Quantum Zeno Effect: What is the argument?

In summary, the quantum zeno effect can be explained through the survival probability Ps, which is the probability that a system will remain in its initial state at some time t. This probability is given by Ps = |<ψ0|e-iHt|ψ0>|2, which can be approximated as 1 - (ΔH)2t2 for small t. By considering N successive measurements at time intervals δt = t/N, the probability becomes P^N_s = (1 - t^2/(N^2Z^2))N, which approaches 1 as N approaches infinity. This shows that frequent and continuous measurements can increase the probability of a system remaining in its initial state at time t
  • #1
James MC
Every general explanation of the quantum zeno effect I've found is (from my perspective) so full of gaps that I cannot understand the explanation. I am wondering if anyone can help me fill in the gaps here?

The most detailed explanation I've found runs something like this:

Let |ψ0> be the initial quantum state of a system at time 0 and let |ψt> be its state at some later time t.

The dynamical evolution of the system is described by a unitary operator U(t) that is a complex function of the initial system's Hamiltonian: U(t) = e-iHt. Thus: |ψt> = U(t)|ψ0>.

The "survival" probability Ps that the system will still be in the initial state at t is given by:

Ps = |<ψ0t>|2 = |<ψ0|e-iHt0>|2

So far so good. But now standard explanations assert that:

Ps = |<ψ0|e-iHt0>|2 = 1 - (ΔH)2t2
(Where (ΔH)2 = <ψ0|H20> - (<ψ0|H|ψ0>)2)

Where does that come from? Is it meant to be obvious that 1 - (ΔH)2t2 follows from the left hand side?

At any rate, we can now define the Zeno time Z = 1/ΔH so that:

Ps = 1 - [itex]\frac{t^{2}}{Z^{2}}[/itex]

Presumably this shows that as t gets smaller the probability tends to 1 so that the faster we measure the system after time = 0 the more probable it will be found in its initial state.

Now for the final bit. If we consider N measurements then we can understand the survival probability given those N measurements as:

P[itex]^{N}_{s}[/itex] = (1 - [itex]\frac{t^{2}}{N^{2}Z^{2}}[/itex])N

...so that in the limit of continuous measurements where N → ∞ we get:

[itex]\stackrel{Lim}{N→∞}[/itex] P[itex]^{N}_{s}[/itex] = 1

I just don't see how this final bit follows. After all, if t is large then increasing N won't bring on the QZE. Surely we also need t → 0 but I don't see how the above accounts for this.

Any help would be most appreciated, thanks.
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  • #2
A few more details can be found, e.g., in
Read everything from Eq. (2) to Eq. (9).
In particular, in calculating the final limit, t is neither very large nor close to 0.
I hope it helps.
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  • #3
James MC said:
Every general explanation of the quantum zeno effect I've found is (from my perspective) so full of gaps that I cannot understand the explanation. I am wondering if anyone can help me fill in the gaps here?
If you wish to understand such things properly, you should also study (carefully!) Ballentine section 12.2 pp338-343.

I'm happy to (try and) fill in any details more explicitly, but only after you've read Ballentine -- so that I don't have to repeat textbook stuff here. :biggrin:
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  • #4
James MC said:
So far so good. But now standard explanations assert that:

Ps = |<ψ0|e-iHt0>|2 = 1 - (ΔH)2t2
(Where (ΔH)2 = <ψ0|H20> - (<ψ0|H|ψ0>)2)

Where does that come from? Is it meant to be obvious that 1 - (ΔH)2t2 follows from the left hand side?

It's an approximation valid for small [itex]t[/itex] (obviously, because the expression becomes negative for [itex]t > \Delta H[/itex]). You can obtain it by expanding the exponential as

[tex]e^{-iHt} = \mathbb{1} - i H t - \tfrac{1}{2} H^{2} t^{2} + \dotsb[/tex]
and only keeping the terms up to order [itex]t^{2}[/itex] in the expression you get for the survival probability.

Now for the final bit. If we consider N measurements then we can understand the survival probability given those N measurements as:

P[itex]^{N}_{s}[/itex] = (1 - [itex]\frac{t^{2}}{N^{2}Z^{2}}[/itex])N

...so that in the limit of continuous measurements where N → ∞ we get:

[itex]\stackrel{Lim}{N→∞}[/itex] P[itex]^{N}_{s}[/itex] = 1

I just don't see how this final bit follows. After all, if t is large then increasing N won't bring on the QZE. Surely we also need t → 0 but I don't see how the above accounts for this.

You do measure after time intervals that become arbitrarily small. Instead of doing a single measurement after a time [itex]t[/itex], you perform [itex]N[/itex] successive measurements at time intervals [itex]\delta t = \frac{t}{N}[/itex]. That's why the [itex]\frac{t^{2}}{Z^{2}}[/itex] changes to [itex]\frac{t^{2}}{N^{2} Z^{2}}[/itex] in the expression for the survival probability.

As for the limit itself, there's more than one approach that might work. One way is to factor [itex]1 - \frac{t^{2}}{N^{2} Z^{2}}[/itex] as [itex]\bigl( 1 + \frac{t}{N Z} \bigr) \bigl( 1 - \frac{t}{N Z} \bigr)[/itex] and use that [itex]\lim_{n \to \infty} \bigl( 1 + \frac{x}{n} \bigr)^{n} = e^{x}[/itex].
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  • #5
I also tryed to understand this calculation and still don't get it. Can someone please help me with the next step after the expanding of the exponential?

Related to Quantum Zeno Effect: What is the argument?

1. What is the Quantum Zeno effect?

The Quantum Zeno effect is a phenomenon in quantum mechanics where a system's evolution can be slowed or even halted by frequent measurements or observations.

2. How does the Quantum Zeno effect work?

The Quantum Zeno effect works by repeatedly measuring the state of a quantum system, which causes its wave function to collapse and reset to its initial state. This prevents the system from evolving and essentially freezes its state in time.

3. What is the argument for the Quantum Zeno effect?

The argument for the Quantum Zeno effect is based on the mathematical calculations of quantum mechanics. It is rooted in the concept of wave function collapse and how repeated measurements can affect the state of a system.

4. Can the Quantum Zeno effect be observed in real-world experiments?

Yes, the Quantum Zeno effect has been observed in numerous experiments, including ones involving photons, atoms, and even macroscopic systems like superconducting qubits. Its effects have also been demonstrated in quantum computing and communication.

5. What are the potential applications of the Quantum Zeno effect?

The Quantum Zeno effect has potential applications in quantum computing, quantum communication, and quantum sensing. It could also be used to investigate the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics and test the validity of its predictions.

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