Q'izing GR retains local Lorentz invariance after all?

In summary: Most of the papers have to do with the propagation of light through various media. In summary, these recent papers suggest that there may be a turnaround in the quantization of General Relativity, with some earlier papers predicting a quantum gravity dispersion in long-range transmission of light. The first paper also suggests a Lorentz invariant field equation, while the second paper discusses previous models predicting a breakdown of Lorentz invariance. These papers contradict some previous results, but it is still uncertain if their analysis is sound or if it will be accepted by the scientific community. However, it is encouraging to see theory being developed and tested with experimental data. There is also a new equation, F = ma + mvxw, that replaces F = ma and
  • #1
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maybe someone else can clarify;
these recent papers suggest a surprising turnaround in the quantization of General Relativity, contrary to some earlier papers by other people, they predict no quantum gravity dispersion in longrange transmission of light:

On low energy quantum gravity induced effects on the propagation of light---Gleiser/Kozameh/Parisi


Lorentz Invariance and the semiclassical approximation of loop quantum gravity---Kozameh/Parisi


the first of these two papers is also available in the journal "Classical and Quantum Gravity" vol. 20 pp. 4375-4385
the second has just been posted as pre-print this month

on page 12, in the conclusions, the first paper says
"In Section 3 we show that a very natural assumption leads to Lorentz invariant field equations. Our conclusion is that we have no reason to believe that a quantum theory of gravity would change the invariance..."

on page 2, in the introduction, the second paper says
"In recent years there as been hope of observing quantum gravity effects via the propagation of light through cosmological distances. This hope is based in some models describing the interaction of quantum Maxwell and gravitational fields that predict a breakdown of Lorentz invariance at a linearized level in the semiclassical approximation. The common feature in these models is a non standard dispersion relation which shows that spacetime behaves as a medium with a frequency dependent index of refraction..." Here they cite papers by Ellis/Amelino-Camelia etal., Gambini/Pullin, Alfaro/Morales-Tecotl/Urrutia, and Sahlmann/Thiemann.

their analysis appears to contradict results by Ellis and also by Sahlmann/Thiemann. It concludes that their supposed predictions are wrong and a dispersion relation (at least of the kind earlier discussed) is not to be expected

my take on it: theory is supposed to develop guided by observation and experiment. LQG is close enough to conventional GR that people can try out details of the theory and various modifications and crank out predictions and see if they are right. Apparently Sahlmann/Thiemann analysed photon/graviton interaction in some fashion and got some numbers and they didnt match observation and these people in Argentina are setting it up slightly differently and saying that they, not Sahlmann/Thiemann and not John Ellis etal., are doing the analysis right and are in agreement with the observations.

I guess I'll have to wait and see if other people think the work of these people at the University of Cordoba is sound, and whether they cite it and so forth. As a general thing it seems like its good its happening.
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  • #2
I looked at these papers a bit. The first one assumes the homogeneous Maxwell equations are valid in the semiclassical approximation of quantum gravity and base their derivation on that. I don't know if this is a meaningful way to procede or not. Maybe what both of us are lacking is a clear understanding of the physics of the semiclassical approximation.

The second one, which I only scanned very briefly, basis its discussion on an experimental result. That is certainly encouraging.
  • #3
Originally posted by selfAdjoint
I looked at these papers a bit...<snip>...basis its discussion on an experimental result. That is certainly encouraging.

thanks for having a look! was hoping you would. I, for one, will just have to wait and see if anyone pays attention and treats the work as valid.
I agree as a general thing it is encouraging to see a branch of theory beginning to encounter data and adapt
  • #4
F = ma + mvxw

where: F=force, m=mass, a=static gravitational field, v=velocity of mass 'current', x=cross product, w=angular velocity of rotating mass.

To confirm:

Follow Maxwell's derivation for electromagnetic equations, but rather than initiating with F=qE as the static manefestation of the force, exchange charge for mass by using F=ma. Continue using the classical tensor derivation using mass in the place of charge and the above force equation will become evident.

Of course you can also generate gravitational equations similar to Maxwell's electromagnetic ones, but the above equation is the truly revolutionary one as it replaces the blatently inaccurate F=ma, while, pehaps more importantly, incorporating the elements of so-called 'fictitious forces' (i.e. angular velocity G-fields). This is precisely the 'semi-classical' derivation to which you refer selfAdjoint. And yes, it does indeed work as a complete force equation capable of being unified with its electromagnetic twin.

Feel free to email me if you would like further details.

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  • #5
It is actually not that surprising. None of these papers rigorously derives anything from basic principles. There are various assumptions made, and then conclusions drawn. The original people writing these papers are more trying to use experiment to discover analytical results (those assumptions I mentioned), rather than to confirm a framework. Unfortunately, many people quote the results without realizing that.

Related to Q'izing GR retains local Lorentz invariance after all?

1. What is "Q'izing GR"?

"Q'izing GR" refers to the process of incorporating quantum field theory into the theory of general relativity (GR), which is a classical theory of gravity. This is done in order to better understand the behavior of gravity at the quantum level.

2. What is local Lorentz invariance?

Local Lorentz invariance is a fundamental principle in physics that states that the laws of physics should be the same for all observers, regardless of their relative motion or orientation. In other words, the laws of physics should be invariant under local Lorentz transformations.

3. How does Q'izing GR retain local Lorentz invariance?

Q'izing GR introduces quantum fields into the theory of general relativity, which allows for the inclusion of quantum effects. This allows for a more complete description of gravity at the quantum level, while still preserving the fundamental principle of local Lorentz invariance.

4. Why is local Lorentz invariance important in the study of gravity?

Local Lorentz invariance is important because it ensures that the laws of physics are consistent and predictable regardless of the observer's frame of reference. This is crucial in the study of gravity, as it allows for a consistent understanding of how gravity behaves in different scenarios.

5. Are there any challenges in incorporating quantum field theory into GR while retaining local Lorentz invariance?

Yes, there are still many challenges in Q'izing GR and reconciling it with local Lorentz invariance. One of the main challenges is the existence of singularities in general relativity, which do not have a clear interpretation in quantum field theory. Additionally, there are still debates and ongoing research on how to properly incorporate quantum effects into gravity without violating local Lorentz invariance.

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