PhD Inquiry, Modified Gravity or String Theory

In summary, the conversation discusses the speaker's interest in pursuing a PhD in String Theory, but also considering other options such as Modified Gravity. They mention the difficulty in finding a PhD position in String Theory and the possibility of doing their PhD in Greece. The conversation also delves into the relationship between String Theory and Modified Gravity, with some examples of research in this area. Ultimately, the conversation concludes that Modified Gravity is not directly related to String Theory and is more focused on data analysis and phenomenology.
  • #1
Hello everyone,

I am currently finishing my Masters in Theoretical Physics and looking forward to continue in a PhD.

I always thought I would love String Theory, and now that i am actually doing it I see that my feeling was correct. I do not know why but trying to understand its concepts amazes me and I really love its mathematical formalism as well. Therefore when applying I always stated that my primary interest is the field of Superstrings, Supergravity and Ads/CFT correspondence.

However, I have realized that it is quite difficult to get a PhD in string theory, not to mention that it is already difficult to find a PhD position in the first place. Therefore, plenty of my advisors have consulted me to be open minded.

Another important thing that I would like to mention is that while I study at the UK I come from Greece and would love to return back for my PhD. However, while I know that there are some Professors and research staff in Greece that do a splendid job in research, my first concern is if me doing my PhD there would affect my CV even if it turns out to work well and I do a very good job.

Now, in my effort to be open-minded, I have come across the aspect of Modified Gravity. My experience in that field is limited but I understand that it tries to find an alternative description of Gravity rather than GR. The second question I want to make is if you can provide extra details and if you believe someone that really likes String theory would also like Modified Gravity as well.

Any help is appreciated,
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  • #2
Modified gravity is a rather exotic topic for string theory. String theory definitely "modifies gravity" at very short distances, because many other string states come into play alongside the graviton. But when people talk about modified gravity they usually mean macroscopic, astronomical scales. It's a lot harder to find string research on modifying gravity at those distances. You have Thibault Damour on dilaton phenomenology, and you have a few papers looking e.g. for corrections to the Kerr metric of Sgr A*. But in general, macroscopic gravity in string theory will look like Newton and Einstein.

In my opinion MOND is the best reason to be interested in modified gravity. My favorite explanation of the velocity aberrations is the superfluid of Khoury and Berezhiani, which is not technically modified gravity, but they sometimes describe their theory through a kind of modified gravitational potential. It would be nice to see string theorists thinking about whether you could obtain MOND from the theory somehow. Lubos Motl had a blog post about what he called "HOND", holographic Newtonian dynamics, in which the modification was supposed to be due to holography. What Erik Verlinde does is not really string theory, but he does motivate his ideas with some reflections on the subject. There may be others I don't remember.

But in general, modified gravity has nothing to do with string theory, instead it's mostly about the phenomenology of all kinds of modifications of general relativity. Such research is going to be heavily about data analysis, using cosmological time series to fit parameters in a generalized modification of the gravitational potential, comparing it to the null hypothesis of Lambda CDM, and so on. Of course there's a theory side as well.

I'm making these remarks either just as an objective characterization (from what I see of these fields), or from the perspective of what I think has scientific merit. I don't have any pragmatic thoughts with respect to your PhD choices, hopefully someone else will.

Related to PhD Inquiry, Modified Gravity or String Theory

1. What is a PhD inquiry?

A PhD inquiry is a research project that is undertaken by a graduate student in order to earn a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree. It involves conducting original research, writing a dissertation, and defending the dissertation in front of a committee of experts in the field.

2. What is modified gravity?

Modified gravity is a theoretical framework that seeks to modify or extend Einstein's theory of general relativity in order to explain certain phenomena that cannot be fully explained by the theory. It proposes alternative equations of motion for gravity, which may lead to new predictions and insights about the nature of the universe.

3. What is string theory?

String theory is a theoretical framework that attempts to unify all the fundamental forces of nature by describing them in terms of tiny, vibrating strings. It proposes that the universe is made up of these strings, which vibrate at different frequencies and give rise to all the particles and forces we observe.

4. How are modified gravity and string theory related?

Modified gravity and string theory are both attempts to go beyond the current understanding of gravity provided by Einstein's theory of general relativity. While modified gravity seeks to modify the equations of motion for gravity, string theory proposes a completely new framework for understanding the fundamental forces of the universe, including gravity.

5. What are the potential implications of research in modified gravity and string theory?

The potential implications of research in modified gravity and string theory are vast and far-reaching. They could lead to a better understanding of the fundamental laws of the universe, potentially solving long-standing mysteries such as the nature of dark matter and dark energy. They could also have practical applications, such as advancements in technology and space travel.

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