Poincaré Sections of the double pendulum with Mathematica

In summary, a Poincaré section is a graphical representation of the motion of a system, such as the double pendulum, over time. It is created using Mathematica, a software for mathematical and scientific computations, and provides insights into the system's dynamics. It can reveal information about the regularity or chaos of the motion, the presence of periodic or quasi-periodic orbits, and the effects of changing parameters. However, it should not be used as a predictive tool and has limitations in providing a complete understanding of the system's behavior.
  • #1
Jay Climaco
I need to plot a Poincaré map for a double pendulum where the string connecting one mass to the other is elastic with elasticity constant k and rest length s. The equations of motions are:

\frac{p_{\theta_1}}{m_1 r_1^2}
- \frac{p_{\theta_2}}{m_1 r_1 r_2} \cos{(\theta _1- \theta_2)}
+ \frac{p_{r_2}}{m_1 r_1} \sin{(\theta _1- \theta_2)}

\frac{p_{\theta_2}}{m_2 r_2^2}
+ \frac{p_{\theta_2}}{2 m_1 r_2^2}
- \frac{ p_{\theta_1}}{m_1 r_1 r_2} \cos{(\theta _1- \theta_2)}
+ \frac{p_{\theta_2}}{2 m_1 r_2^2} \cos{[2 (\theta _1- \theta_2)]}
- \frac{p_{r_2}}{2 m_1 r_1 r_2} \sin{[2 (\theta _1- \theta_2)]}

+ \frac{p_{r_2}}{2 m_1}
- \frac{p_{r_2}}{2 m_1} \cos{[2 (\theta _1- \theta_2)]}
+ \frac{ p_{\theta_1}}{ m_1 r_1} \sin{(\theta _1- \theta_2)}
- \frac{p_{\theta_2}}{2 m_1 r_2} \sin{[2 (\theta _1- \theta_2)]}

-\frac{p_{\theta_1} p_{\theta_2}}{m_1 r_1 r_2} \sin{(\theta _1- \theta_2)}
+ \frac{(p_{\theta_2}^2 - r_2^2 p_{r_2}^2)}{2 m_1 r_2^2} \sin{[2 (\theta _1- \theta_2)]}
- \frac{p_{\theta_1} p_{r_2}}{m_1 r_1} \cos{(\theta _1- \theta_2)}
+ \frac{p_{\theta_2} p_{r_2}}{m_1 r_2} \cos{[2 (\theta _1- \theta_2)]}
- g r_1 (m_1 + m_2) \sin{\theta_1}

\frac{p_{\theta_1} p_{\theta_2}}{m_1 r_1 r_2} \sin{(\theta _1- \theta_2)}
- \frac{(p_{\theta_2}^2 - r_2^2 p_{r_2}^2)}{2 m_1 r_2^2} \sin{[2 (\theta _1- \theta_2)]}
+ \frac{p_{\theta_1} p_{r_2}}{m_1 r_1} \cos{(\theta _1- \theta_2)}
- \frac{p_{\theta_2} p_{r_2}}{m_1 r_2} \cos{[2 (\theta _1- \theta_2)]}
- g m_2 r_2 \sin{\theta_2}

\frac{p_{\theta_2}^2}{m_2 r_2^3}
+ \frac{p_{\theta_2}^2}{2 m_1 r_2^3}
- \frac{p_{\theta_1} p_{\theta_2}}{m_1 r_1 r_2^2} \cos{(\theta _1- \theta_2)}
+ \frac{p_{\theta_2}^2}{2 m_1 r_2^3} \cos{[2 (\theta _1- \theta_2)]}
+ g m_2 \cos{\theta_2}
- \frac{p_{\theta_2} p_{r_2}}{2 m_1 r_2^2} \sin{[2 (\theta _1- \theta_2)]}
- k(r_2-s)

So, I tried the following code: (had to change some variables because Mathematica woudn't accept my original choices. The new variables are [itex] a= \theta_1;\ A=p_{\theta_1};\ b=\theta_2;\ B=p_{\theta_2};\ l=r_2;\ L=p_{\theta_2},c=s) [/itex]

m1 = 1;
m2 = 1;
r1 = 1;
c = 1;
k = 1;
g = 1;

