Propagating Measurement Uncertainty into a Linear Regression Model

In summary, the conversation discusses trying to combine uncertainty in both x and y values into the standard error of the best fit line from a linear regression for a dataset. The individual asking the question understands how to calculate the standard error of the best fit line, but is unsure of how to incorporate the error from each individual measurement into the regression error. They also ask if there is a simpler way to do this rather than using Monte-Carlo simulation. The conversation ends with someone explaining a method for calculating the best linear unbiased estimator of the regression coefficient vector.
  • #1
I am trying to figure out how to combine uncertainty (in x and y) into the standard error of the best fit line from the linear regression for that dataset.

I am plotting units of concentration (x) versus del t/height (y) to get a value for the flux (which is the slope)

I understand how to get the standard error of the best fit line, but that only gives the error in y in relation to the best fit line. Is there a good way to combine that error with the error from the individual measurements?

For example:
(x) (y)
delt/h Conc.
0.00 563.84
2.39 568.77
3.53 566.64
11.03 572.59

The error in each y measurement is 9%

When I do the linear regression, I get a slope of .71 and an error of .21

Is there a (relatively) simple way to propagate the 9% error into the regression error?
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  • #2
Putting aside the errors in the x values, the regression error already includes the errors in y.
  • #3
Are you referring to the standard error of the regression line? I know that the standard error includes all the vertical error from each point to the line, but what I want to do is take into account the vertical error in each data point with respect to the line.

So, my first point y = 531 +/- 51 and the second point y = 540+/- 46 and so on. How do I integrate the +/- values for each data point into the error for the linear regression?

  • #4
The computationally easy way is to generate random numbers for each y. For y = 531 +/- 51, you could generate (say) 10 uniform random numbers with mean = 531 and range = +/- 51, all matched to the same x value.
  • #5
I would like to do the same thing as Ischong. Is there an analytical way rather than using Monte-Carlo simulation as someone suggests. I know that simulation will surely work but need more simple way as the model is just linear regression.

Sincerely yours,
  • #6
Suppose you have T observations and K variables. Suppose you also know the distribution of each y[t]; for example, y[t] ~ N(m[t], s[t]), t = 1 to T. If s[t] is constant for all t, then you have the standard OLS model. If s[t] is different for each t, then each error term u[t] is distributed N(0, s[t]). Since you know s[t] for all t, you can define the matrix [itex]\bold\Phi_{T\times T} = diag(s[t]^2)[/itex] as the variance matrix (of the errors). Then


is the best linear unbiased estimator of the regression coefficient vector.

Related to Propagating Measurement Uncertainty into a Linear Regression Model

1. What is the purpose of propagating measurement uncertainty into a linear regression model?

The purpose of propagating measurement uncertainty into a linear regression model is to account for the uncertainty in the independent variable (x) when making predictions with the model. This ensures that the model's predictions are more accurate and reliable, taking into account the potential errors in the measurement of the independent variable.

2. How is measurement uncertainty propagated into a linear regression model?

Measurement uncertainty is propagated into a linear regression model by incorporating the uncertainty in the independent variable (x) into the calculation of the model's slope and intercept. This is typically done using a method called "error-in-variables" or "errors-in-variables" regression, which takes into account the uncertainty in both the independent and dependent variables.

3. What are the assumptions and limitations of propagating measurement uncertainty into a linear regression model?

The assumptions of propagating measurement uncertainty into a linear regression model include: 1) the measurement errors in the independent variable are normally distributed, 2) the errors in the independent and dependent variables are uncorrelated, and 3) the measurement errors are constant for all data points. The limitations of this method include the potential for over- or underestimating the uncertainty and the assumption that the measurement errors are known and can be accurately quantified.

4. How does propagating measurement uncertainty affect the interpretation of the regression coefficients?

When measurement uncertainty is propagated into a linear regression model, the regression coefficients may change slightly from the original model without accounting for uncertainty. This is because the uncertainty in the independent variable is taken into account in the calculation of the coefficients. The interpretation of the coefficients should also consider the uncertainty, as they represent the change in the dependent variable for a one-unit change in the independent variable, accounting for the uncertainty in the measurement of the independent variable.

5. Are there any alternative methods for incorporating measurement uncertainty into a linear regression model?

Yes, there are alternative methods for incorporating measurement uncertainty into a linear regression model, such as Bayesian regression or Monte Carlo simulation. These methods may be more complex and computationally intensive, but they can provide a more accurate and comprehensive representation of the uncertainty in the regression model. It is important to carefully consider the assumptions and limitations of each method before choosing one for a particular analysis.

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