On Electric and Gravitational Potential Energy

In summary: I'm guessing it was actually supposed to be the same as your second equation, but for the electric potential. If you want to derive the force on a charge q due to a charge Q, you can use the definition of the potential energy U_e = q\phi_e. The force is the negative of the potential energy's gradient, so\vec F = -\del U_e = -\del(q\phi_e) = q\del\phi_e = q\begin{pmatrix}\del\phi_e/\del x \\ \del\phi_e/\del y \\ \del\phi_e/\del z\end{pmatrix}The gradient of the electric potential \phi_e is called
  • #1

Homework Statement

I have learned that gravitational potential energy's formula is:

GPE = mgh

But I saw other formulas relating to gravitational potential energy:

[itex]\phi[/itex] = -G(m/r)

And then one formula like this:

F = dU(x)/dx

And then there's a formula relating to the CHANGE in gravitational potential energy:

E = m[itex]\Delta[/itex][itex]\phi[/itex]

Similarly, I'm confused with the electric potential energy:

V = (coulomb's constant)(Q/r) What is this? Why is there a voltage symbol?

CHANGE in electric potential energy:

E = QV What is this?
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  • #2
The context of the formulas is different. The first one you mention (mgh) is true for places with constant gravitational field strength, for example, at the surface of the earth. [itex]\phi[/itex] is the gravitational potential (not potential energy!) i.e. potential energy per unit mass at distance r for a body of mass m.

The general formula for potential energy (for gravity or electrostatics) is:

[itex]U(r)=\int_r^\infty \vec F.d\vec r [/itex]

i.e. the amount of work done by the field to move a mass/charge to infinity from a point r. The differential form of this yields the formula for force you mentioned. The change in potential energy between two points can also be derived in terms of [itex]\phi[/itex]
  • #3
Kyoma said:

Homework Statement

I have learned that gravitational potential energy's formula is:

GPE = mgh
This is the gravitational potential energy near the surface of the (usually) Earth.

Kyoma said:
But I saw other formulas relating to gravitational potential energy:

[itex]\phi[/itex] = -G(m/r)
This is gravitational potential (not gravitational potential energy), i.e. gravitational potential energy per unit mass. It has units of Joules/kg.

Kyoma said:
And then one formula like this:

F = dU(x)/dx
With a minus sign in front, this is a force not an energy that can be derived from the potential if you know what it is.

Kyoma said:
And then there's a formula relating to the CHANGE in gravitational potential energy:

E = m[itex]\Delta[/itex][itex]\phi[/itex]
There should be term ΔE on the left side. This gives you the change in gravitational potential energy when mass m is moved from one point in space to another such the difference in gravitational potential is Δφ.

Kyoma said:
Similarly, I'm confused with the electric potential energy:

V = (coulomb's constant)(Q/r) What is this? Why is there a voltage symbol?
Electric potential, i.e. electric potential energy per unit charge has units of Joules/Coulomb. One Joule/Coulomb is also known as a "Volt".

Kyoma said:
CHANGE in electric potential energy:

E = QV What is this?
This is (most likely) the change in potential energy of charge Q when it is moved from one point in space to another such the difference in electric potential (also called voltage) is V.

I know that this is all confusing; the underlying idea is that gravitational/electric energy per unit mass/charge in a region of space is a function of x,y and z called the gravitational/electric potential. If you take the spatial derivatives of that function and you evaluate at a particular point in space, you get the components of the gravitational/electric force acting on the mass/charge at that point in space.
  • #4
As the others noted, potential energy and just plain potential are two different quantities. The gravitational potential energy of a test mass m attracted to a point mass M is
[tex]U_g = -\frac{GMm}{r}[/tex]
Similarly, the electrical potential energy of a test charge q interacting with a point charge Q is
[tex]U_e = \frac{kQq}{r}[/tex]
They hold for point masses and point charges. (It turns out they also work for spherically symmetric distributions of mass and charge.)

The concept of a potential comes from the idea that we can separate out the effect of the test mass or charge.
U_g &= \left(-\frac{GM}{r}\right)m = m\phi_g \\
U_e &= \left(\frac{kQ}{r}\right)q = q\phi_e \\
From these, you can see that the gravitational potential at a distance r from a point mass M is equal to [itex]\phi_g = -GM/r[/itex]. Similarly, the electric potential at a distance r from a point charge Q is equal to [itex]\phi_e = kQ/r[/itex]. These are your second and fifth equations. They apply when you're talking about a point charge or point mass.

Note that depending on the sign of the test charge q, the electrical potential energy at a point could be positive or negative; the potential at that point, however, always has the sign of Q. This is one reason it's often more convenient to work with potentials rather than potential energy in electromagnetism. With gravity, the masses are always positive, so the concept of a gravitational potential isn't as useful. You usually just work with gravitational potential energy directly.

