Optical microscopes and white light / laser light

In summary: Basically, the laser light will produce a much finer diffraction pattern. But, that doesn't mean the image is better. The image is usually worse, because the laser light is a terrible approximation of an extended source. In other words, the image will be nice and sharp, but the colors and contrast will be absent.In summary, white light is generally used in optical microscopy because it provides uniform illumination and reveals all colors of the object. Laser light, while having high spatial and temporal coherence, is not suitable for widefield imaging due to the presence of speckle and the need for specialized techniques. Using a laser in place of white light would result in a finer diffraction pattern, but the image quality would be
  • #1
Steve Drake
I have a few questions regarding an optical microscope and their white light sources...

So white light generally first hits a diffuser, some kind of ground glass lens. What is the purpose of this?

Then the light goes through a field diaphragm, which we can open and close. I have heard that closing of the field diaphragm can slightly increase the spatial coherence of the light, why is this?

Lastly, why is white light used and not laser light? Wouldn't the almost perfect spatial and temporal coherence of laser light mean we get much better images? With that said, how does white light form an image as good as it does being so spatially and temporally incoherent?

Sorry for the barrage of questions, just been trying to wrap my head around this stuff.

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  • #2
The diffuser provides uniform illumination.

Laser light is monochromatic. White light will reveal all the colors of the object under the microscope.

Some specialized imaging applications do use laser light.

But white light is better when the detector is the human eye.
  • #3
Steve Drake said:
I have a few questions regarding an optical microscope and their white light sources...
So white light generally first hits a diffuser, some kind of ground glass lens. What is the purpose of this?

The diffuser plate is there in case the user doesn't know how to establish Kohler illumination. I have all my students read and walk through the process as written out here:


We remove the diffusers, as they waste light.

Steve Drake said:
Then the light goes through a field diaphragm, which we can open and close. I have heard that closing of the field diaphragm can slightly increase the spatial coherence of the light, why is this?

There's some confusion here: the field diaphragm controls the field of view that is illuminated by the source. The aperture diaphragm controls the numerical aperture of the condenser illumination. Stopping down the aperture diaphragm will increase the contrast and depth of field and decrease the resolution. To be sure, slightly stopping down both diaphragms will slightly improve the optical performance (less glare, for example) because you aren't pushing the limits of the design.

Steve Drake said:
Lastly, why is white light used and not laser light? Wouldn't the almost perfect spatial and temporal coherence of laser light mean we get much better images? With that said, how does white light form an image as good as it does being so spatially and temporally incoherent?

Widefield imaging works best with incoherent light. Kohler illumination is perfectly incoherent, phase contrast and DIC imaging start with incoherent light and increase the coherence in a controlled way to achieve optical processing. Using 'raw' laser light for wide-field imaging results in terrible images- there is an intolerable amount of speckle due to the low spatial coherence of the beam. Using a spatial filter will increase the spatial coherence and give better images than the raw light, but that's a pointless exercise. Again, if you are not doing widefield imaging (confocal, near field, etc.) then laser light is better as it can be better focused and coincidentally can be used with fluorescence techniques.
  • #4
Hi Courtney, Andy, thanks for your replies. Some questions,

Andy Resnick said:
Widefield imaging
I am not 100% familiar with this term, is optical microscopy widefield imaging?

Andy Resnick said:
Using 'raw' laser light for wide-field imaging results in terrible images- there is an intolerable amount of speckle due to the low spatial coherence of the beam.
By laser light I meant very high temporally and spatially coherence lasers.
Andy Resnick said:
there is an intolerable amount of speckle due to the low spatial coherence of the beam
I thought speckle only comes from a coherent source interacting with a random array of scatterers, can you clarify what you mean please?

Essentially what I am trying to understand is if you replaced a traditional white light source on an optical microscope with a laser, and sent it through a collimator, what kind of image would you obtain vs white light?

  • #5
Steve Drake said:
I am not 100% familiar with this term, is optical microscopy widefield imaging?

'Widefield' means that the field of view is larger than a point, it's used to distinguish 'normal' microscopy from say, scanning methods.

Steve Drake said:
By laser light I meant very high temporally and spatially coherence lasers.
A note of caution- the 'raw' laser beam does indeed have high temporal coherence, but typically only moderate spatial coherence- it's set by the size of the exit window. To increase the spatial coherence of the laser light, you spatially filter the beam- essentially creating a new source that is much smaller in extent, by using a pinhole aperture.

Steve Drake said:
I thought speckle only comes from a coherent source interacting with a random array of scatterers, can you clarify what you mean please?

That's close enough- the point is that the size of the speckle is related to the coherence area. Clearly, magnifying the object will also magnify the speckle.

Steve Drake said:
Essentially what I am trying to understand is if you replaced a traditional white light source on an optical microscope with a laser, and sent it through a collimator, what kind of image would you obtain vs white light?

Again, it depends of the details of the sources and how they are aligned within the optics. Goodman's "fourier optics" book has a fantastic image comparing the two approaches, but I couldn't find it on the interwebnet. Here's an alternative:


Related to Optical microscopes and white light / laser light

1. What is the difference between white light and laser light in optical microscopes?

White light is a combination of all visible wavelengths of light, while laser light is a single, highly focused and intense wavelength of light. This difference affects the resolution and contrast in the images produced by the microscope.

2. How do optical microscopes use white light to produce images?

Optical microscopes use lenses and mirrors to focus and direct white light onto the sample being observed. The light interacts with the sample and is then magnified and projected onto the eyepiece or a camera, creating an image.

3. Can laser light be used in all types of optical microscopes?

No, laser light can only be used in certain types of optical microscopes, such as confocal microscopes. These microscopes use a pinhole to block out all light except the laser light, allowing for highly focused and precise imaging.

4. How does the wavelength of light affect the resolution in optical microscopes?

The shorter the wavelength of light, the higher the resolution in optical microscopes. This is why electron microscopes, which use electrons with very short wavelengths, have much higher resolution than optical microscopes.

5. Can optical microscopes be used to view objects smaller than the wavelength of visible light?

No, optical microscopes have a limited resolution due to the diffraction limit of visible light. Objects smaller than the wavelength of visible light cannot be resolved and will appear blurry. To view smaller objects, other techniques such as electron microscopy must be used.

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