[Python] Function pointers & array of objects

In summary, the individual is trying to build a form to display and update information in an object. They have created an array of dictionaries containing information about the form fields and pointers to the get and set functions of the object fields. However, they are looking for a way to remove the index of the object from the function pointer. They are considering trying to replace the dictionary with an instance of a class object and call the member function instead.
  • #1
Maybe I am going about this the wrong way.
I'm trying to build a form to display & update information in a object.
The objects are stored in an array since I'll have 1-N of them.

What I've done now is created an array of dictonaries which hold the information about the form fields, it contains information such as: Label, control Type, and then a pointer to the get & set functions of the object field.

This works great if I define the array AFTER I know which index the object is in.
Is there a way I can do this before? Otherwise I'll have to have a similar array elsewhere to handle the actual updating of the object.Code is as follows:

                objects = [{'name': 'theName',        'type' : 'textBox',  'lbl': 'Controller Name:','getFunction' :  theControllers[index].getName,        'setFunction' :  theControllers[index].setName},
                           {'name': 'theModbusID',    'type' : 'textBox',  'lbl': 'Modbus ID:',      'getFunction' :  theControllers[index].getModbus,      'setFunction' :  theControllers[index].setModbus},
                           {'name': 'theLocation',    'type' : 'textBox',  'lbl': 'Location:',       'getFunction' :  theControllers[index].getLocation,    'setFunction' :  theControllers[index].setLocation},
                           {'name': 'theChannel',     'type' : 'textBox',  'lbl': 'Com Channel',     'getFunction' :  theControllers[index].getComChannel,  'setFunction' :  theControllers[index].setComChannel},
                           {'name': 'theFirstCircuit','type' : 'textBox',  'lbl': 'First Circuit:',  'getFunction' :  theControllers[index].getFirstCiruit, 'setFunction' :  theControllers[index].setFirstCircuit},
                           {'name': 'theControlType', 'type' : 'dropDown', 'lbl': 'Controller Type:','getFunction' :  theControllers[index].getFirstCiruit, 'setFunction' :  theControllers[index].setFirstCircuit}]
                for i in range(0, len(objects)):
                       #set up the controlls

basically I want to be able to remove theControllers[index] from the function pointer. Is this possible?
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  • #2
cpscdave said:
Maybe I am going about this the wrong way.
I'm trying to build a form to display & update information in a object.
The objects are stored in an array since I'll have 1-N of them.

What I've done now is created an array of dictonaries which hold the information about the form fields, it contains information such as: Label, control Type, and then a pointer to the get & set functions of the object field.

This works great if I define the array AFTER I know which index the object is in.
Is there a way I can do this before? Otherwise I'll have to have a similar array elsewhere to handle the actual updating of the object.Code is as follows:

                objects = [{'name': 'theName',        'type' : 'textBox',  'lbl': 'Controller Name:','getFunction' :  theControllers[index].getName,        'setFunction' :  theControllers[index].setName},
                           {'name': 'theModbusID',    'type' : 'textBox',  'lbl': 'Modbus ID:',      'getFunction' :  theControllers[index].getModbus,      'setFunction' :  theControllers[index].setModbus},
                           {'name': 'theLocation',    'type' : 'textBox',  'lbl': 'Location:',       'getFunction' :  theControllers[index].getLocation,    'setFunction' :  theControllers[index].setLocation},
                           {'name': 'theChannel',     'type' : 'textBox',  'lbl': 'Com Channel',     'getFunction' :  theControllers[index].getComChannel,  'setFunction' :  theControllers[index].setComChannel},
                           {'name': 'theFirstCircuit','type' : 'textBox',  'lbl': 'First Circuit:',  'getFunction' :  theControllers[index].getFirstCiruit, 'setFunction' :  theControllers[index].setFirstCircuit},
                           {'name': 'theControlType', 'type' : 'dropDown', 'lbl': 'Controller Type:','getFunction' :  theControllers[index].getFirstCiruit, 'setFunction' :  theControllers[index].setFirstCircuit}]
                for i in range(0, len(objects)):
                       #set up the controlls

basically I want to be able to remove theControllers[index] from the function pointer. Is this possible?
This is what I would try. Just above where you are setting objects, do this:
fnPtr = theControllers[index]
Then, wherever you have "theControllers[index].whatever", replace theControllers[index] with fnPtr.
I don't see why this wouldn't work, but I haven't tested it.
  • #3
Replace dictionary with instance of class object, call member function?
  • #4
The goal is to not have to write a bunch of code to build the form.
With my dictonary of info I only need to have a couple lines of code for each type of control (right now its only a text box and a dropdown)

As per Mark44's suggestion, its the .whatever that is the important part. I'm not sure how I can implement it the way you suggest while still accomplishing what I want to do.

