Position of a Body on a Hyperbolic/Parabolic Orbit with Respect to Time

In summary, the conversation discusses using Keplerian elements to calculate points on a parabolic or hyperbolic orbit. The code provided uses Kepler's equation, which is not valid for these types of orbits. References are provided for finding solutions for parabolic and hyperbolic orbits, including Barker's equation and the hyperbolic anomaly. More information can be found in the recommended references. The conversation also touches on the possibility of using polar coordinates to plot these types of orbits and the use of different anomalies, such as the hyperbolic anomaly.
  • #1
.. Using Keplerian Elements

Hi. Disclaimer: this is the first foray into orbits I've ever taken. I only did mechanics in university and haven't really touched it sincew.

I'm busy coding a simulation of a solar system. I've managed to code a routine to calculate the position of a body along an elliptic orbit, using a wikipedia article, but the code breaks down when the eccentricity of the orbit approaches or passes 1.0. Specifically, the true anomaly goes to π and the radius goes to ∞ pretty much immediately when the eccentricity is 1.0; when the eccentricity is >1.0, the true anomaly goes to ∞ too.

So, I'm looking for a little help with an algorithm to calculate points on a parabolic orbit, or on a hyperbolic orbit, using the same parameters like semimajor axis and eccentricity. From what I can see, mean/eccentric/true anomalies don't make sense for parabolic and hyperbolic orbits.

I'll take whatever help you can lend, and I don't need anyone to code me a solution, but I'm specifically looking to calculate the coordinates of a point on the orbit with respect to time.

Thanks for your help!

If you're curious, here's the code:
float meanAnomaly=(2.0f*pi*age)/(period)+meanAnomalyAtEpoch,
      eccentricAnomaly=solveForEccentricAnomaly(meanAnomaly, eccentricity),
where solveForEccenticAnomaly solves M=E-e*sin(E).
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  • #2
whiterook6 said:
where solveForEccenticAnomaly solves M=E-e*sin(E).
That's the source of your problem. That is Kepler's equation for an elliptical orbit. It isn't valid for hyperbolic orbits (e>1) or for orbits with e=1 (parabolic orbits, plus three kinds of degenerate orbits (angular momentum=0)).

The solutions for parabolic and hyperbolic orbits can be found in a number of references:
- Vallado & McClain, Fundamentals of astrodynamics and applications
- Battin, An introduction to the mathematics and methods of astrodynamics
- Astrodynamics, MIT Open CourseWare, http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/aeronautics-and-astronautics/16-346-astrodynamics-fall-2008/
  • #3
D H said:
That's the source of your problem. That is Kepler's equation for an elliptical orbit. It isn't valid for hyperbolic orbits (e>1) or for orbits with e=1 (parabolic orbits, plus three kinds of degenerate orbits (angular momentum=0)).

The solutions for parabolic and hyperbolic orbits can be found in a number of references:
- Vallado & McClain, Fundamentals of astrodynamics and applications
- Battin, An introduction to the mathematics and methods of astrodynamics
- Astrodynamics, MIT Open CourseWare, http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/aeronautics-and-astronautics/16-346-astrodynamics-fall-2008/

Phew, that's a little beyond me. However, I know that it's certainly possible to plot a parabola/hyperbola in polar coordinates (or at least wikipedia says we can):


Can I consider θ to be a true anomaly, and if so, is it possible to calculate θ from time t given parameters similar to Keplerian elements, like semimajor axis, focus distance, or period?
  • #4
whiterook6 said:
Phew, that's a little beyond me. However, I know that it's certainly possible to plot a parabola/hyperbola in polar coordinates (or at least wikipedia says we can):


Can I consider θ to be a true anomaly, and if so, is it possible to calculate θ from time t given parameters similar to Keplerian elements, like semimajor axis, focus distance, or period?

You can't use [itex]r=a(e^2-1)/(1+e\cos\theta)[/itex] for a parabola. You can use [itex]r=p/(1+e\cos\theta)[/itex] where p is the semi latus rectum as a general rule. This is valid for everything but the degenerate cases with zero angular momentum.

Kepler's equation does generalize to parabolic and hyperbolic orbits. For parabolae you need to use Barker's equation. For hyperbolae you need to use the hyperbolic anomaly. The hyperbolic equivalent of Kepler's equation is [itex]M=e\sinh H - H[/itex].

For more, and for derivations, I suggest you see the references I supplied in my previous post.
  • #5
D H said:
You can't use [itex]r=a(e^2-1)/(1+e\cos\theta)[/itex] for a parabola. You can use [itex]r=p/(1+e\cos\theta)[/itex] where p is the semi latus rectum as a general rule. This is valid for everything but the degenerate cases with zero angular momentum.

Kepler's equation does generalize to parabolic and hyperbolic orbits. For parabolae you need to use Barker's equation. For hyperbolae you need to use the hyperbolic anomaly. The hyperbolic equivalent of Kepler's equation is [itex]M=e\sinh H - H[/itex].

For more, and for derivations, I suggest you see the references I supplied in my previous post.

Thanks. That doesn't really answer my question, but it's certainly a start. I can get the hyperbolic anomaly from the above formula; can I go from that to a true anomaly, and in the above formula, is M the same as for elliptical orbits? And does Barker's Equation also give a "parabolic anomaly" from a mean anomaly?

Related to Position of a Body on a Hyperbolic/Parabolic Orbit with Respect to Time

1. What is a hyperbolic orbit?

A hyperbolic orbit is a type of orbit where the trajectory of an object around a central body is shaped like a hyperbola. This means that the object's path is open and unbounded, and it will not return to its starting point. This type of orbit is often used for space missions that require high-speed flybys.

2. How is the position of a body on a hyperbolic orbit calculated?

The position of a body on a hyperbolic orbit can be calculated using Kepler's laws of planetary motion, which state that the orbit of a body around a central mass is an ellipse with the central mass at one focus. The position can also be determined using mathematical equations that take into account the eccentricity, semi-major axis, and time elapsed since the body's closest approach to the central body.

3. What is a parabolic orbit?

A parabolic orbit is a type of orbit where the trajectory of an object around a central body is shaped like a parabola. This type of orbit is a special case of an elliptical orbit where the eccentricity is exactly 1. This means that the object's path is open and unbounded, but it will eventually return to its starting point after an infinite amount of time.

4. How does the position of a body on a parabolic orbit change over time?

The position of a body on a parabolic orbit changes over time in a predictable manner. As the body moves away from the central body, its speed decreases, reaching a minimum at the furthest point of its orbit, known as the periapsis. As it moves closer to the central body, its speed increases, reaching a maximum at the closest point of its orbit, known as the apoapsis. This pattern continues as the body completes its orbit.

5. What factors can affect the position of a body on a hyperbolic or parabolic orbit?

The position of a body on a hyperbolic or parabolic orbit can be affected by several factors, including the mass and gravitational pull of the central body, the initial velocity and direction of the body, and any external forces acting on the body (such as solar radiation pressure or gravitational pulls from other nearby objects). Small changes in these factors can lead to significant changes in the trajectory and position of the body over time.

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