Random walk on integers with two absorbing boundaries

In summary, the conversation is about finding the probability distribution over time to hit either one of two boundaries in a simple random walk problem. The problem is discussed in detail in a classic text by William Feller "An Introduction to Probability Theory and its Applications". The conversation also mentions a book by Cox and Miller on Stochastic processes that is helpful. The one step method is suggested as a method for solving these types of questions, and the definition of x_i as the probability of hitting one boundary given a starting position is explained. The conversation also discusses conditioning backwards to find the probability of hitting a boundary at a specific time.
  • #1
Hi - I am trying to find the probability of hitting one of two boundaries in a simple random walk (I describe the problem precisely below). Actually, my main concern is to find the probability distribution over time to hit either one of two boundaries. I think that this is a very standard problem, i.e. time to ruin in the Gambler's ruin problem, and while I am able to find material describing the probability of hitting one, or other, boundary, I have not been successful in finding any material describing the probability distribution over hitting times. Could anyone help?

many thanks,

The problem is as follows:
A particle x begins at time t=0, with a value of 0. At each time interval, t=1,2,... it is incremented by 1 with probability p, and decremented by 1 with probability q=1-p. There are two boundaries a>0 and b<0, such that when the particle hits either one it stops. I would like to know 1) the probability that the particle hits a before b and 2) assuming it has hit a (or b), the probability distribution over the time taken to hit it.
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  • #2
In a classic text by William Feller "An Introduction to Probability Theory and its Application", this problem is discussed in full detail.
  • #3
Mathman, many thanks! I checked out the book you suggested. It is great. By the way, I also found a book by Cox and Miller on Stochastic processes that is very helpful too.
thank you,
  • #4
If you want a method for doing these sorts of questions, use the one step method. Define your random walk to be absorbing, i.e. X_n=a implies X_m=a for all m>n. Then define [itex]x_i=\mathbb{P}_i(T_a<\infty)[/itex] where [itex]T_a=\inf\{n:X_n=a\}[/itex]. So obvious if it hits b then T_a is infinite. The one step method is
The p s are your transitional probabilities. The equation is intuitive if you think about it.

Now you get a recurrence relation and you need to solve it for x_i, you may find the next identity useful
[tex]\displaystyle x_i=x_0+\sum_{n=0}^{i-1}(x_{n+1}-x_n)[/tex]

As for the expectation its almost exactly the same, let [itex]y_i=\mathbb{E}_i[T_a][/itex], then you get the relation
You get a 1 there because every time you move to a new state you increase the time by one.

Hope this helps.
  • #5
Hi Focus. Thanks for the advice. Very helpful indeed.
But what exactly does x_i mean? I presume it is the probability of a particle hitting barrier "a" having started at position i. I am inferring that on the basis of the difference equation. I presume that everything messier when we ask of the probability of hitting barrier "a" at time "t", for t> 1.
  • #6
Yes the definition of them may be confusing but it is the probability that you hit a in a finite time given that you start at i. I should have also mention your boundary conditions are [itex]x_a=1\quad x_b=0[/itex].

If you want to know the [itex]\mathbb{P}_i(T_a=k)[/itex] then you have to condition your way backwards

So you look at where you are and you say, how could I get here? Well I could have moved one up or one down. And do the same again and again, then a pattern emerges.
  • #7
Hi Focus, that is very helpful. thanks again.

Related to Random walk on integers with two absorbing boundaries

1. What is a random walk on integers with two absorbing boundaries?

A random walk on integers with two absorbing boundaries is a mathematical model that describes the movement of a particle on a number line, where the particle takes steps of equal length in either direction. The two boundaries represent the points where the particle's movement is "absorbed" or stopped.

2. What is the purpose of studying random walks on integers with two absorbing boundaries?

Random walks on integers with two absorbing boundaries have various real-world applications, such as modeling stock prices, the spread of diseases, and the behavior of molecules in a gas. By studying this model, scientists can gain insight into the underlying mechanisms of these phenomena and make predictions about future behavior.

3. How are random walks on integers with two absorbing boundaries different from other random walk models?

The main difference is the presence of two absorbing boundaries, which can significantly affect the behavior of the particle. In other random walk models, the particle may have a chance of moving in any direction, while in this model, it is limited to moving only in two directions.

4. What are the key variables in a random walk on integers with two absorbing boundaries?

The key variables include the step size, the starting position of the particle, and the location of the absorbing boundaries. Other variables, such as the number of steps taken and the probability of moving in a certain direction, can also impact the behavior of the particle.

5. How is the behavior of a random walk on integers with two absorbing boundaries analyzed?

The behavior of this model is often analyzed using mathematical techniques such as probability theory and statistical analysis. Scientists can also use computer simulations to observe the behavior of the particle and make predictions about its movement.

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