Red Dwarfs: Is 100% Hydrogen Conversion Practically True?

In summary, the conversation discussed the possibility of red dwarfs exhausting all of their hydrogen supply and becoming white dwarfs. It was mentioned that not all red dwarfs are completely convective and that the lowest-mass red dwarfs do eventually exhaust all of their hydrogen. The conversation also touched on the fact that red dwarfs will outlive most other stars and the theories surrounding the amount of hydrogen remaining in white dwarfs. It was noted that the lack of examples of blue dwarfs does not necessarily disprove the theory and that creating one would be an expensive experiment. Finally, the conversation ended with a discussion on the effects of density and temperature on fusion and the possibility of remnant hydrogen near the surface of white dwarfs.
  • #1
Now, it's been said that red dwarfs are completely convective, therefore they can convert 100% of their hydrogen supply into helium. However, is this really practically true? One would think that at some point in its lifespan that there simply won't be enough hydrogen left to sustain a practical fusion reaction, because there's more helium around than hydrogen, which would make it harder and harder for hydrogen to find other hydrogen to fuse with. Just as a guess, let's say that's about at the level where helium makes up 90% of the mass or perhaps volume of the star? Is there any theories that discuss this issue?
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  • #2
There wouldn't be enough mass to start fusion of the helium and should eventually cool. Over trillions of years it will cool to a point where is it no longer visible ( a black dwarf). That is all I can remember from my class.
  • #3
Bit of irony - red dwarfs will outlive most other stars.
  • #4
Not all red dwarfs are completely convective; only those with masses below about a third solar. Also, not all red dwarfs that are completely convective destroy all of their hydrogen.

However, the lowest-mass red dwarfs DO eventually exhaust all of their hydrogen. See the details for a 0.1 solar mass red dwarf in the inset of Figure 1 of this paper and notice how the hydrogen content drops to zero after 6 trillion years.
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  • #5
you can still get it on DVD!
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  • #6
CygnusX-1 said:
However, the lowest-mass red dwarfs DO eventually exhaust all of their hydrogen. See the details for a 0.1 solar mass red dwarf in the inset of Figure 1 of this paper and notice how the hydrogen content drops to zero after 6 trillion years.

If so, then a bad approximation - a detail not well checked.

Of the massive stars that have fused helium and become white dwarfs, 80 % are DA class - so have not exhausted all their hydrogen. And the remaining 20 % includes hot stars that also have not exhausted hydrogen but that are hot enough to show He lines.

Red dwarfs have not become white dwarfs yet. When they will, how much hydrogen remains in them?
  • #7
snorkack said:
If so, then a bad approximation - a detail not well checked.

Of the massive stars that have fused helium and become white dwarfs, 80 % are DA class - so have not exhausted all their hydrogen. And the remaining 20 % includes hot stars that also have not exhausted hydrogen but that are hot enough to show He lines.

Red dwarfs have not become white dwarfs yet. When they will, how much hydrogen remains in them?

I believe you are referencing the observed light signature. If you look at a photo image of Earth you see mostly water. However, Earth's mantel and core are very water depleted. The outer surface of a white dwarf is often made of material that fell onto the surface after it cooled. Hydrogen would not sink so it remains visible as a surface coating.

bbbl67 said: this really practically true? One would think that at some point in its lifespan that there simply won't be enough hydrogen left to sustain a practical fusion reaction, because there's more helium around than hydrogen, which would make it harder and harder for hydrogen to find other hydrogen to fuse with. ...

A blue dwarf is more compact. Increasing the density increases temperature and pressure. The fusion rate is determined by temperature and pressure. So it will become easier and easier for hydrogen to react.
Stars without any fusion reactions are still hot. The energy comes from gravitational collapse. When fusion is nearly complete the temperature can rise. At 15 megakelvins protons can find carbon and nitrogen with which to fuse. Convection will stop when fuel runs out. Any remnant hydrogen will be near the surface.

The lack of any examples of blue dwarfs does not mean that the theory is wrong. If something takes longer than 1.3 x 1010 years to form then it should not be visible yet. Creating a blue dwarf to demonstrate would be an expensive experiment. Research budgets would need to increase by several dozen orders of magnitude and be adjusted to inflation.
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  • #8
stefan r said:
A blue dwarf is more compact. Increasing the density increases temperature and pressure. The fusion rate is determined by temperature and pressure.
Increasing the density has no inevitable effect on temperature. Fusion rate is determined by temperature, pressure and composition.
stefan r said:
So it will become easier and easier for hydrogen to react.
Stars without any fusion reactions are still hot. The energy comes from gravitational collapse.
Energy from gravitational collapse is rapidly exhausted.
stefan r said:
When fusion is nearly complete the temperature can rise. At 15 megakelvins protons can find carbon and nitrogen with which to fuse. Convection will stop when fuel runs out.
As the temperature increases (with increase of molecular mass a contributing factor) the gas gets more transparent, which also favours radiation over convection.
stefan r said:
Any remnant hydrogen will be near the surface.
There are effects favouring more remnant hydrogen near surface, yes.

Related to Red Dwarfs: Is 100% Hydrogen Conversion Practically True?

1. What is a red dwarf star?

A red dwarf star is a type of low-mass star that is smaller and cooler than the Sun. They are the most common type of star in the Milky Way galaxy and can be found in abundance in our own solar neighborhood.

2. How does a red dwarf star produce energy?

Red dwarf stars produce energy through a process called nuclear fusion, where hydrogen atoms fuse together to form helium. This process releases a tremendous amount of energy, which is what makes stars shine.

3. Is it true that red dwarf stars can convert 100% of their hydrogen into helium?

While it is theoretically possible for a red dwarf star to convert 100% of its hydrogen into helium, it is not practically true. This is because as the star ages, it begins to lose mass and its core becomes less dense, making it harder for fusion to occur.

4. Can red dwarf stars support life?

Yes, red dwarf stars are capable of supporting life. However, their habitable zones - the area around the star where liquid water can exist on a planet's surface - are much closer to the star than the habitable zone of our Sun. This means that planets orbiting red dwarf stars would be subject to intense radiation and may be tidally locked, with one side constantly facing the star.

5. How long do red dwarf stars live?

Red dwarf stars have much longer lifespans than larger, more massive stars like our Sun. They can live for trillions of years, which is significantly longer than the estimated 10 billion year lifespan of our Sun. This means that red dwarf stars may still be shining long after other stars in the universe have died out.

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