Preparing and Submitting Your Proof to Journals: Tips and Guidelines

In summary, the conversation is about a person who claims to have solved a famous open problem in mathematics and is seeking advice on how to publish their proof online. They are unsure of where to publish and have been given suggestions to seek help from a professor or to email mathematics department heads. They are also questioned about the credibility of their proof and their background in mathematics.
  • #1
I believe I have proven a famous open problem in mathematics, and no, it is not the Riemann Zeta hypothesis although that would be nice. Anyway, I want to know how I can submit my proof online and if anyone can give me pointers on preparing my paper. Thanks.
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  • #2
fibonacci235 said:
I believe I have proven a famous open problem in mathematics, and no, it is not the Riemann Zeta hypothesis although that would be nice. Anyway, I want to know how I can submit my proof online and if anyone can give me pointers on preparing my paper. Thanks.

Hmm, forgive me, but I'm always cautious if somebody solved an open problem but has no clue where to publish it.

Do you study at a university? Maybe you could ask a professor there to help you with a paper.

I suppose you could publish in the ArXiv, but you'll need a consent from a professional.

What kind of open problem are we talking about?? Where to publish it depends on the content of the paper.

In any case, the steps are as follows:
1) Write the paper.
2) Get it checked by other people.
3) Find a suitable journal.
4) Submit it for peer-review.

What journal should you take?? Well, just google for some keywords and see where other articles are published...
  • #3
What problem? If you're smart enough to have actually solved it then you shouldn't be afraid of telling people what it is...
  • #4
fibonacci235 said:
I believe I have proven a famous open problem in mathematics, and no, it is not the Riemann Zeta hypothesis although that would be nice. Anyway, I want to know how I can submit my proof online and if anyone can give me pointers on preparing my paper. Thanks.

If you've got the goods, you could publish it right here and you'd have credit forever. And you'd be striking a blow against the overpriced journals!
  • #5
Step 1: Compile the email addresses of every mathematics department head in the country.
Step 2: Write them an email informing them of your accomplishment. Don't be shy about its significance! Something along the lines of "GENTLEMEN! WOULD YOU LIKE TO HARNESS THE POWER OF THE SUN'S RAYS!" should do the trick.
Step 3: You're done! They'll take care of channeling it to the proper people.
  • #6
zhentil said:
Something along the lines of "GENTLEMEN! WOULD YOU LIKE TO HARNESS THE POWER OF THE SUN'S RAYS!" should do the trick.
Step 3: You're done! They'll take care of channeling it to the proper people.

Pun intended?
  • #7
I believe I have proven the Strong Goldbach Conjecture. I sent my proof to a professor of mathematics at Lehigh University, professor Jerry King author of several math books. Anyway, he told me that I should submit it to an online journal. He sent me a link, but for some reason it doesn't work for me.

Obviously I will need to find a journal that specializes in number theory. I've tried googling for journals, but I'm not sure if I need to consider geography or other factors. I want to know which journals are the most credible.
  • #8
fibonacci235 said:
I believe I have proven the Strong Goldbach Conjecture. I sent my proof to a professor of mathematics at Lehigh University, professor Jerry King author of several math books. Anyway, he told me that I should submit it to an online journal. He sent me a link, but for some reason it doesn't work for me.

Obviously I will need to find a journal that specializes in number theory. I've tried googling for journals, but I'm not sure if I need to consider geography or other factors. I want to know which journals are the most credible.

Here are some number theory journals:

Look at all the journals and see which one is most appropriate.

What kind of mathematics have you used?? Analytic number theory, algebraic geometry?? All these considerations come into play when chosing an appropriate journal...

Anyway, the Elsevier link (the first link on the page) seems general enough...
  • #9
Wonder how the proof is like...:smile:
  • #10
Doesn't really sound like he read it (or approved it) if he suggested you submit it to an online journal.
  • #11
Sounds like a crackpot to me. Probably just finished reading a popular account of Wiles' proof of Fermat.
  • #12
Functor97 said:
Sounds like a crackpot to me. Probably just finished reading a popular account of Wiles' proof of Fermat.

Based on TWO posts, you think you're able to make that assumption?

Anyways, OP, I can't really help you as I've never done such a thing! Hopefully you find the right journal!
  • #13
fibonacci235 said:
I believe I have proven a famous open problem in mathematics, and no, it is not the Riemann Zeta hypothesis although that would be nice. Anyway, I want to know how I can submit my proof online and if anyone can give me pointers on preparing my paper. Thanks.

You know, we're all very curious as to whether you're a crank or legit. We are all very openminded ... statistically most people who present claims similar to yours are cranks; yet, we know that geniuses sometimes work outside of universities and out of the mainstream. Fermat was a lawyer, Einstein a patent clerk. Ramanujan was a clerk in India, sending letters to mathematicians who ignored him. All except Hardy. It's a heck of a great story, someone should make a movie of it.

