Radiation emissions from glow-in-the-dark toys

In summary, a novelty keyring contains a tritium powered lamp. Testing of the lamp found that it emitted radiation above background levels.
  • #1
A while ago I bought some novelty keyrings which contained tritium powered lamps.

The marketing information mentioned that the beta particles would be contained by the acrylic shell of the keyring. A not unreasonable claim given the low energy of the tritium beta emission, and lack of associated gamma.

The keyring itself consists of a thin tritium filled glass rod about 25 mm long, and 1-2 mm in diameter. This is embedded in an acrylic cylinder about 8 mm in diameter.

Out of curiosity, I tested one of these keyrings with a GM counter and was somewhat surprised to find it recorded about 100 c/s above background. Presumably this is due to bremsstrahlung generation in the acrylic.

I'm wondering whether this sort of activity is typical of such a device. I was under them impression that the acrylic was a poor generator of bremsstrahlung, so didn't really readily detectable emissions. Perhaps I'm kicking myself for keeping them in my trouser pockets for 2 years, without even considering the emission of X-rays. :bugeye:

I've no idea what sort of activity is in the lamp - but some sources have suggested about 50 MBq
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  • #2
I miss the good old days, when clock dials used radium and radioactive sensitive paint.
  • #3
Yeah. When I was a wee lad, my dad used to let me wear his Timex in bed for the glow from the radium. (Of course, that might have some bearing on why I'm now Danger rather than 'Danny Nice'.:biggrin: )
  • #4
Jeff, Danger: radium was not what made watch hands glow in the dark; it's what made the glow last longer. The emission from traces of radium was absorbed by a traditional phosphor pigment (probably ZnS or similar) which then re-emitted over time. The pigment alone (without the repeated excitation) wouldn't glow for more than an hour or two.
  • #5
I was aware of that, Gokul, but the matter in question was that radium was an acceptable part of wearable technology in the 50's and 60's. Regardless of whether or not the noticeable glow was sustained by it, it was still sitting there on our wrists. Personally, I dont' care. I thrive on things that are supposed to kill you. Radium's a kitty compared to some of the things that have tried to plant me. :-p

Related to Radiation emissions from glow-in-the-dark toys

What are radiation emissions from glow-in-the-dark toys?

Radiation emissions from glow-in-the-dark toys refer to the release of electromagnetic radiation from the toy's glowing material. This radiation can be in the form of visible light or invisible ultraviolet light.

Are radiation emissions from glow-in-the-dark toys harmful?

The amount of radiation emitted from glow-in-the-dark toys is typically very low and not harmful to humans. However, it is always important to follow safety instructions and use the toy as intended.

What types of radiation are emitted from glow-in-the-dark toys?

Glow-in-the-dark toys emit two types of radiation: visible light and ultraviolet (UV) light. Visible light is the light that we can see with our eyes, while UV light is invisible to the human eye.

How are radiation emissions from glow-in-the-dark toys regulated?

In the United States, radiation emissions from consumer products are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). These agencies set limits on the amount of radiation that can be emitted from toys and other products.

What precautions should be taken when using glow-in-the-dark toys?

It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions when using glow-in-the-dark toys. This may include not using the toy for extended periods of time, not exposing the toy to heat or direct sunlight, and keeping the toy away from small children. If you have any concerns, it is always best to consult with a healthcare professional.

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