Possible Part Time Eng. Programs?

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of pursuing a second Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering (EE) after already studying Electrical Engineering Technology (EET). The individual is concerned about transferring credits and the potential job opportunities and professional certifications with an EET degree versus an EE degree. They also mention the possibility of pursuing a graduate degree in a related field.
  • #1
Hey everyone!

I was just curious about any schools that offer part time programs that are offered during the day (or at all if it comes to it). I'm studying EET at the moment and plan to graduate with a BS; I just want to know if there is any chance of getting an EE with my credits if I decide to pursue it.

My courses that I'll have taken are towards the bottom of this link:


The Calculus Courses offer the same material as I-III, just in a longer timeframe (according to a friend). I've liked Physics a lot so far, and appreciate Calculus. I think I would've been able to complete a BS in EE, but I'm going to turn 22 soon and in my second year in the EET program and want to start working soon, so it's too late now. I love my major, but that T really limits people I hear (my pride is a motivator too haha).

The only reason I have any hope of being able to do this is because of the first two years cover a decent amount of theory (I think) and math. I don't have high hopes though.

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  • #2
Generally it's tough to transfer more than a certain amount of credits from one institution from another, especially when the desired new degree would be at the same level as the old (it seems you are looking to use many of your credits to get a second BS, in EE rather than EET -- which is your present course of study). It would likely be easier to pursue the EE at your present institution and take an extra year or so (the economy is pretty poor, and I think staying in school might be better/easier than getting a full time job, which may become near impossible... although of course building debt by staying in school isn't great either).

Some things to looks into:

1) What are the requirements for a Professional Engineer certification/licensure in your state (these tend to require a degree from an accredited program... does your present course of study meet the requirement, or would the EE be needed)? Some of your job opportunities may be limited if you can't pursue your PE.

2) What opportunities might you have to pursue graduate (even MS/MBA level) degrees with your present degree versus an EE degree? While the MBA can be pursued easily, I'm particularly thinking about MS's in different fields of engineering. I'm quite frankly not sure how a terminal MS program would view an EET versus an EE in the admissions process, but I suspect the EE would hold more weight (although the admissions committee probably would look at your coursework to compare). An MS in a field might counter your technical degree.
  • #3

Hello! It's great to hear that you are interested in pursuing a career in engineering. There are definitely options for part-time engineering programs, and some schools even offer online programs that may better fit your schedule. It's important to research different schools and their programs to find one that best fits your needs and interests.

In terms of your current coursework, it seems like you have a strong foundation in math and physics, which are essential for any engineering program. However, it's important to note that a BS in EET may not necessarily fulfill all of the requirements for a BS in EE. I would suggest speaking with an academic advisor or faculty member at your school to determine if there are any transferable credits or if you would need to take additional courses to complete a BS in EE.

Your age and current program should not limit your ability to pursue a different degree, so don't let that discourage you. It's never too late to switch paths and continue your education. Keep in mind that a BS in EE may open up more career opportunities and can lead to higher salaries in the long run.

Overall, I would encourage you to continue exploring your options and speak with academic advisors or faculty members to determine the best path for you. Good luck on your academic journey!

Related to Possible Part Time Eng. Programs?

1. What are the benefits of pursuing a part time engineering program?

There are several benefits to pursuing a part time engineering program. These include the ability to continue working while studying, which can help maintain financial stability and gain practical experience. It also allows for a more flexible schedule, making it easier to balance other commitments such as family responsibilities.

2. How long does it typically take to complete a part time engineering program?

The length of a part time engineering program can vary, but it generally takes longer than a full time program. This is because students take fewer classes per semester, typically around 2-3 instead of the standard 4-5. Therefore, the program can take anywhere from 3-5 years to complete, depending on the specific program and the student's pace.

3. Are part time engineering programs as rigorous as full time programs?

While part time engineering programs may take longer to complete, they are just as rigorous as full time programs. The same curriculum and coursework are covered, and students are held to the same academic standards. This ensures that students receive the same quality education and are prepared for a career in engineering.

4. Can I switch from a part time to a full time engineering program?

It is possible to switch from a part time to a full time engineering program, but it is important to check with the specific program and institution for their policies and procedures. Some programs may allow for a smooth transition, while others may require additional coursework or a new application process.

5. Are there any limitations to pursuing a part time engineering program?

One limitation of a part time engineering program is that it may take longer to graduate, which can delay entry into the workforce. Additionally, some employers may prefer candidates who have completed a full time program. However, the experience gained while working and studying simultaneously can also be seen as an advantage in the job market.

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