Particle physics & QFT, A conceptual question

In summary, particle physics and quantum field theory are closely related and both are necessary to understand the Standard Model. Quantum mechanics is a prerequisite for both fields, but can also be studied independently.
  • #1

In Halzen's "Quarks & Leptons" all discussed particle interactions conserve particle number in some sense (Actually particle number is not conserved but if you count the particles minus the antiparticles before the reaction you get the same "particles minus the antiparticles" number after the reaction. Which is in some sense particle conservation since in the Feynman
diagram antiparticles are particles that propagate backwards in time).

However, I'm not sure if this is the most general process possible in particle physics. Moreover, in this book and in some others I haven't seen an explicit approach to particle destruction and creation which exists (I think in form of "second quantization"). Nevertheless, those methods are identified with quantum field theory (and the standard model).

So I guess my question is how does particle physics, quantum field theory, and second quantization relate to each other.

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  • #2
"Particle number" is not a generally conserved number.

Relativistic quantum mechanics is sometimes referred to as a "first quantized" theory. Quantum field theory is sometimes then called a "second quantized" theory (these expressions date back to the beginning of quantum mechanics and quantum field theory, and aren't useful descriptive labels). Particle physics refers to the study of elementary and composite particles and their interactions and can be formulated in either of the above frameworks: (relativistic) quantum mechanics or quantum field theory. In the first framework (followed often by intro particle physics) the objects are classical fields/potentials and particles/wavefunctions. In the second framework, the fundamental objects are all quantum fields, with particles and classical fields resulting from these; wavefunctions are then functionals of the quantum fields.
  • #3
gop said:

In Halzen's "Quarks & Leptons" all discussed particle interactions conserve particle number in some sense (Actually particle number is not conserved but if you count the particles minus the antiparticles before the reaction you get the same "particles minus the antiparticles" number after the reaction. Which is in some sense particle conservation since in the Feynman
diagram antiparticles are particles that propagate backwards in time).

However, I'm not sure if this is the most general process possible in particle physics.

As been mentioned, particle number is not conserved. For example, Brehmmstrahlung.

Particle minus antiparticle is conserved for fermions, but you're right to question it. It really has to do with the structure of the Dirac spinor, that it contains a particle and the conjugate of an antiparticle within it. If you build your interactions out of Dirac spinors, then it is inescapable that particles minus antiparticle is conserved. Obviously a Majorana spinor changes all that, which looks to be what a neutrino is really described by. So that particles minus antiparticles is conserved - looks like it's not true.

gop said:
Moreover, in this book and in some others I haven't seen an explicit approach to particle destruction and creation which exists (I think in form of "second quantization"). Nevertheless, those methods are identified with quantum field theory (and the standard model).

The reason you're probably not seeing an approach like 2nd quantization in your book is because the book you're reading, by the title of it, is not a quantum field theory book, but a particle physics book.
  • #4

Thank you both for your answer. Maybe you can help me to clarify an additional point.

How does the standard model fits into this? The standard model is covered in most
particle physics books. So if it is a pretty complete description of nature (except gravity and neutrino mass of course) how can we understand e.g. things like Bremsstrahlung (where a photon is created or absorbed)?

  • #5
RedX said:
As been mentioned, particle number is not conserved. For example, Brehmmstrahlung.
The reason you're probably not seeing an approach like 2nd quantization in your book is because the book you're reading, by the title of it, is not a quantum field theory book, but a particle physics book.
Halzen and Martin goes far enough to describe scaling violation in QCD, which is essentially gluon Brehmmstrahlung. Maybe there is not the explicit sentence "caution : particle number is not conserved anymore in QFT", however, as early as paragraph 1.1 the fact that Schroedinger's equation can not describe the creation and annihilation of particle is discussed. Jet creation in electron-positron annihilation is depicted in 1.5
  • #6
gop said:

Thank you both for your answer. Maybe you can help me to clarify an additional point.

How does the standard model fits into this? The standard model is covered in most
particle physics books. So if it is a pretty complete description of nature (except gravity and neutrino mass of course) how can we understand e.g. things like Bremsstrahlung (where a photon is created or absorbed)?


I can read a book about all the elements of the periodic table. The book can tell me the names of all the elements, their atomic weight, the # of electrons they have, some common reactions they're involved in, what minerals they're found in, how they were discovered historically, etc. But this doesn't mean I understand the chemistry behind all of it. For that I'd need to pick up a chemistry book. Chemistry explains the periodic table, and the periodic table summarizes all known elements.

It's the same with a particle physics book. It'll tell you a lot of information, but the physics behind it you'll get from picking up a quantum field theory book. Quantum field theory explains the Standard Model, and the Standard Model summarizes all known particles and forces.
  • #7
A final question. In what order does one approach these subjects up to know I thought first particle physics and then quantum field theory is the way to go. However, I'm not so sure anymore especially since (from looking at e.g. the TOC of Peskin, Schroeder "An Introduction To Quantum Field Theory") a lot of the topics and examples seems to be very similar and the book does list quantum mechanics as a prerequisit but does NOT mention particle physics as such.

  • #8
Particle physics is a narrower field than quantum mechanics. Particle physics requires the knowledge of quantum mechanics, and quantum field theory as well. Quantum mechanics is useful outside particle physics, and can be done without resorting to fields.
  • #9
RedX is right that the Dirac structure of fermions forces (particle - antiparticle) to be conserved, but there is another reason: conservation of the various charges. If I make a red quark, somewhere in the system I must have also made an anti-red object as well. This effectively forces (particle - antiparticle) to be a conserved quantity.

Related to Particle physics & QFT, A conceptual question

1. What is particle physics?

Particle physics is a branch of physics that studies the fundamental building blocks of the universe and their interactions. These building blocks, known as particles, include subatomic particles such as electrons, protons, and neutrons, as well as smaller particles like quarks and leptons.

2. What is quantum field theory (QFT)?

Quantum field theory is a theoretical framework that combines the principles of quantum mechanics and special relativity to describe the behavior of particles at a subatomic level. It treats particles as excitations of underlying quantum fields, and is used to explain and predict the behavior of particles and their interactions.

3. How do particles interact in quantum field theory?

In quantum field theory, particles interact through the exchange of virtual particles, which are packets of energy created and destroyed in a very short amount of time. These interactions are described by mathematical equations and can be visualized through Feynman diagrams.

4. What is the Higgs boson and why is it important?

The Higgs boson is a fundamental particle predicted by the Standard Model of particle physics. It is responsible for giving mass to other particles through the Higgs mechanism. Its discovery in 2012 confirmed the existence of the Higgs field, which is an essential component of the Standard Model.

5. How does particle physics relate to everyday life?

While the study of particle physics may seem abstract and unrelated to daily life, its applications have had a significant impact on society. Technologies such as MRI machines, PET scans, and particle accelerators all rely on the principles of particle physics. Additionally, our understanding of the universe and its origins is greatly influenced by the discoveries made in this field.

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