Problem at Work with Regression

In summary, the speaker has been tasked with creating a sensitivity analysis tool using a multi-variable regression model. They have built a tool for users to adjust variables and see the impact on a dependent variable, but have encountered issues where adjusting certain variables leads to unexpected results. The speaker has questions about using a different type of regression, better methods for building the model, and ways to influence the calculated coefficients. The speaker also expresses doubts about the accuracy of their model and mentions potential sources of error.
  • #1

I've been tasked with making a sort of sensitivity analysis tool. The goal was to get as many parameters as possible and then use them to build a model that would allow users to change variables a bit and see what happens to the one dependent variable.

So I used a multi variable regression tool to come up with a single equation:

y = c1*x1 + c2*x2 + ... + cn*xn

Here c's are the calculated coefficients, x's are the independent variables and y is the one dependent value.

Then what I did was I built at tool that allowed the users to adjust the variables they wanted to adjust to see how that changes y. The problem is that when some variables are adjusted up, it makes y go down which does make much sense in our business model.

So I have a few questions
1) Should I be using a different type of regression?
2) Is there a better way to go about this?
3) Are there ways to influence the coefficients I calculate?

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  • #2
So maybe I will try asking in a different way since I did not get any responses yet.

I want to build a model based on variables to predict a value, but my variables are have very little correlation to the value I want to predict. What I mean by this is when I look at scatter plots of my variable versus the values I want to predict there is no immediately obvious best fit line, the graphs are truly scattered!

Is there even a way to build an accurate model?
  • #3
Lies, damn lies and statistics. You are touching a very sensitive subject. The main problem if you are asking physicists is this: We make a model and then we fit it to our data. If the fitted model yields wrong results we discard it, or say that it produces wrong results in variable a, but say that it explains some values for variable b better than other models.

You have decided that you have some process that produces a variable y. Your model assumes that it can be expressed as a function of some variables which has a dominating linear component overshadowed by noise.

In physics we usually know the noise. We can measure if it fits our model. And now we come to your job. You were the person who claims that your data should be model-able in the manner you stated. Your model seems to yield wrong results, maybe you should discard it. Why is there noise in your data? Can you reduce it. Is is gaussian?

Of course there are more tools you could use, and maybe squeeze more from your data, but we don't even know what kind of data you have, and you are probably better advised to look at what other people are doing in your field.

On the other hand your fit parameters don't look so bad. Maybe this site gives you some ideas:
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Related to Problem at Work with Regression

1. What is regression analysis?

Regression analysis is a statistical method used to determine the relationship between a dependent variable (usually denoted as Y) and one or more independent variables (usually denoted as X). It is commonly used in many fields, including science, economics, and social sciences, to make predictions and understand patterns in data.

2. What is the purpose of regression analysis in a work setting?

The purpose of regression analysis in a work setting is to identify and quantify the relationship between variables and use that information to make predictions and inform decision-making. It can help businesses understand the factors that influence their performance and identify areas for improvement.

3. What are some common problems that can arise when using regression analysis at work?

Some common problems that can arise when using regression analysis at work include multicollinearity (when independent variables are highly correlated with each other), heteroscedasticity (when the variance of the residuals is not constant), and outliers (extreme data points that can skew the results).

4. How can these problems be addressed or avoided?

These problems can be addressed or avoided by carefully selecting and preparing the data, using appropriate statistical techniques to account for them (such as using robust regression for outliers), and interpreting the results with caution. It is also important to have a clear understanding of the limitations of regression analysis and to consider using other methods if necessary.

5. What are some potential benefits of using regression analysis in a work setting?

Some potential benefits of using regression analysis in a work setting include being able to identify patterns and relationships in data, making more informed and data-driven decisions, and being able to predict future outcomes. It can also help businesses save time and resources by targeting areas for improvement and avoiding unnecessary investments.

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