abc2 = {a'[t] == A[t]/(m1 r1^2) - (B[t]/(m1 r1 l[t]))*Cos[a[t] - b[t]] + (L[t]/(m1 r1))*Sin[a[t] - b[t]], b'[t] == B[t]/(m2 (l[t])^2) + B[t]/(2 m1 (l[t])^2) - (A[t]/(m1 r1 l[t]))*Cos[a[t] - b[t]] + (B[t]/(2 m1 (l[t])^2))*Cos[2 (a[t] - b[t])] - (L[t]/(2 m1 r1 l[t]))*Sin[2 (a[t] - b[t])], l'[t] == L[t]/(m2) + L[t]/(2 m1) - (L[t]/(2 m1))*Cos[2 (a[t] - b[t])] + (A[t]/(m1 r1))*Sin[a[t] - b[t]] - (B[t]/(2 m1 l[t]))*Sin[2 (a[t] - b[t])], A'[t] == -((A[t] B[t])/(m1 r1 l[t]))*Sin[a[t] -b[t]] + (((B[t])^2 - (l[t])^2 (L[t])^2)/(2 m1 (l[t])^2))*Sin[2 (a[t] - b[t])] - ((A[t] L[t])/(m1 r1))*Cos[a[t] - b[t]] + ((B[t] L[t])/(m1 l[t]))*Cos[2 (a[t] - b[t])] - g r1 (m1 + m2)*Sin[a[t]], B'[t] == ((A[t] B[t])/(m1 r1 l[t]))*Sin[a[t] - b[t]] - (((B[t])^2 - (l[t])^2 (L[t])^2)/(2 m1 (l[t])^2))*Sin[2 (a[t] - b[t])] + ((A[t] L[t])/(m1 r1))*Cos[a[t] - b[t]] - ((B[t] L[t])/(m1 l[t]))*Cos[2 (a[t] - b[t])] - g m2 l[t]*Sin[b[t]], L'[t] == ((B[t])^2/(m2 (l[t])^3)) + ((B[t])^2/(2 m1 (l[t])^3)) - ((A[t] B[t])/(m1 r1 (l[t])^2))*Cos[a[t] - b[t]] + ((B[t])^2/(2 m1 (l[t])^3))*Cos[2 (a[t] - b[t])] + g m2*Cos[b[t]] - ((B[t] L[t])/(2 m1 (l[t])^2))*Sin[2 (a[t] - b[t])] - k (l[t] - c)};

psectF2[{a0_, A0_, b0_, B0_, l0_, L0_}] := Reap[NDSolve[{abc2, a[0] == a0, A[0] == A0, b[0] == b0, B[0] == B0, l[0] == l0, L[0] == L0, WhenEvent[a[t] == 0 && l[t] == c && L[t] > 0 && A[t] > 0, Sow[{b[t], B[t]}]], WhenEvent[a[t] == 0 && l[t] == c && L[t] > 0 && A > 0, Sow[{b[t], B[t]}]]}, {a[t], b[t], A[t], B[t], l[t], L[t]}, {t, 0, 1000}, MaxSteps -> Infinity]][[-1, 1]];

abcdata2 = Map[psectF2, {{0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01,0.01}, {0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.05, 0.01,0.01}, {0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.1, 0.01,0.01}}];

ListPlot[abcdata2, ImageSize -> Medium]

The following problems appears when I try to run abcdata2:

Part::partw: "Part 1 of {} does not exist."
General::stop: "Further output of Part::partw will be suppressed during this calculation."

I think the problem is at the WhenEvent command, but I'm not sure. So please, if anyone could help me correct this problem, I'd appreciate :)
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  • #2
1: Notice you have an A>0 in your second WhenEvent. That should be A[t]>0. I found that by taking much of this apart and looking at what happens when I evaluate your various functions one at a time.

2: Your error message does not appear to be because of your WhenEvent. I believe it is because of the [[-1,1]] that you have tacked onto the end of the Reap to try to extract individual items. I'm fiddling with this and haven't tracked down exactly when in the process that happens. If you eliminate the subscripting and don't immediately try to ListPlot the result and just look at exactly what is being returned by psectF2 then I think you can track this down. It looks like it is the way you are trying to extract and use one of the resulting InterpolatingFunction. Try building a Table using the result returned. That often makes it obvious what the error is when Plot just gives you an empty plot, it knows why it didn't display anything and it isn't telling.

Related to Poincaré Sections of the double pendulum with Mathematica

1. What is a Poincaré section and how does it relate to the double pendulum?

A Poincaré section is a graphical representation of the motion of a system over time. In the case of the double pendulum, it is a plot of the angular positions of the pendulums at certain intervals as the system evolves. This allows us to study the behavior of the system in a simplified manner and gain insights into its dynamics.

2. How is Mathematica used to create Poincaré sections of the double pendulum?

Mathematica is a powerful software used for mathematical and scientific computations. It has built-in functions and tools that allow us to easily plot and analyze the motion of the double pendulum. By inputting the equations of motion and specifying the desired parameters, Mathematica can generate a Poincaré section of the double pendulum.

3. What information can be derived from a Poincaré section of the double pendulum?

A Poincaré section can reveal important information about the behavior of the double pendulum, such as the regularity or chaos of its motion, the presence of periodic or quasi-periodic orbits, and the stability of the system. It can also help us understand the effects of changing parameters on the motion of the pendulum.

4. Can Poincaré sections be used to predict the future motion of the double pendulum?

No, Poincaré sections do not provide a complete picture of the system's motion and should not be used as a predictive tool. They only show a snapshot of the system at specific intervals and cannot account for all possible initial conditions and external factors that may affect the pendulum's motion.

5. Are there any limitations to using Poincaré sections for studying the double pendulum?

While Poincaré sections are a valuable tool for analyzing the behavior of the double pendulum, they have some limitations. They only provide a qualitative understanding of the system and cannot accurately predict the exact motion of the pendulum. Additionally, they may not be useful for highly complex or chaotic systems where the results may be difficult to interpret.

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