Now say we move a mass from a point a distance ra from M to a point a distance rb away. The change in potential energy will be equal to[tex]\Delta U_g = U_{g_b} - U_{g_a} = m\phi_g(r_b) - m\phi_g(r_a) = m\Delta\phi_g[/tex]Similarly, for charges, we have [tex]\Delta U_e = U_{e_b} - U_{e_a} = q\phi_e(r_b) - q\phi_e(r_a) = q\Delta\phi_e[/tex]These are your fourth and sixth equations.

The concept of a potential, however, applies more generally than to just point masses or point charges. We can calculate (in principle) the potential Φg due to some arbitrary distribution of mass. The potential energy of a mass m due to this distribution would again be given by Ug = mΦg, and the change in potential energy by ΔUg = mΔΦg. Similarly, for a charge q, we have Ue = qΦe and ΔUe = qΔΦe. In other words, these equations apply generally, not just for point masses and charges.

So where does your first equation, Ug=mgh, fit in? Near the surface of the Earth, the gravitational potential energy of a mass m at a height h is given by
[tex]U_g = -\frac{GMm}{R+h}[/tex]
where M is the mass of the Earth and R is the radius of the Earth. When h is much smaller than R, we can approximate the potential energy as
[tex]U_g = -\frac{GMm}{R+h} = -\frac{GMm}{R(1+h/R)} \cong -\frac{GMm}{R}\left(1-\frac{h}{R}\right) = -\frac{GMm}{R} + m\left(\frac{GM}{R^2}\right)h[/tex]
The first term is a constant and constants don't matter in potential energy, so we can toss it. The quantity GM/R2 is more familiarly known as g=9.81 m/s2, so we end up with Ug=mgh. Note that this derivation relied on the assumption that h<<R, so it's only valid when you're analyzing situations near the surface of the Earth.

Finally, your third equation is missing a minus sign, as kuruman pointed out. As Pi-Bond noted, the potential energy due to a conservative force F of an object at a point r is generally given by[tex]U = -\int_{\mathbf{r}_0}^\mathbf{r} \mathbf{F}\cdot d\mathbf{r}[/tex]where r0 is where the zero of potential energy is located. If you differentiate this equation, you get[tex]\mathbf{F} = -\nabla U[/tex]which in the one-dimensional case is simply F = -dU/dx. If you were to try this with the expressions above for the gravitational and electrical potential energy (using the expression for the gradient in spherical coordinates), you would recover Newton's law of gravity and Coulomb's law.
  • #5
Why is there a charge symbol?

I can help clarify some of the confusion around these different formulas and concepts. First, let's start with gravitational potential energy. The formula GPE = mgh is a simplified version that applies to objects near the Earth's surface, where g is the acceleration due to gravity and h is the height of the object. However, the more general formula for gravitational potential energy is \phi = -G(m/r), which takes into account the distance between two objects and the universal gravitational constant G.

The formula F = dU(x)/dx relates to the force exerted by a gravitational field on an object at a given position. U(x) represents the potential energy at that position, and the derivative (dU(x)/dx) gives us the change in potential energy as the object moves.

Similarly, for the change in gravitational potential energy, the formula E = m\Delta\phi takes into account the change in the gravitational potential energy between two positions, where \Delta\phi is the difference in potential energy.

Moving on to electric potential energy, the formula V = (coulomb's constant)(Q/r) represents the potential energy between two charged objects. Q represents the magnitude of the charge on each object, and r is the distance between them. This formula is similar to the gravitational potential energy formula, as both involve the distance between two objects.

The formula E = QV represents the change in electric potential energy when a charged object moves between two points with different electric potential. This is similar to the formula for gravitational potential energy, where the change in potential energy depends on the change in distance between two objects.

Overall, these different formulas and concepts are all related to potential energy, which is a measure of the stored energy within a system. In both gravitational and electric potential energy, the distance between two objects plays a crucial role in determining the amount of potential energy. I hope this helps to clarify some of the confusion and provides a deeper understanding of these concepts.

Related to On Electric and Gravitational Potential Energy

1. What is electric potential energy?

Electric potential energy is the amount of energy stored in an object or system due to its position or configuration within an electric field.

2. How is electric potential energy calculated?

The electric potential energy (PE) of an object is calculated by multiplying its charge (q) by the electric potential (V): PE = qV.

3. What is gravitational potential energy?

Gravitational potential energy is the energy a body possesses due to its position in a gravitational field. It is dependent on the mass of the body and the strength of the gravitational field.

4. How is gravitational potential energy related to height?

Gravitational potential energy is directly proportional to an object's height. This means that the higher an object is positioned, the greater its gravitational potential energy.

5. What is the difference between electric and gravitational potential energy?

The main difference between electric and gravitational potential energy is the source of the force. Electric potential energy is related to the force between charged particles, while gravitational potential energy is related to the force between masses.

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