Problem with fields and operators in holographic duality

In summary, the author of the lecture notes on holographic duality discusses a matrix field theory for large N expansion, which includes scalars, gauge fields, and fermions all represented as N x N matrices. This theory is related to the SYM SU(N) theory, where the fields are also matrices. The author defines a larger matrix that contains all the fields and their derivatives, which gives all the terms in the Lagrangian. In section 3, the author discusses single-trace operators, which are products of (matter) fields represented as traces. These are considered in addition to other operators like SEM tensor and global currents in the AdS/CFT correspondence.
  • #1
Insights Author
Gold Member
I'm reading McGreevy's lecture notes on holographic duality but I have two problems now: (See here!)

1) The author considers a matrix field theory for large N expansion. At first I thought its just a theory considered as a simple example and has nothing to do with the ## \mathcal N=4 ## SYM SU(N) theory which is going to be analyzed later. But if you see the linked pdf, the author says the following just above equation (1):
we write our theory schematically in terms of one big field ## \Phi ## which we think of as potentially including scalars ## \phi ##, gauge fields ## A_\mu ##, and fermions ## \psi_\alpha ## all of which are N x N matrices.
Does this mean there is a connection between this matrix field theory and the SYM? What is this connection?
Also, only SU(N) gauge fields are NxN matrices and not the matter fields. So what is he talking about?

2) In section 3, he considers single-trace operators, defined by equation (4). But I have no idea what kind of an operator this is. The field/operator correspondence in AdS/CFT is supposed to be between quantities like e.g. bulk metric and boundary theory SEM tensor or bulk gauge fields and boundary theory global currents. But what is this single trace operator? Can anyone clarify and give an example?

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  • #2
I found the answer to my questions. So I post it here for any future student wandering around in hope of finding the answer to the same questions:
The key point here is that the fields of ## \mathcal N=4 ## SYM SU(N) are a SU(N) gauge field and some matter fields which are superpartners to this SU(N) gauge field and so they are themselves matrices in the internal space but scalars and spinors under the Lorentz group. The author of the above document realizes that any term appearing in the theory's Lagrangian is a matrix product and so he can define a larger matrix containing all the above fields whose derivative and products give all the terms in the Lagrangian. He just doesn't do it explicitly and writes a schematic Lagrangian because that's all he needs.
The answer to the question 2 is now clear too. Aside from operators like SEM tensor and global currents, (matter) field products can be considered too but because (matter) fields here are also matrices, these product terms should actually be the trace of the field products.
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Related to Problem with fields and operators in holographic duality

1. What is holographic duality and how does it relate to fields and operators?

Holographic duality is a concept in theoretical physics that suggests a mathematical equivalence between a gravitational theory in a higher-dimensional space and a quantum field theory on the lower-dimensional boundary of that space. This duality allows for a better understanding of the relationship between fields and operators in these two theories.

2. Why is it important to study the problem with fields and operators in holographic duality?

Studying the problem with fields and operators in holographic duality is important because it can provide insights into the fundamental nature of space and time, as well as the nature of gravity and quantum mechanics. It also has potential applications in areas such as black hole physics, cosmology, and condensed matter physics.

3. What are some challenges or limitations in understanding fields and operators in holographic duality?

One challenge in understanding fields and operators in holographic duality is the lack of a complete and consistent theory that unifies gravity and quantum mechanics. Another limitation is the complexity of the mathematical framework involved in holographic duality, making it difficult to apply to real-world systems.

4. How do holographic duality and the AdS/CFT correspondence play a role in the problem with fields and operators?

Holographic duality and the AdS/CFT correspondence are closely related concepts that provide a framework for studying the problem with fields and operators in holographic duality. The AdS/CFT correspondence states that a gravitational theory in an Anti-de Sitter (AdS) space can be described by a quantum field theory on its boundary, known as the conformal field theory (CFT).

5. What are some current research efforts in addressing the problem with fields and operators in holographic duality?

Current research efforts in addressing the problem with fields and operators in holographic duality include exploring the implications of holographic duality in different areas of physics, such as black hole thermodynamics, quantum entanglement, and exotic phases of matter. There is also ongoing work in developing new mathematical techniques and models to better understand and solve the problem.

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