Proof of Unique Equivalence Relation on Set w/ Partition Classes

In summary, a unique equivalence relation is a relation between elements in a set that satisfies the properties of reflexivity, symmetry, and transitivity. It is typically represented using a partition of the set into classes and can be proven by defining the relation, partitioning the set, and showing that the classes satisfy the properties of an equivalence relation. Proving the uniqueness of an equivalence relation is significant as it allows for better organization and understanding of the elements in the set and can be applied in various fields of science.
  • #1

I've to construct a proof of the following statement: Prove that if S is a set and S_1... S_k is a partition of S, then there is a unique equivalence relation on S that has the S_i as its equivalence classes.

I'm really not sure how to go about this proof at all, so any help would be much appreciated!
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  • #2
First make sure you understand the definitions of equivalence relation, equivalence class and partition. Also, look at several examples of how an equivalence relation induces a partition of a set into equivalence classes.

To construct an equivalence relation $R$, you need a way to say for any two given $x,y\in S$ whether $R(x,y)$ holds. You also need to show that there is only one answer to this question for given $S_1,\dots,S_k$. Note that $R(x,y)$ holds if and only if $y\in[x]$ ($y$ lies in the equivalence class of $x$) by definition of equivalence class. Well, since we have a partition, $x$ belongs to one and only one set, say, $S_i$. So how do you answer the question whether $R(x,y)$ holds? If $x$ belonged to more than one class, then there would be more than one way to answer it.
  • #3

Thanks for your reply! So what you're saying is that R(x,y) is that x and y lie in the same subset, namely S_i?
  • #4
This is my proof- could you tell me what you think?

For a relation to be an equivalence relation, it must satisfy three conditions- it must be reflexive, symmetric and transitive.
The relation is reflexive as x ~ x means x is in the same subset as x, which is clearly true. The relation is symmetric as x~y means x and y belong to the same subset. This implies y and x belong to the same subset and so y~x. The relation is transitive as x~y means x and y belong to the same subset, and y~z means y and z belong to the same subset. Thus x and z belong to the same subset and thus x~z. Thus the relation is an equivalence relation.
  • #5
You are correct, but the problem also asks to show that this equivalent relation, i.e., $R(x,y)\iff\exists i\;(x,y\in S_i)$, has $S_1,\dots,S_k$ as its equivalence classes, and that such relation is unique.
  • #6
Ah I see, so how would I go about doing that? I've never attempted a proof such as this.
  • #7
Ciaran said:
Ah I see, so how would I go about doing that?
Intuitively, equivalence classes are sets of equivalent elements, and elements are equivalent iff they belong to the same $S_i$. Therefore, equivalence classes are $S_i$ for $i=1,\dots,k$.

More precisely, you need to review the definition of equivalence classes of any given relation. We have $S=\bigcup_{i=1}^k S_i$. Let's suppose the definition says that the equivalence class of $x\in S$ with respect to $R$, denoted by $[x]$, is $\{y\in S\mid R(x,y)\}$ (the definition in your textbook or lecture notes may be slightly different, but essentially equivalent). Since $x\in S$, there is some $1\le j\le k$ such that $x\in S_j$. Since $S_i$ form a partition, they are disjoint, so $x\notin S_i$ for any $i\ne j$. Then
R(x,y)&\iff\exists i\;(x\in S_i\text{ and }y\in S_i)&&\text{by definition of }R\\
&\iff y\in S_j&&\text{because }x\text{ is in }S_j\text{ and only }S_j.
[x]=\{y\in S\mid R(x,y)\}=\{y\in S\mid y\in S_j\}=S_j
Since $x$ was arbitrary and all equivalence classes have the form $[x]$ for some $x\in S$, every equivalence class is one of $S_i$. Conversely, by definition of partition, each $S_j$ is nonempty, so there exists an $x\in S_j$, and then, as shown above, $[x]=S_j$. So all $S_i$ are equivalence classes.

Now suppose there are two relations $R_1$ and $R_2$. Let's denote the equivalence classes of $x$ with respect to $R_1$ and $R_2$ by $[x]_1$ and $[x]_2$, respectively. We are given that $S_1,\dots,S_k$ are $[x]_1$ for various $x$, and similarly for $[x]_2$. Fix some $x\in S$ and suppose $j$ is the unique index such that $x\in S_j$. Then $[x]_1=[x]_2=S_j$ (Why?). Therefore,
R_1(x,y)\iff y\in [x]_1\iff y\in [x]_2\iff R_2(x,y),
so $R_1$ coincides with $R_2$.

Related to Proof of Unique Equivalence Relation on Set w/ Partition Classes

1. What is a unique equivalence relation?

A unique equivalence relation is a type of relation between elements in a set that satisfies the properties of reflexivity, symmetry, and transitivity. This means that every element in the set is related to itself, the relation is symmetric (if a is related to b, then b is related to a), and the relation is transitive (if a is related to b and b is related to c, then a is related to c).

2. How is a unique equivalence relation represented?

A unique equivalence relation is typically represented using a partition of the set into classes. Each class contains elements that are related to each other, and elements in different classes are not related. This representation is useful in proving the existence and uniqueness of the equivalence relation.

3. How is a proof of unique equivalence relation on a set with partition classes constructed?

A proof of unique equivalence relation on a set with partition classes is constructed by first defining the relation and its properties (reflexivity, symmetry, and transitivity). Then, the set is partitioned into classes based on the relation, and it is shown that the classes satisfy the properties of an equivalence relation. Finally, it is proven that this equivalence relation is unique on the set.

4. What is the significance of proving the uniqueness of an equivalence relation?

Proving the uniqueness of an equivalence relation on a set is significant because it provides a way to categorize and organize the elements in the set. It also allows for a better understanding of the relationships between elements and can be used to simplify complex problems. Additionally, the proof of uniqueness ensures that there is only one way to partition the set into classes, making it a useful tool for future mathematical and scientific investigations.

5. Can the concept of unique equivalence relation be applied in other areas of science?

Yes, the concept of unique equivalence relation can be applied in various fields of science, including computer science, physics, and biology. In computer science, it can be used in data organization and network analysis. In physics, it can be applied in the study of symmetry and symmetry breaking. In biology, it can be used to categorize species and study evolutionary relationships. The concept of unique equivalence relation is a fundamental concept in mathematics and can be applied in many different areas of science to better understand complex systems.

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