Radiative Transfer Parallel Plane Atmosphere Help

In summary: T) at a given wavelength (λ). This will give us:T(λ) = T0(z/H0)κλ = κ0 + κ1*e^[-(λ-λ0)^2/2σ^2]With these equations, we can now solve for the physical depth as a function of wavelength, z(λ). It will be a combination of the temperature and opacity equations, with the addition of the distance (z) term. I'll leave the final derivation to you, but hopefully, this summary has provided some helpful direction.In summary, the main goal of this problem is to derive an expression for the physical depth to which we can see into the atmosphere
  • #1
I've been working on this problem for about a week (mostly trying to understand it), I'm making little progress and it's due tomorrow. Any help or hints would be greatly appreciated.

It's a long paragraph of a problem, so I'll try to summarize as best I can...

Main Question: Derive an expression for the physical depth to which we can see into the atmosphere, as a function of wavelength.

Plane parallel atmosphere, z-axis has z=0 at surface, increases going into star. θ=0 is the observing angle from z, (same as z).

Constant density ρ0, Temperature: T(z) = T0(z/H0)

Opacity: κλ = κ0 + κ1*e^[(-(λ-λ0)^2)/2σ^2]

κ0 = continuum opacity & κ1 = opacity at λ0

κ1 has a Gaussian distribution with width σ around λ0

Assuming we can see to optical depth of τ ~ 1, derive an expression for the physical depth to which we can see into the atmosphere, as a function of wavelength.

Show when your looking at a wavelength far from λ0, you can see a factor of 1 + (k1/k0) deeper into the atmosphere compared to λ0.

Assume Temp is blackbody.

Assume wavelength range is far from peak, so can use Rayleigh-Jeans approximation, & assume you can replace λ with λ0 here. (ignore variation of intensity with wavelength for bb radiation, focus on wavelength dependence of opacity.) - makes background cont. flat.

Plot I(λ)/I(λ0) as a function of ζ = (λ-λ0)/σ, assuming k1/k0 = 2. Is this an absorption or emission line?


Relevant equation(s):

Iλ = Bλ(T) + cosθ(dBλ/dτλ)

Vertical Optical Depth: τλ,v(z) = ∫κλρdz

His one hint on the question was: κρs = τ = 1, find distance (s), stick it in function to get temp, stick in BB to get Intensity. (s should = z since s is the distance at an angle, but θ=0)

I don't know much of any of this, but I'd mostly appreciate help with deriving the physical depth equation.

Here's what I can figure so far...

Physical depth as function of λ, should be: z(λ)

z(λ) = (T*H(not)/T(not)) ρ(1 + (κ1/κ(not))) since κ is a function of wavelength

since T(z) = T(not)(z/(H(not))).

I'm not really sure what to do, I'm looking at 20 or so different equation, and I'm not really sure how to get depth as a function of wavelength or where to start.

Any help or hints would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
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  • #2

I understand that you are struggling with understanding and solving this problem. I am happy to offer some guidance and help you progress towards a solution.

Firstly, it's important to break down the problem into smaller, more manageable parts. Let's start by looking at the main question: deriving an expression for the physical depth as a function of wavelength.

To do this, we need to consider the relevant equations provided in the problem. One key equation is the vertical optical depth, τλ,v(z), which represents the amount of light absorbed or scattered as it travels through the atmosphere. We can express this as:

τλ,v(z) = ∫κλρdz

This equation tells us that the vertical optical depth is equal to the integral of the opacity (κλ) multiplied by the density (ρ) over the distance (z) in the atmosphere. We also know that the optical depth is related to the intensity of the light, which can be expressed as:

Iλ = Bλ(T) + cosθ(dBλ/dτλ)

This equation tells us that the intensity of the light at a given wavelength (λ) is equal to the blackbody emission (Bλ) plus the change in intensity due to the absorption or scattering (cosθ(dBλ/dτλ)).

Now, let's look at the hint provided: κρs = τ = 1. This means that at a certain distance (s), the optical depth is equal to 1. We can use this information to find the distance (s) and then plug it into the equations to solve for the temperature (T) and intensity (Iλ).

Next, we need to consider the assumptions made in the problem. We are assuming a plane-parallel atmosphere and a blackbody temperature distribution. We are also using the Rayleigh-Jeans approximation, which is valid for wavelengths far from the peak of the blackbody spectrum. This means we can replace λ with λ0, the central wavelength in the opacity distribution.

Now, we can use the equation for the vertical optical depth to find the distance (s) at which τ = 1. This will give us:

s = 1/κρ

Since we know that s = z at an angle of θ = 0, we can substitute z for s in the equation above. This gives us:

z = 1/κρ

Next, we can use the temperature

Related to Radiative Transfer Parallel Plane Atmosphere Help

1. What is radiative transfer in a parallel plane atmosphere?

Radiative transfer in a parallel plane atmosphere is the process of energy transfer through electromagnetic radiation between two parallel planes. This is commonly used to model the transfer of solar radiation through Earth's atmosphere.

2. How is radiative transfer in a parallel plane atmosphere different from other types of radiative transfer?

Radiative transfer in a parallel plane atmosphere differs from other types of radiative transfer in that it considers the transfer of energy between two parallel planes, rather than between a single source and a surface. This allows for a simplified model of radiation transfer in a planar atmosphere.

3. What factors affect radiative transfer in a parallel plane atmosphere?

The factors that affect radiative transfer in a parallel plane atmosphere include the physical properties of the atmosphere, such as temperature, pressure, and composition, as well as the optical properties of the medium, such as absorption, scattering, and emission coefficients.

4. How is radiative transfer in a parallel plane atmosphere used in climate modeling?

Radiative transfer in a parallel plane atmosphere is an important component of climate modeling, as it allows for the simulation of the transfer of solar radiation through Earth's atmosphere. This helps scientists understand the role of atmospheric composition and optical properties in regulating Earth's energy balance and climate.

5. What are some challenges in accurately modeling radiative transfer in a parallel plane atmosphere?

Some challenges in accurately modeling radiative transfer in a parallel plane atmosphere include the variability of atmospheric conditions, the complexity of optical properties, and the need for high-resolution data. Additionally, accounting for the effects of clouds and other atmospheric phenomena can also be a challenge in accurately simulating radiative transfer in a parallel plane atmosphere.

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