Particle in a central potential and a magnetic field: nearly circular orbits

In summary, the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian for a particle moving in a central field with potential V(r) = -\alpha r^{-3/2} and a constant magnetic field \vec{B} = B_0 \hat{e}_z can be written in polar coordinates. The Hamiltonian can be split into a kinetic part and an effective potential, and the radius of a stable circular orbit can be found by solving for the minimum of the effective potential. The equation for the orbit can be expressed as r = \frac{r_c}{1 + \epsilon \cos (\omega\phi)}, with the values of \omega and \epsilon determined by the first integral and initial conditions.
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Homework Statement

A particle of mass m and charge e moves in a central field with potential [itex]V(r) = -\alpha r^{-3/2}[/itex] and in a constant magnetic field [itex] \vec{B} = B_0 \hat{e}_z[/itex]

1) Write the Lagrangian and the Hamiltonian

2) Write the first integral [itex]H_{orb}[/itex] for the equation of the orbit [itex]u(\phi )[/itex] ("u" refers to the inverse of the radius of the orbit), then calculate the radius [itex]r_c[/itex] for the stable circular orbit

3) For nearly circular orbit the equation of the orbit is [itex]r = \frac{r_c}{1 + \epsilon \cos (\omega\phi)}[/itex]. Determine [itex]\omega[/itex] and [itex]\epsilon[/itex] for nearly circular orbits

Homework Equations

The equation my professor uses for the generalized potential generated by a magnetic field: [itex]1/2 \vec{B}\cdot\vec{r}\times\vec{B}[/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

1) I think I solved for the Lagrangian and the Hamiltonian. I'm using polar coordinates:
[itex]L = 1/2m(\dot{r}^2 + r^2\dot{\phi}^2 + \alpha r^{-3/2} + 1/2 e B_0 r^2\dot{\phi}[/itex]

[itex]H = \frac{p_r^2}{m} -\alpha r^{-3/2} + \frac{1}{2mr^2} (p_\phi - 1/2 e B_0 r^2)^2[/itex]

I had the impression that the equation my professor gave me for the magnetic generalized potential ([itex]1/2 \vec{B}\cdot\vec{r}\times\vec{B}[/itex]) had its sign wrong, so I changed its sign. Am I correct?

2) Here the problems begin. I attempted splitting the Hamiltonian into a "kinetic part" and an effective potential ([itex]V_{eff}(r) = -\alpha r^{-3/2} + \frac{1}{2mr^2} (p_\phi - 1/2 e B_0 r^2)^2[/itex]), then I tried to express the kinetic part as a function of [itex]\frac{du}{d\phi}[/itex] with several changes of variables. I ended up with [itex]H = \frac{(p_{\phi}-1/2 e B_0/u^2)^2}{m}\frac{du}{d\phi} + V_{eff}(1/u)[/itex]. Something, however goes wrong, since i found a dependence on "u" (= 1/r) in the "kinetic energy part" of the Hamiltonian. I'm basically stuck here. I know that I should find the minima of the effective potential in order to find the circular orbits, but I find a very difficult equation to solve, so I'm asking if I am following the right path

3) For this question I thought to set up [itex] V_{eff}(1/u_c) = \frac{(p_{\phi}-1/2 e B_0/u^2)^2}{m}\frac{du}{d\phi} + V_{eff}(1/u_c) + 1/2 V''_{eff} (1/u - 1/u_c)[/itex] and then to try to solve it with separation of variables. For now I have not found [itex]u_c[/itex] so I don't know if it will work, so I am asking for confirmation
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or for a different approach.I apologize for the long post and for my poor English. I hope you can understand. Any help is much appreciated!A:1) The sign of the potential is correct.2) In order to find the radius of the circular orbit, you need to solve $\frac{dV_{eff}(r)}{dr}=0$, but you should use the equation for $V_{eff}(r)$ that you wrote in the attempt section.3) You should use the first integral to find the equation of the orbit. Then you can separate variables and the solution will be something like $r=\frac{r_c}{1+\epsilon \cos(\omega \phi)}$. The value of $\omega$ will be given by the first integral, while the value of $\epsilon$ will be determined by the initial conditions of the particle.

Related to Particle in a central potential and a magnetic field: nearly circular orbits

1. What is a central potential?

A central potential is a type of potential that depends only on the distance from a fixed point, known as the center. This means that the potential energy of a particle in a central potential is determined solely by its distance from the center, not its direction of motion. Examples of central potentials include gravitational and Coulomb potentials.

2. How does a magnetic field affect a particle in a central potential?

A magnetic field can exert a force on a charged particle, causing it to experience a Lorentz force. This force is perpendicular to both the direction of motion of the particle and the direction of the magnetic field. In the case of a particle in a central potential, the magnetic field will cause the particle to move in a circular or nearly circular orbit around the center.

3. What is the significance of nearly circular orbits in a central potential with a magnetic field?

Nearly circular orbits occur when the Lorentz force and the central force are of similar magnitude and act in opposite directions. This results in the particle following a circular or nearly circular path around the center. These types of orbits are important in many physical systems, such as the motion of charged particles in the Earth's magnetic field.

4. How can the frequency of a particle's motion in a central potential with a magnetic field be calculated?

The frequency of a particle's motion can be calculated using the formula f = qB/2πm, where q is the particle's charge, B is the strength of the magnetic field, and m is the particle's mass. This frequency is known as the cyclotron frequency and is a measure of how quickly the particle moves around the center in a circular or nearly circular orbit.

5. Can a particle in a central potential with a magnetic field ever escape its orbit?

Yes, a particle in a central potential with a magnetic field can escape its orbit if the energy of the particle is greater than the potential energy at the edge of the orbit. This can happen if the particle has enough kinetic energy to overcome the attractive force of the central potential and the Lorentz force of the magnetic field.

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