Photoelectric effect violating entropy?

In summary: If the capacitor is located inside the system, the electric potential on the capacitor will be balanced by the entropy of the system, and no energy will be transferred.
  • #1
Hey all,

I posted this a week or so ago, but never really got closure on this issue:

Photovoltaic cells utilize the photoelectric effect to produce a voltage whenever an incident photon's energy is higher than the band gap of the silicon used for the cell.

Consider an isolated system, say a container of gas. If the temperature of the gas is above 0 K, the gas particles produce thermal radiation in the form of photons. The energy of these photons are distributed according to Planck's law. Regardless of the temperature of this gas, there will always be some high-energy photons radiated by the gas. Since we're assuming the system is isolated, none of these photons leave the system.

Let's say we throw in a photovoltaic cell into this container, which is connected to an ideal capacitor with infinite capacitance. Let's say the capacitor is outside of the system. Photons radiated by the gas with energy above that of the band gap generate a tiny voltage in the cell by the photoelectric effect, which charges the capacitor. Over time, the hot gas cools, since some of it's higher-energy radiation is being converted to electric potential (similar to evaporation of water).

Assuming all of this is OK so far, the problem is: How is this possible? Isn't this reducing the entropy of the system, by directly converting thermal energy of the system into electric potential? Something seems wrong.

I appreciate your help!
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  • #2
The first thing I'd check is the nature of the photoelectric effect in materials at finite (i.e., nonzero) temperature. If the efficiency of the photoelectric effect decreases with increasing temperature, you may have your answer right there. We would obviously expect an equilibrium between the gas and the solid, with no energy being transferred.

You might check, for example, "Photoelectric Effect" (Chapter 5), Handbook of Physics, ed. by E. U. Condon and Hugh Odishaw. Also see Robert T. Ross, "Thermodynamic Limitations on the Conversion of Radiant Energy into Work," J. Chem. Phys. 45 (1) (1966) and Ross and Ta-Lee Hsiao's "Limits on the yield of photochemical solar energy conversion," J. Appl. Phys. 48(11) (1977) which addresses the analogous question of photovoltaics. (Note: I haven't studied these resources; I'm suggesting them because they might help you find the answer for yourself.)
  • #3
Smacal1072 said:
Assuming all of this is OK so far, the problem is: How is this possible? Isn't this reducing the entropy of the system, by directly converting thermal energy of the system into electric potential? Something seems wrong.
You drew a system boundary and then penetrated it, so it isn't a closed system anymore!
  • #4
Smacal1072 said:
Assuming all of this is OK so far, the problem is: How is this possible? Isn't this reducing the entropy of the system, by directly converting thermal energy of the system into electric potential? Something seems wrong.
You drew a system boundary and then penetrated it, so it isn't a closed system anymore! The second law says, "The entropy of an isolated (ie, closed) system..."

So what happens if you locate the capacitor inside the system...?

Related to Photoelectric effect violating entropy?

1. How does the photoelectric effect violate the law of entropy?

The photoelectric effect is the phenomenon in which electrons are emitted from a material when it is exposed to light. This process seems to violate the law of entropy, which states that the disorder or randomness in a closed system always increases over time. However, the photoelectric effect does not actually violate this law. Instead, it can be explained by the principles of quantum mechanics, which involve the transfer of energy on a microscopic level.

2. Can you provide an example of the photoelectric effect violating entropy?

One example of the photoelectric effect appearing to violate entropy is the fact that electrons are emitted from a material in a predictable pattern when exposed to light of a particular frequency. This may seem to defy the randomness and disorder predicted by the law of entropy, but it can be explained by the quantized energy levels of electrons in atoms.

3. Is the photoelectric effect a reversible process?

The photoelectric effect is considered an irreversible process because the energy from the light is completely converted into the kinetic energy of the emitted electrons. This means that the electrons cannot be reabsorbed by the material and the process cannot be reversed.

4. How does the photoelectric effect relate to the second law of thermodynamics?

The second law of thermodynamics, which is another way of stating the law of entropy, states that the total entropy of a closed system will always increase over time. The photoelectric effect may appear to violate this law, but it actually follows the principles of quantum mechanics and does not violate the second law of thermodynamics.

5. Can the photoelectric effect be used to create perpetual motion machines?

No, the photoelectric effect cannot be used to create a perpetual motion machine as it relies on the transfer of energy from light to electrons. This process does not create energy, but rather converts it from one form to another. The law of conservation of energy still applies, and perpetual motion machines are not possible.

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