction does not relate well to "redox potential"This one is a bit confusing for me. Can you clarify?When referring to a "redox potential", we're usually talking about the tendency of chemical species to acquire or lose electrons.From what I understand, workfunction and redox potential are not always directly correlated.In summary, workfunction is not always directly related to oxidation potential, and ionization energy is not always directly related to Fermi level.
  • #1
My understanding so far, critique appreciated:

[1] workfunction closely relates to reduction potential
Since workfunction is about boundaries and chemical reaction are mostly happening at the boundaries between bulk material, Workfunction should have a direct correlation with reduction potential. for example if a Zinc ingot is more active in acid than an iron ingot then, that zinc block must have lower workfunction (easier to liberate an eletron)

[2] ionization closely relates to fermi level
I felt that, a gaseous single atom's most energetic electron's energy will probably not far from the energy of the top of fermi ocean in which gazillion of the same kind of atoms reside. so ionization energy (of the first electron) should be very related to 0 - FermiLevelEnergy.

[3] Workfunction does not relate to fermi level that well...
not sure why, crystal lattices and boundary condition probably play a role...?
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  • #2
The workfunction is the minimum work you need to do to remove an electron from a solid to a point immediately outside the solid.
The redox potential is a measure of the tendency of chemical species to acquire electrons.

The process of an atom acquiring an electron from a solid would involve both these concepts.
You can check your example - does a zinc ingot have a lower workfunction than an iron ingot
Can you come up with other examples?

Ionization is the process by which atoms gain an unbalanced charge.
The Fermi level is the max occupied energy state at zero absolute.
At higher temperatures, the top occupied energy level can be higher.
However, the ionization energy is measured from the ground-state ... so it would be related to the individual atom's Fermi level.

None of the terms relate in a simple way.
Lattices and boundary conditions certainly play a role.
  • #3
Hi Simon, Thank you very much for you reply again. Remember some guy asked a weird question of "E field and Flux D, which is more fundamental", that was me too =D. and yes, E was more fundamental.

I made some revisions to my original post, to make it more precise..ish.

when I say 2 quantities are "related", I do not mean a constant or formula can be used to convert one quantity into another.
I mean more like: "when your sort a quantity from biggest to smallest, the other quantity should almost follow suit, not too many exceptions".

[1] Workfunction should be closely related to "oxidation likelyhood" ( the likely hood of losing an electron in chemical reactions)
this one might not be true, as oxidation may not involve just 1 reduction agent and 1 oxidation agent, in addition, it is more than 1 valence electrons are involved.

When I check a table of workfunctions shown below, I didn't get too many surprises:

Element vs Work Function(eV)
Aluminum 4.08
Beryllium 5.0
Cadmium 4.07
Calcium 2.9
Carbon 4.81
Cesium 2.1
Cobalt 5.0
Copper 4.7
Gold 5.1
Iron 4.5
Lead 4.14
Magnesium 3.68
Mercury 4.5
Nickel 5.01
Niobium 4.3
Potassium 2.3
Platinum 6.35
Selenium 5.11
Silver 4.26-4.73*
Sodium 2.28
Uranium 3.6
Zinc 4.3

values Cadmium and Lead are kind unexpected, I thought those were less likely to react with acid. I knew Uranium was an exception, as f shells are trouble, I don't intend to understand them.

[2] ionization ENERGY (just pulling one electron of one atom to potential 0) should be related to Fermi Level of a bulk of the same atom
(fermi energy is the level filled up to @ T=0, fermi level here means 50% chance of occupation @ T = whatever)

in your reply you emphasized on "fermi level of ONE atom". Which I agree, actually I think ionization energy should be equal to 0 - fermi-level-of-that-atom.

I am imagining that for valence bounded materials, fermi level could be way out of wack compared to their single atom in gaseous state.
But, for metals, the influence of lattice shouldn't be that great (my pure speculation), so the bulk material's fermi level should be related to its single atom's ionization energy.
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Related to Relations between workfunction, ionization, redox and fermi

1. What is the workfunction of a material and how does it relate to its ionization energy?

The workfunction of a material is the minimum energy required to remove an electron from the surface of the material. It is closely related to the ionization energy, which is the energy required to remove an electron from an atom in the gas phase. In general, materials with a lower workfunction will have a lower ionization energy, meaning it is easier to remove electrons from their surface.

2. How does the workfunction affect the redox reactions in a material?

The workfunction of a material can affect the redox reactions that occur on its surface. Redox reactions involve the transfer of electrons between different species, and the workfunction can determine the ease of electron transfer. Materials with a lower workfunction may facilitate redox reactions more easily, while those with a higher workfunction may impede them.

3. What is the relationship between workfunction and the Fermi level?

The Fermi level is the highest energy level occupied by electrons in a material at absolute zero temperature. The workfunction of a material is directly related to the Fermi level, as it represents the energy difference between the Fermi level and the vacuum level. In general, materials with a lower workfunction will have a higher Fermi level, indicating a higher electron density at the surface.

4. Can the workfunction of a material be manipulated?

Yes, the workfunction of a material can be altered through various methods such as surface treatments, doping, and applying an external electric field. These techniques can change the surface energy and electron affinity, resulting in a change in the workfunction of the material.

5. How do workfunction, ionization, redox, and Fermi level affect the electronic properties of a material?

These factors all play important roles in determining the electronic properties of a material. The workfunction and ionization energy affect the ease of electron movement, while the redox reactions and Fermi level determine the energy levels and electron density at the surface. Together, they contribute to the overall conductivity, reactivity, and other electronic properties of a material.

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