The code will launch however if I replace the theController[index].whatver with controller.whatever. controller being the name of the class.
However when it tries to run the code it says it needs an instance of the object.

This would work if I could in the code tell it which controller to use.
  • #5
class Control:

class Button (Control):
    def redraw(self):
        # draw a buttom
    def on_click(self):
        # whatever
    def __init__ (self, *, name='', icon=''... )
        # create

class ListBox (Control):
    def redraw(self):
        # draw a list box
    def on_click(self):
        # whatever
    def __init__ (self, *, name='', entries=''... )
        # create

objects = [
    Button(name='next_btn', icon='/icons/next.png', ...),
    ListBox(name='animal_sel', entries=['cat', 'rabbit', 'horse'], ...),
    Button(name='ok_btn', icon='/icons/ok.png', ...)
#you could do that as a dict, with the control name ('animal-sel')
#as the key, should you need to find your buttons quickly. But you
#shouldn't really need to do this unless they can change at runtime,
#like the contents of a list box

for i in objects:
    i.redraw ()

Otherwise I don't understand what you're trying to do.

Window manager design patterns are pretty standard in OOP, may want to look at TKINTER in the python standard library to see how they do it.

edit: Or you know, just use TKinter and not reinvent the wheel :)

edit: Why this site doesn't implement a line length count for entering code? (And why people don't line break their own code at like, 80 or 120, or somewhere that can be read without scrolling?)
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  • #6
Carno Raar:
Lol this is my problem. I'm not sure how to explain (well) what I'm trying to do exactly.
I think you're on the right track. What you posted (I think) is pretty much exactly what I am trying to do.
As a side note, I'm trying to conform to another development team in another office, in another country lol. They were using WXpython for their GUI but have since switch to QT. I'll spend this morning switching to QT myself and see if a solution comes out of the change.

In your code you had:
objects = [
    Button(name='next_btn', icon='/icons/next.png', ...),
    ListBox(name='animal_sel', entries=['cat', 'rabbit', 'horse'], ...),
    Button(name='ok_btn', icon='/icons/ok.png', ...)

which is essentially my Objects dictionary. What I would like to do, is to define this dictionary (or whatever other construct) in 1 spot. (Actually just may have had a flash of brilliance. I'll post my idea after I finish this thought).
The problem I have, is where you have name = 'next_btn' for example I want to pull 'next_btn' from an object via a getter function. (eg theObjects[index].getName)
The issue is when I define the dictionary I need to know the index of the object that I'm working on.

My (probably painfully obvious and straight forward) solution that I think should work is:
I'm going to create a function inside the object called "getFormData"
it will then be something like:

def getFormData(self):              
     objects = [{'name': 'theName',        'type' : 'textBox',  'lbl': 'Controller Name:','getFunction' :  self.getName,        'setFunction' :  self.setName} ... ]
     return objects

This solves the problem of getting the object instances functions AND having the data only defined in one spot!

I'll post shortly if this does indeed work
  • #7
Excellent it did indeed work!
Thanks Carno Raar & Mark44!

Related to [Python] Function pointers & array of objects

1. What are function pointers in Python?

Function pointers in Python are essentially variables that hold references to functions. They are used to pass functions as arguments to other functions, or to store functions in data structures like arrays or dictionaries. They are commonly used in situations where the specific function to be called is not known until runtime.

2. How are function pointers declared in Python?

In Python, function pointers are declared using the def keyword, followed by the function name and a set of parentheses. For example: def my_function(): The function pointer can then be assigned to a variable or passed as an argument to another function.

3. What are array of objects in Python?

An array of objects in Python is a data structure that stores a collection of objects in a sequential manner. Unlike traditional arrays, which can only store primitive data types like integers or characters, array of objects can store any type of object, including custom objects created by the user.

4. How do you create an array of objects in Python?

To create an array of objects in Python, you can use the array module from the standard library. This module provides a class called array that allows you to create an array of any data type. You can then add objects to the array using the append() method, or initialize the array with a list of objects.

5. How can you use function pointers with an array of objects in Python?

Function pointers can be used with an array of objects in Python to perform operations on the objects stored in the array. For example, you can create a function that takes in a function pointer and an array of objects as parameters, and then use the function pointer to perform a specific task on each object in the array. This allows for more flexible and dynamic manipulation of the objects in the array.

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