Number of photons in a mode (in a blackbody)

In summary, the conversation revolves around the thermal average number of photons in a mode of a blackbody. The proof involves determining the energy levels of the system, creating the partition function by summing up the Boltzmann factors, and finding the probability of the system being in a certain state. However, there is confusion about why the initial sum for the partition function only considers one mode instead of all possible modes. The speaker also questions the definition of a system in this context. The source of the conversation is from Thermal Physics by Kittel and Kroemer.
  • #1
# of photons in a mode (in a blackbody)

I've been going over a proof again concerning the thermal average number of photons in a mode of a cubical blackbody of length 'L' at equilibrium with a reservoir of temperature 'tau' (has a small hole in it, etc. etc. etc.) The logic went as usual, determine what the energy levels of the system are, sum up the Boltzmann factors to create the partition function, then do the sum over all states of the quantity in question (the number of photons, here denoted 's') times the probability of finding the system in that state.

A quick definition, by "mode" I mean different waveform possible to anyone photon in the cavity, so each mode has its own unique 'ω' value.

The derivation goes as follows:

[itex]\large \epsilon_{s} = s\hbar\omega[/itex]
Here 's' denotes number of photons in a mode, so this is the energy of having 's' photons in a mode of frequency 'ω'. Note that 's' is not the integer multiple 'n' that would be used to denote an exited level of one photon in the box (ie. integer multiples of 'n' would denote different modes or waveforms that the photon can be in IE. [itex]\omega = \frac{n\pi c}{L}[/itex]).

[itex]\large Z = \sum_{s=0}^\infty e^\frac{-s\hbar\omega}{\tau}[/itex]
Summation over the Boltzmann factors for all possible number of photons in a particular mode of frequency 'ω'.

[itex]\large P(s) = \frac{e^\frac{-s\hbar\omega}{\tau}}{Z}[/itex]
P(s) is the probability of finding the system in state 's'.

[itex]\large <s> = \sum_{s=0}^\infty sP(s)[/itex]
<s> is the then the thermal average number of photons in a mode.

So... My problem is that I don't understand why the initial sum to create the partition function wasn't a sum over ALL modes and ALL possible number of photons that could be in each mode (it should be a doulbe sum and not a single sum). Was each mode or possible wavefunction configuration considered as an isolated system at equilibrium with all other other modes? It should be that 'ω' can also very and create different energy levels in the system as well as the number of photons in each mode of frequency 'ω' (which in the specific case of the photon in a box of length 'L' should be [itex]\omega = \frac{n\pi c}{L}[/itex]. Why was the thermal average number of photons in a mode of frequency 'ω' independent of the other modes that existed inside the cavity? I guess I'm confused about what classifies as a system? If you can arbitrarily break the partition function apart and not sum all "states" it shouldn't give the correct answer. The photons could have been in any mode.

Sorry if this seems long and drawn out, I just want to make sure everyone is seeing the exact derivation I've seen using the same syntax/variables/etc. If the variables aren't clearly defined things can get confusing really quick especially with the distinction of variables like 's' and 'n' and words like "mode" and "state".

Any light shed would be greatly appreciated, this has been bothering me, I didn't think I was this confused by this.

(This is just verbatim from Thermal Physics by Kittel and Kroemer 2nd. edition btw)
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  • #2

Hmmm, I feel slightly embarrassed now that I see that this wasn't a topic that people responded to, but I'll give it one more try and bump it.

Related to Number of photons in a mode (in a blackbody)

1. How is the number of photons in a mode related to the temperature of a blackbody?

The number of photons in a mode is directly proportional to the temperature of a blackbody. As the temperature increases, the number of photons in a mode also increases. This is because the energy of a photon is directly proportional to its frequency, and at higher temperatures, the atoms in a blackbody have higher energy levels, resulting in the emission of more photons.

2. How is the number of photons in a mode related to the wavelength of the emitted radiation?

The number of photons in a mode is inversely proportional to the wavelength of the emitted radiation. This means that as the wavelength increases, the number of photons in a mode decreases. This is because the energy of a photon is inversely proportional to its wavelength, so longer wavelength photons have lower energy and therefore fewer photons are emitted.

3. How does the number of photons in a mode vary with the size of the blackbody?

The number of photons in a mode is directly proportional to the volume of the blackbody. This means that a larger blackbody will emit more photons than a smaller blackbody, assuming they are both at the same temperature. This is because a larger volume means more atoms, and therefore more energy levels available for photon emission.

4. Can the number of photons in a mode be calculated?

Yes, the number of photons in a mode can be calculated using Planck's law, which relates the energy of a photon to its frequency and temperature. By knowing the temperature and the frequency of the emitted radiation, the number of photons in a mode can be determined.

5. How does the number of photons in a mode change with changes in the blackbody's material?

The number of photons in a mode is not affected by the material of the blackbody, as long as it is a perfect absorber and emitter of radiation. This means that regardless of the material, a blackbody at a certain temperature will emit the same number of photons in a mode. However, different materials may emit radiation at different frequencies, which can affect the energy of the emitted photons.

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