Refs for Advance Data Base Books ( My Turn )

In summary, you are looking for an intermediate-to-advanced book on Database. You have some basic knowledge of normalization, QBEs, SQL queries, and indexes but want to learn more about more advanced queries.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Gold Member
Hi all, I guess now I am at the different end, after having replied to many requests for info on books. I do not have access ( ha-ha) to a library, though I do have access to a bookstore.

I am looking for an intermediate-to-advanced book in Database. I have covered the basics: Normalization,
QBE's, some intro SQL queries in Access : update, select from , count/avg/sum ( aggregates), etc. Integrity Constraints, Indexes, ERDs (Entity-Relation Diagrams) using Microsoft Vicio. Now looking at the next level, which, from what I found involves triggers, more advanced queries (e.g., find the n-th highest salary ).

Any suggestions for a book?
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  • #2
What is your goal? Do you want to understand how databases work in order to:
  1. get a job as a database administrator; or
  2. learn how databases are used in practical applications; or
  3. some other reason (what)?
In any case you need to get away from Microsoft Access IMHO (unless you are targeting a job supporting legacy applications using Access); where to go and the resources you need depend on what your goal is.
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  • #3
Thanks Mr Anchovy. Basically both, though finding a job is the priority at this point. But I am taking classes, so I am sort-of tied up with their (professor's) choice of platform. I have been looking for a database job for a while now, though, and I have not seen any specs for specific platforms. Still, I would appreciate your comments. Is it the case that if I understand the concepts, that the platform/environment does not matter?
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  • #4
Well most DBA jobs are for MS SQL Server or Oracle and getting into these platforms is not easy - to get a job you need experience, but to get experience you need a job.

Application programming is a bit easier - you can practice by developing a portfolio, and then at some stage of the interview there will be a coding test where you can demonstrate your skills. Don't restrict yourself to one language, you can learn .NET and C# with the free edition of Microsoft Visual Studio, also learn Java (I'd recommend NetBeans or IntelliJ IDEA over Eclipse) and if you already know some Python or PHP then build on that - again the JetBrains IDEs are useful.
  • #5
... sorry that doesn't actually answer the question, but books are generally geared towards a specific platform so unless you can narrow down your interest a bit it is difficult to recommend any!
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  • #6
Thanks again, Mr Anchovy, let me think it through more carefully and I will come back with a clearer, more focused question.

Related to Refs for Advance Data Base Books ( My Turn )

1. What is a reference for advanced database books?

A reference for advanced database books is a list of sources that are used to support and provide evidence for the information presented in a book about databases. These sources can include academic articles, research papers, and other books written by experts in the field.

2. Why is it important to include references in advanced database books?

Including references in advanced database books is important because it adds credibility to the information presented. It shows that the author has done their research and has used reliable sources to support their arguments and claims. It also allows readers to further explore the topic by referring to the listed sources.

3. How can I find suitable references for my advanced database book?

You can find suitable references for your advanced database book by conducting thorough research. Start by searching for relevant keywords and phrases related to your topic in academic databases, such as Google Scholar or JSTOR. You can also look for recommendations from experts in the field and check the reference lists of other books or articles on similar topics.

4. What format should I use for listing references in my advanced database book?

The format for listing references in an advanced database book may vary depending on the style guide or citation format used. Some commonly used formats include APA, MLA, and Chicago style. It is important to follow the guidelines for your chosen format to ensure consistency and accuracy in citing your sources.

5. Can I use online sources as references for my advanced database book?

Yes, you can use online sources as references for your advanced database book. However, it is important to carefully evaluate the credibility and reliability of the source before citing it. Look for reputable websites and check the credentials of the author to ensure that the information presented is accurate and unbiased.

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