OS question - Mac, Windows or both?

In summary, if your son is interested in programming, a Unix-based system will be more suited for him than a Windows or Mac OS system. If your son wants to use Windows for general purposes such as browsing the Web and working with Office documents, a virtual machine will do the trick.
  • #1
Dan J
Hello community,

I am doing research on building a computer for my son who is devoted to physics and math and wants to put together a desktop system that will last into grad school. Do we need to make allowances for using more than one operating system to allow for software compatibility?

Many thanks of your help!
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Dan J said:
Hello community,

I am doing research on building a computer for my son who is devoted to physics and math and wants to put together a desktop system that will last into grad school. Do we need to make allowances for using more than one operating system to allow for software compatibility?

Many thanks of your help!
If it should last for a long time, windows is not a good choice. windows 'ages' the older a windows system gets the slower it will become. Windows is also vulnerable for viruses. This makes Windows not a good long-term OS. Personally I prefer linux, it doesn't get fragmented and isn't vulnerable for viruses. But for some linux is not a good choice, for those I recommend mac, because it does not have the flaws that windows has.

Concerning multiple OS's
I would not use a dual-boot, no matter what OS you chose to use. A virtual machine is a better choice, I would recommend Oracle's Virtual box, which works on Windows, Mac, linux and solaris. A virtual machine will allow you to run programs made for other OS's without going through the processes of dual-booting (windows can be especially annoying in a dual-boot, because it always wants to be the 'primary OS')

In the end it is most important that your son can work efficiently on his OS, I would let him try different OS's and let him chose which he finds easiest to use. But whatever OS you end up with, don't dual-boot, a virtual machine is more efficient, and you will find that for most applications there are alternatives available, and that you will not need a second OS

I hope this was helpfull
  • #3
You don't say how old your son currently is. We don't know if his computer must last a few years or a couple of decades.

Software aside, can you remember the specs of the computer you were using 5 years ago? 10 years ago? 15 years ago?
Electronics can change greatly in a short amount of time, and more importantly, the electronics can wear out or go obsolete.
Finding parts for a computer 5 or 10 years old can seem like trying to find buried treasure.
  • #4
As far as application software is concerned, Mac OS and Windows are pretty much equivalent for most practical purposes. I'm a Mac guy, and I've very seldom needed or wanted to do something that required Windows-only software. Mac OS still has an edge over Windows as far as security (viruses and malware) is concerned. That could change at any time, of course.

So I don't think there's a real need to be able to run both Mac OS and Windows on the same machine, for most people. Choose one or the other depending on your son's preference.

If he wants to get into programming, though, I would recommend having the ability to install Linux. When I taught programming courses years ago, it was always on a Unix system, using standard compilers like gcc and g++. You can also do this sort of thing on a Mac by installing Xcode from Apple, but they have a way of changing things around regularly so that installing extra programming libraries or compiling open-source software can be tricky.

I have both Windows 7 and Ubuntu Linux available on my Mac, via the Parallels Desktop virtualization software. I use Windows mainly when I'm working with a student who's trying to figure out how to do something under Windows. I use Linux for generic classroom-type C++ and Fortran programming exercises at the command line. One of these days I'll start on Python.
  • #5

I would recommend considering both Mac and Windows operating systems for your son's desktop computer. While both systems have their own advantages and disadvantages, it ultimately depends on what specific software and programs your son will be using for his studies. It may be beneficial to research and make a list of the necessary software and check for compatibility with both operating systems. Additionally, some programs may have different features or capabilities on Mac versus Windows, so it's important to consider that as well. Ultimately, having the option for both operating systems could provide flexibility and ensure compatibility with a wider range of software.

Related to OS question - Mac, Windows or both?

1. Which operating system is better, Mac or Windows?

There is no clear answer to this question, as it ultimately depends on personal preference and specific needs. Macs are known for their sleek design and user-friendly interface, while Windows is more widely used and has a larger variety of software options.

2. Can I run both Mac and Windows on the same computer?

Yes, it is possible to run both operating systems on the same computer through a process called dual-booting. This allows you to choose which operating system to use when starting up your computer.

3. Are there compatibility issues between Mac and Windows?

While there may be some compatibility issues with certain software or file formats, most common programs and files can be easily shared between Mac and Windows. Many programs also have versions available for both operating systems.

4. Is one operating system more secure than the other?

Both Mac and Windows have their own security measures in place, but neither is completely immune to viruses or cyber attacks. It is important to regularly update your operating system and use proper security precautions regardless of which one you choose.

5. Which operating system is better for gaming?

In the past, Windows was the preferred choice for gaming due to its larger selection of game titles and better compatibility with gaming hardware. However, Macs are becoming more popular for gaming and have a growing selection of games available.

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