But we're curious about your claim. Those of us who discuss math online have seen more than our share of cranks, I'm sure you can imagine. We've seen the circle-squarers, Fermat solvers, Cantor disprovers. So you have piqued our curiosity!

If you don't mind, can you give us a clue or two? Is your proof elementary, in the sense that it uses undergrad math or less? Or does it use the techniques of modern algebraic number theory, as in Wiles's work?

Have you had much formal training in math? Have you proven other things? Have you extended existing work on the problem, or invented your own approach? Did you have help, do you work on your own? How long have you been working on the problem?

Naturally, it's not really any of our business who you are or what you've done. But I hope you understand that most of us have seen many Internet math cranks, and we are just wondering whether you are one.

Thanks for any info you care to supply.
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  • #14
No, I completely understand, and honestly I would be skeptical too. Also, I said I believe I've proven it. I know my proof needs to go through peer reviews. I've looked over the proof many times and I can't find any holes, but then again I am not completely objective.

My proof is elementary and involves basic principles of number theory and some algebra. I basically create a more mathematical precise way of stating the conjecture and then I employ an indirect method to prove that it is correct. I do this using different cases, which involve the basic rules that govern prime numbers. It's rather elementary, which, like many of you makes me a little skeptical. As a scientist I will not object to admitting that I may be incorrect. I just figure that it's worth a shot to see if I actually am correct.

As for the other questions, I can say that I enjoy mathematics, but only as a hobby. I have dabbled in the following areas: Calculus, Linear Algebra, Real Analysis, Complex Analysis, high school mathematics, Number Theory, and Discrete Mathematics which encompasses other fields. My expertise is computer programming so I can't claim that I am a professional mathematician. However, I do have a keen sense of logic and order which I think is an invaluable tool in mathematics.

Thanks for the link to I appreciate it.
  • #15
fibonacci235 said:
I believe I have proven a famous open problem in mathematics, and no, it is not the Riemann Zeta hypothesis although that would be nice. Anyway, I want to know how I can submit my proof online and if anyone can give me pointers on preparing my paper. Thanks.

First, select a journal in which you want to publish your results. Here's a link that contains a list of journals ranked by impact factor"

After you do that, the journal web page would usually contain instructions to authors on the accepted format. For example, let's say you have chosen the first one:"

After looking through their section on information for authors, I found an Author Handbook.


It's a pdf file giving techincal instruction on writing your manuscript.
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  • #16
Okay, I could be wrong, being a mere student and all, but shouldn't you have your proof looked at by peers before you submit it to a journal?

Related to Preparing and Submitting Your Proof to Journals: Tips and Guidelines

What is the process for submitting proofs to journals?

The process for submitting proofs to journals typically involves the following steps:

  1. Preparing the proof according to the journal's guidelines
  2. Choosing a suitable journal for submission
  3. Creating an account with the journal's submission system
  4. Uploading the proof and any necessary supporting materials
  5. Completing the submission form and providing any required information
  6. Paying any submission fees
  7. Waiting for a response from the journal, which can take several weeks to months

What should be included in a proof submission?

A proof submission should typically include the following elements:

  • The complete proof, including any figures, tables, and equations
  • A cover letter summarizing the key findings and significance of the proof
  • Any necessary supporting materials, such as research data or code
  • A list of suggested reviewers, if applicable
  • Any relevant conflicts of interest or funding sources

What is the typical review process for proofs submitted to journals?

The review process for proofs submitted to journals varies depending on the journal and field of study, but generally follows these steps:

  1. The journal's editor will review the submission and decide whether to send it out for peer review or reject it outright
  2. If sent for peer review, the proof will be evaluated by experts in the field (usually 2-3 reviewers)
  3. The reviewers will provide comments and feedback on the proof, and the editor will make a decision based on their recommendations
  4. If accepted, the proof may undergo revisions based on the reviewers' feedback
  5. Once the proof is deemed acceptable, it will be published in the journal

What are some common reasons for rejection of proofs submitted to journals?

There are several reasons why a proof may be rejected by a journal, including:

  • The proof does not fit within the scope of the journal
  • The proof lacks originality or significance
  • The proof is poorly written or presented
  • The proof's findings are not supported by the data or methodology
  • The proof does not follow the journal's guidelines or formatting requirements
  • The proof does not meet the ethical standards of the journal

How long does it typically take for a proof to be published after submission to a journal?

The timeline for publication of a proof can vary greatly depending on the journal, field of study, and the length and complexity of the proof. In general, it can take anywhere from several months to a year or more for a proof to be published after submission.

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