Optics: Why not polished surfaces reflect less than polished ones?

In summary, unpolished surfaces reflect less than polished surfaces due to microscopic irregularities causing diffuse reflection, leading to less light being collected. This can also result in the surface absorbing more light and therefore getting warmer. The extent of this effect can depend on the nature of the roughening and the size of the features, and can also vary with different wavelengths. This can be seen in the difference between the reflectivity of polished and unpolished metallic surfaces, which can vary by up to 70%. Additionally, multiple reflections within surface irregularities can contribute to the decrease in reflectivity.
  • #1
Hello, I would like to ask why, when a surface is not polished, it reflects less.

I understand that when the surface is not polished, microscopically it presents a lot of irregularities so that when the light strikes the surface it gets reflected in all directions and instead of getting specular reflection, one gets diffuse reflection.

The problem is that then the surface is not reflecting less, it's just you that are collecting less light.

I'm working with an integrating sphere (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integrating_sphere), so theoretically, it doesn't matter that the light get scattered and diffuse in all direction because anyway it cannot get out of the sphere.

In practice, when I measure not polished metallic surfaces, I get values of reflectivity which are up to 70% less than polished ones.

Obviously the light gets absorbed (I can't see any other option) but I can't justify why so much.
Especially I don't understand why this phenomena would depend so much on wavelenght (the same sample (copper, not polished), reflectivity reduced by 65% around 400 nm, reduced by 5% around 900 nm).
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Science news on Phys.org
  • #2
Interesting question. Can you provide more information about your samples? For example, how are they roughened, and could there be contamination or oxidation present? Have you done any instrument calibration with say, Spectralon or Infragold surfaces? For that matter, have you actually measured the reflectivity of a pure and polished Cu surface with your instrument?
  • #3
  • #4
AndyResnick: Unfortunately not, I only know the samples were generally roughened but I think there was no contamination present. The instrument (coated in Spectralon) has been correctly calibrated.
The data from polished copper (and other metals) are just theoretical.

UltrafastPED: I'm sorry, i didn't understand what's the connection with emissivity. I'm considering visible wavelenght, emissivity should be negligible.
  • #5
Daaavde said:
Hello, I would like to ask why, when a surface is not polished, it reflects less.

I understand that when the surface is not polished, microscopically it presents a lot of irregularities so that when the light strikes the surface it gets reflected in all directions and instead of getting specular reflection, one gets diffuse reflection.

The problem is that then the surface is not reflecting less, it's just you that are collecting less light.
In general, an unpolished surface does reflect less than does a polished surface.

Even a highly polished metal surface is not quite optically smooth. You have to use some technique other than polishing (e.g., deposition) to get an optically smooth surface. At the microscopic level, that highly polished metal surface still looks like a mountain range. An unpolished surface? They make the Himalaya look rather flat.

The reason you get diffuse reflection is because incoming light bounces around in that mountainous terrain multiple times before coming out. This "bouncing around" drastically increases the chance that a photon will be absorbed rather than reflected. Diffuse reflection is diffuse in two senses: it is spread around rather than concentrated and the intensity is diminished.
  • #6
I thought about this but i wasn't sure. This means that an unpolished surface gets warmer than a polished one?
  • #7
Daaavde said:
I thought about this but i wasn't sure. This means that an unpolished surface gets warmer than a polished one?

All else being the same, if it reflects less it absorbs more... and the absorbed light ends up as heat. So yes, the less reflective surface gets warmer.

Set a chunk of black cast iron next to a piece of shiny polished cast iron in full sunlight and the difference in temperature will be quite noticeable.
  • #8
Daaavde said:
I thought about this but i wasn't sure. This means that an unpolished surface gets warmer than a polished one?
Not necessarily. For a given object, absorptivity and emissivity at a given frequency must be equal. However, most substances have frequency-dependent absorptivity and emissivity. Consider a polished metal surface versus one with a matte finish. Suppose the object with a polished surface has a reflectivity of 0.8 at optical wavelengths, >0.9 at thermal infrared wavelengths. If the object with a rough finish has a reflectivity of 0.6 at both frequencies, it's the object with a polished surface that will get warmer, not the one with a matte finish. The shiny object only absorbs half as much light as the dull one, but the shiny object can't dump heat. It's too reflective in the IR.
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  • #9
I have had to think about this issue quite a lot. I can tell you my thoughts, but I don't know how they'd be tested.

As you've said it is generally thought that roughening the surface will just change the angular distribution of the light. However I think that it depends on the nature of the roughening. A common trick when using pyrometers it to drill a hole in the sample to get an emmisivity of one. The question is, when does a surface defect become a hole?

It is possible to imagine that if the surface finish resemebles lots of holes it will have a reduced reflectivity as light that enters a cavity will be reflected more times and more of it will get absorbed. Also, depending on the size of these features, different wavelengths will be affected differently.

I admit it is uninutitive that multiple reflections could have such a large effect on reflectivity!

Edit: here is a link to the hole drilling stuff http://www.reliableplant.com/Read/1...-difference-between-apparent,-actual-ir-temps
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  • #10
Could it be just that in the case of an irregular surface, some of the light is reflected multiple times by the surface? That is, the light hits one part of the surface, and instead of being reflected away, it is reflected onto another part of the surface? If the same light hits the surface multiple times, it has more opportunity to get absorbed.

Related to Optics: Why not polished surfaces reflect less than polished ones?

1. Why do polished surfaces reflect more light than unpolished ones?

Polished surfaces have a smooth and uniform surface, which allows light to reflect off of it at a consistent angle. This results in a clear and bright reflection. In contrast, unpolished surfaces have imperfections and irregularities that cause light to scatter in different directions, resulting in a less intense reflection.

2. How does the smoothness of a surface affect its reflectivity?

The smoother the surface, the more light is reflected off of it at a consistent angle. This is because a smooth surface allows for a more even and regular reflection, whereas a rough surface causes light to scatter in different directions, resulting in a less intense reflection.

3. Is the material of a surface a factor in its reflectivity?

Yes, the material of a surface can affect its reflectivity. Some materials have a higher refractive index, meaning they can reflect more light than others. Additionally, some materials have a higher ability to be polished to a smooth surface, resulting in a higher reflectivity.

4. Can the angle of incidence affect the reflectivity of a surface?

Yes, the angle of incidence, or the angle at which light hits a surface, can affect its reflectivity. Generally, the closer the angle of incidence is to 90 degrees, the less light is reflected. This is because at this angle, the light is more likely to be absorbed or transmitted through the surface rather than reflected.

5. How does the wavelength of light affect the reflectivity of a surface?

The wavelength of light can also affect the reflectivity of a surface. Some materials have a higher ability to reflect certain wavelengths of light, resulting in a difference in reflectivity. Additionally, the surface roughness can also play a role in the reflectivity of different wavelengths of light.

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