Problem 5.15 of Statistical Physics by Reif ( Calculation of entropy)

In summary, the given problem involves 1 kg of water with a specific heat of 4180 Joules/kg/degree, being brought from 0°C to 100°C by two different methods. The first method involves bringing it in contact with a reservoir at 100°C, while the second method involves bringing it in contact with a reservoir at 50°C and then with another reservoir at 100°C. The task is to calculate the entropy change of the water and the reservoir in both cases. By using the formula dQ = C*m*dT and integrating between the final and initial temperatures, we find that the entropy change of the water is the same for both methods. This is because entropy is a state function and only depends on
  • #1

Homework Statement

1 kg of water with specific heat (C) of 4180 Joules /kg/degree is given at 0°C. It is taken to 100°C by two methods :-
(i) by bringing it in contact with a reservoir at 100°C.
(ii) by bringing it in contact with a reservoir at 50°C , and then with another reservoir at 100°C.

Calculate the entropy change of water and the reservoir in both cases.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Well, for a small amount of heat transferred (dQ), the entropy change is given by dS = [itex]\frac{dQ}{T}[/itex] . dQ can be calculated by the formula dQ = C*m*dT . Then ΔS is obtained by integrating between Tf and Ti . So ΔS comes out to be C*m*ln(Tf/Ti). By this method I get the same answer in both the cases.
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  • #2
You have (correctly) computed the change in entropy of the water but what happened to the changes in entropy of the three reservoirs?
  • #3
Thanks for the reply.
What I wanted to know was, whether the entropy change of only the water in the two cases would be same or not. By the method I have used, I get the same entropy change for water in both the cases.
  • #4
But the problem asked for the entropy changes of the water AND THE RESERVOIRS. So you haven't answered the problem.

Yes, the change in entropy of the water is the same for both processes. That's because entropy is a state function. ΔS is a function of the beginning (A) and end (B) states only. It doesn't matter by what process you get from A to B, not even if it's irreversible (as is the case here). Your water starts at A = 0C and ends at B = 100C, all at the same pressure.
  • #5
But I am not sure if this is the correct approach.

Your approach is correct. The entropy change in both cases can be calculated using the formula dS = dQ/T and integrating between the initial and final temperatures. This approach takes into account the transfer of heat from the reservoir to the water, resulting in an increase in entropy for both the water and the reservoir.

Another way to calculate the entropy change is by using the formula ΔS = ΔQ/T, where ΔQ is the total amount of heat transferred and T is the average temperature of the system during the process. In the first case, the average temperature is 50°C, while in the second case it is 75°C. This method also results in the same entropy change for both cases.

Overall, your approach is correct and both methods will give the same result. Keep in mind that in both cases, the entropy of the water increases while the entropy of the reservoir decreases, as heat is transferred from the reservoir to the water.

Related to Problem 5.15 of Statistical Physics by Reif ( Calculation of entropy)

1. What is the significance of Problem 5.15 in Statistical Physics by Reif?

Problem 5.15 is an important exercise in understanding the concept of entropy in statistical physics. It allows for the calculation of entropy using different methods such as the microcanonical ensemble and the canonical ensemble.

2. What is the definition of entropy in statistical physics?

Entropy is a measure of the disorder or randomness in a system. In statistical physics, it is defined as the logarithm of the number of microstates that correspond to a given macrostate.

3. How is entropy related to the probability of a system being in a particular state?

The entropy of a system is directly proportional to the logarithm of the probability of the system being in a particular state. This means that as the probability of a state increases, the entropy also increases.

4. What are the different methods for calculating entropy in statistical physics?

Some methods for calculating entropy include the microcanonical ensemble, the canonical ensemble, and the grand canonical ensemble. Each method has its own assumptions and limitations, but they all ultimately lead to the same result.

5. How does the calculation of entropy contribute to our understanding of thermodynamics?

The calculation of entropy is an important aspect of thermodynamics as it helps us understand the relationship between energy and disorder in a system. It also allows us to make predictions about the behavior of a system and its ability to do work.

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