Photovoltaic and Superconductivity

In summary, the discussion revolves around the combination of superconductivity and photovoltaic (PV) technology to potentially improve the efficiency of PV cells. The feasibility of this combination is questioned, as superconductors are primarily used for their excellent conductivity rather than energy generation. Theoretical and experimental approaches are suggested, but it is concluded that there are currently no efficient processes to utilize superconductivity for PV energy production. The conversation also highlights the need for a better understanding of the physics behind superconductivity and its interactions with other elements.
  • #1
My question deals with experimentation in combining these two technologies. I think it would be a good duo, since PV's are so inefficient, and superconductivity is so efficient. I would like to know if people agree or disagree (and why), where I could find useful information on this topic (experimental and theoretical), or any other ideas on improving PV efficiency.
Physics news on
  • #2
I would submit that, at the bleeding edge, PV aren't as inefficient as you might think, and superconductors aren't as practical as you might think.
  • #3
How exactly would you "combine" superconductivity and PV?
Superconductors are -from an electrical point of view- just very good conductors (at least at DC) so I can't see anyway of improving PVs by making some parts out of a superconducting material.
You CAN make very sensitve photon detectors using superconducting materials; but none of the types I can think of actually generates energy; they are usually read-out by detecting changes in e.g. the impedance or the current-voltage charachteristics.
  • #4
I am not sure it is possible, I imagine that someone might have tinkered with this. I wish I had a better understanding, but I will give it a go anyways
Theoretical (-math)
I think electrons may jump to there conductive band easier utilizing the phonons in the formation of the cooper pair. The electrons now look more like a conveyor belt than an ort cloud to move away uniformally and uninhibited.
Experimental (?funding)
I would try to use elements which show superconductive properties (high temp superconductors) to make the photovoltaic cells. Then place the cells in a glass container, apply a strong vacuum, and use liquid nitrogen bringing it to superconductive temperatures. Then I would place light on them. I might try filter hot frequencies.
Of course, I don't really know what I am doing. I thought it sounded nice though:).
  • #5
MIC said:
Of course, I don't really know what I am doing. I thought it sounded nice though:).

No offense, but that's kind of the problem. Just because you can say something that sounds nice by throwing together a bunch of words, it doesn't mean that it's in anyway realistic or even sensical.
  • #6
MIC said:
I think electrons may jump to there conductive band easier utilizing the phonons in the formation of the cooper pair.

No, it doesn't work that way. There is neither a bandgap (there is no conductive band as such) nor electrons and holes in superconductors, meaning that can't be used to make PV cell.
You can of course use light with [itex]hf>2\Delta[/itex] to split Cooper-pairs into two electrons which can create an "avalanche" effect which generates more electrons (quasiparticles), this is how some superconducting detectors work. However, this process is not efficient enough to result in any net energy production. There are also quite a few other processes that can be used for detector applications; but none that can be used to make PV cells.
  • #7
I thought the condensed electrons formed at or near the conduction band, leaving a hole in the valence band. I will work on a better mental image of what is happening here. There is a lot going on that I do not understood, like interaction between light waves, bosons and phonons, exactly how high temp. superconductors work, etc... I am curious enough to try and learn more though (right now I am looking at plasmons), and I will try and write things with realistic details next time

Related to Photovoltaic and Superconductivity

What is photovoltaic technology?

Photovoltaic technology is a method of converting sunlight directly into electricity. It uses materials called semiconductors, such as silicon, to absorb sunlight and generate an electric current through a process called the photovoltaic effect.

What is the difference between photovoltaic and solar thermal technology?

The main difference between photovoltaic and solar thermal technology is the way they generate electricity. Photovoltaic technology converts sunlight directly into electricity, while solar thermal technology uses the sun's heat to create steam and turn a turbine to generate electricity.

What is superconductivity?

Superconductivity is the ability of certain materials to conduct electricity with zero resistance when they are cooled below a certain temperature, called the critical temperature. This phenomenon allows for the transmission of electricity with minimal loss, making it a highly sought-after property in various applications.

What are the potential applications of superconductivity?

Superconductivity has the potential to revolutionize industries such as transportation, energy, and healthcare. Some examples of potential applications include high-speed trains, more efficient power transmission, and advanced medical imaging techniques.

What are the challenges and limitations of using photovoltaic and superconductivity technologies?

The main challenges and limitations of photovoltaic and superconductivity technologies include high costs, limited efficiency, and the need for specialized materials and equipment. Additionally, the widespread adoption of these technologies may also face regulatory and infrastructure barriers.

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