Philosophical and Formal Foundations of Modern Physics

In summary, the conference discussed the philosophical and formal foundations of modern physics. Les Treilles was a great place to hold the conference, and the talks were interesting and engaging.
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Conference "Philosophical and Formal Foundations of Modern Physics", Les Treilles, April 23-28 (organized by Michel Bitbol and Alexei Grinbaum)

Monday, April 23

7:30 pm Alexei Grinbaum and Michel Bitbol Introduction and welcoming remarks
Tuesday, April 24

Morning session. Chair: Jean Petitot

9:30 am Hermann Nicolai Quantum gravity: an introductory survey

10:30 am Oliver Pooley Background independence
12 noon Lucien Hardy The causaloid formalism: a tentative framework for quantum gravity

Afternoon session. Chair: Hermann Nicolai

4 pm John Baez Quantum quandaries: a category-theoretic perspective

5:30 pm Marc Lachièze-Rey Remarks on categories and physics (tentative title)
Wednesday, April 25

Morning session. Chair: Michel Bitbol

9:30 am Michael Friedman Einstein and the relativized a priori

10:30 am Katherine Brading Hilbert, the foundations of physics, and Einstein's general theory of relativity
12 noon Thomas Ryckman Weyl, Cartan and la méthode du repère mobile

Afternoon session. Chair: Brigitte Falkenburg

4 pm Paolo Parrini Epistemological conventionalism beyond the geochronometrical problems

5:30 pm Patricia Kauark-Leite Transcendental philosophy and quantum theory
Thursday, April 26

Morning session. Chair : Alexei Grinbaum

9:00 am Jeffrey Bub Information and objectivity in quantum mechanics

10:00 am Howard Barnum Toward information-processing characterizations of quantum and classical theory
11:15 am Matteo Smerlak Relational quantum mechanics and EPR

12 noon Christopher Timpson What kind of theory is quantum information theory?
Friday, April 27

Morning session. Chair: Michael Friedman

9:30 am Brigitte Falkenburg Wave-particle duality: a neglected topic in the philosophical discussion of quantum theory

10:30 am Rob Spekkens Insights into wave-particle duality from an epistemic interpretation of quantum states

12 noon Jean Petitot TBA

Afternoon session. Chair: Thomas Ryckman

4 pm Paul Teller Provisional knowledge in physics and elsewhere

5 pm General discussion
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  • #2
Thanks for finding this, Christine. Just focusing on a somewhat arbitrary select few---one thing I notice is that Carlo Rovelli's contribution is being presented by his co-author Matteo Smerlak
ccdantas said:
Tuesday, April 24
9:30 am Hermann Nicolai
Quantum gravity: an introductory survey

4 pm John Baez
Quantum quandaries: a category-theoretic perspectiveThursday, April 26
11:15 am Matteo Smerlak
Relational quantum mechanics and EPR

This article was just revised as of yesterday 4 March---this is now the published version.
Relational EPR
Matteo Smerlak, Carlo Rovelli
Revised, published version

"We study the EPR-type correlations from the perspective of the relational interpretation of quantum mechanics. We argue that these correlations do not entail any form of 'non-locality', when viewed in the context of this interpretation. The abandonment of strict Einstein realism implied by the relational stance permits to reconcile quantum mechanics, completeness, (operationally defined) separability, and locality."

We had a lengthy and lively discussion of this paper here at PF last year: April and May 2006. I wonder to what extent the revised published version differs from the paper we discussed.

I think sometimes an historical advance in physics can only be made by grappling the philosophical issues that lie at the foundations---it will not always come by sheer mathematical inventiveness or by persistent and clever calculation. I'm just echoing Carlo Rovelli here, who argued this persuasively in his book Quantum Gravity

Heavens! it is down near Nice, and Aix-en-Provence
there is a TGV train that one can take from Paris.
How terrible that the other people attend such pleasant meetings, and we remain at home!
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  • #3
marcus said:
Thanks for finding this, Christine. Just focusing on a somewhat arbitrary select few---one thing I notice is that Carlo Rovelli's contribution is being presented by his co-author Matteo Smerlak.

Darn! One of the reasons I was going to this conference is to talk to Carlo. Another reason, to be frank, is that it sounds cool to spend a week in a" . But it was really Carlo that drew me there. He introduced me to Alexei Grinbaum when I was visiting Marseille last year.

I guess I'll just have to talk more to the other folks. Lucien Hardy and Jeffrey Bub are really nice - I met them at the Perimeter Institute last spring. But, the real physicist in the crowd is Hermann Nicolai. He's a string theorist and a" , so I hope we can talk about those.

My talk title is shamelessly stolen from a" , but I hope my talk goes beyond that paper into some new ideas.

I'll report back to y'all in a This Week's Finds!
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  • #4
john baez said:
Darn! One of the reasons I was going to this conference is to talk to Carlo.
I'll report back to y'all in a This Week's Finds!

He might show up. Why not? It isn't all that far.
Maybe he wants the junior author to make the presentation and he can take it easy in the audience.

I look forward to your TWF report
  • #5
Lucien Hardy blows my mind, John. This, IMO, is a hair raising paper:
Quantum gravity computers: On the theory of computation with indefinite causal structure
I see a Nobel in his future.
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  • #6
marcus said:
How terrible that the other people attend such pleasant meetings, and we remain at home!

:cry: :cry: :cry:
  • #7
francesca said:

:cry: :cry: :cry:

Make these my words.
Err, my faces.

  • #8
Chronos said:
Quantum gravity computers: On the theory of computation with indefinite causal

We show that it is possible to set up a model for computation even in the absence of definite causal structure by using a certain framework (the causaloid formalism) that was developed for the purpose of correlating data taken in this type of situation.

I see it much like that data will not be "correlated" in any usual sense, but quantum states would resemble concurrent processes sharing common "resources". Such resources would be inherent or "internal", that is, as fundamental as the space-time manifold. More on these incipient ideas over at my new blog...

  • #9
I probably have peculiar tastes in science, Christine. But it's always a joy to hear your provocative and logical approaches to science and reason.
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Chronos said:
I probably have peculiar tastes in science, Christine. But it's always a joy to hear your provocative and logical approaches to science and reason.


My approach can be summarized as: science is an objective search, motivated by a subjective search. :wink:

  • #12
francesca said:
Nice to see you blogging again :smile:

Thanks! You will notice, however, that my new blog is somewhat different than the previous one. It's more like a set of random ideas, written with a contemplative disposition.Christine
  • #13
ccdantas said:
We show that it is possible to set up a model for computation even in the absence of definite causal structure by using a certain framework (the causaloid formalism) that was developed for the purpose of correlating data taken in this type of situation.

I see it much like that data will not be "correlated" in any usual sense, but quantum states would resemble concurrent processes sharing common "resources". Such resources would be inherent or "internal", that is, as fundamental as the space-time manifold. More on these incipient ideas over at my new blog...

I spend most of my time groping in the dark for answers to questions like this. I don't always follow the math in the mix as well as I wish I could. The 'causoloid' proposition is intriguing. Reminds me of causal sets. I think Hardy is taking that premise to a new level. It absolutely amazes me how much the universe appears to resemble a quantum computer game.

Related to Philosophical and Formal Foundations of Modern Physics

1. What is the difference between classical and modern physics?

Classical physics refers to the laws and principles that were developed before the 20th century, while modern physics encompasses the theories and discoveries made in the 20th century and beyond. Classical physics is based on Newton's laws of motion and the laws of thermodynamics, while modern physics includes theories such as relativity and quantum mechanics.

2. What is the role of philosophy in modern physics?

Philosophy plays a crucial role in modern physics as it helps to guide and shape the development of new theories and concepts. Philosophical ideas such as causality, determinism, and the nature of reality have influenced the way physicists think about and approach their research.

3. How does mathematics play a role in modern physics?

Mathematics is the language of modern physics, and it is used to describe and quantify the fundamental laws of the universe. Many of the most significant discoveries in modern physics, such as relativity and quantum mechanics, are based on complex mathematical equations and models.

4. What is the significance of formalism in modern physics?

Formalism is the use of mathematical formalisms to describe physical phenomena. It is an essential aspect of modern physics as it allows for precise and quantifiable predictions about the behavior of particles and systems. Formalism also helps to unify different theories, such as relativity and quantum mechanics, by providing a common mathematical language.

5. How do philosophical and formal foundations impact our understanding of the universe?

The philosophical and formal foundations of modern physics provide a framework for understanding the fundamental laws and principles that govern the universe. They also shape the way we think about and interpret scientific data and observations. By studying these foundations, we can gain a deeper understanding of the nature of reality and our place in the universe.

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