Newton, Einstein, multiply connected spacetime, Energy and so forth

In summary, the conversation discussed the concept of multiply connected spacetime and the possibility of creating a wormhole. While it is theoretically possible, it would require vast amounts of energy and may have similar properties to a black hole. There was also discussion about the potential for creating a perpetual motion machine and how to convince the government to fund such a project. Overall, the conversation was mostly speculative and lacked scientific evidence or support.
  • #1
So, multiply connected spacetime may exist or even does already according
to current knowledge, right? And in which of the thousand of millions of books
about GR, which every physicist seems to have to have written about at
least once, ever you read about it, authors claim that, although it's in general
possible, it would practically take unobtainably vast amounts of energy to
realize it.


Well let's assume we somehow got to acquire such amounts of energy and a
device which, in some magic concealed way, can create a wormhole for us.
What would it be like? Practically, I mean.

Wormholes, once created, must curve spacetime in a way similar to a BH,
just stronger. And as a BH does have an enormous gravitational field and an
event horizon, shouldn't each wormhole have one, too? Meaning, that once
going into the wormhole, you are behind an event horizon you may never
emerge from?

I think I'm confusing a little classical theory, plus rubber- and paper&scissors
model with GR, but let me go on nonetheless and correct me at the
appropriate places.

So far, I reckon that WH would create an enourmous distortion of spacetime
which is as little spatially limited as a BH's one. But let's assume we created
the WH in a way that the gravitational effect in its proximity is limited and
there is no EH, so it's actually feasible for going through (I hope you can
explain why this can be).

Let's say we created such a WH down hear on the planet (huge machinery and
stuff, needs a planet, you know...) and connected it to somewhere out in space
in the 18th century. Here I got a little question, just out of curiosity and less
relevant to my actual problem: Is the time a wormhole is connected to somehow
correlated to the targeted position, or can both arbitrarily "chosen"?

Back to the WH: We used an enormous amount of energy - possibly depleted all
reserves of oil and other fossil fuels, just for the kick (wait, what...) - and now
we got a stable wormhole. Do we have to keep pumping energy into it? Where
will that energy go? Will we retrieve it back, once the wormhole is "brought down"?

A black hole doesn't require much energy to bend spacetime. It just requires mass.
It just sits there and laughs at us while we are squeezing the last iota of oil out
of the ground, to keep our spacetime distortion alive. Or did we use mass to
create it, too? If so, that would again make me wonder how our WH can
effectively not be a BH in appearance an behaviour and not swallow the planet
while it... worms.

So our oil, where does it go? Does our machine which creates the wormhole heat
up? Can it be built a way that it won't heat up and conserve the energy? Seriously,
where is our energy, and how can we get it back?

I got it! I know how we can get it back! Aw wait... That doesn't make any... But
well, let me tell my proposal:

Since we created a tunnel into space, far away from earth, we eventually have
invented a working perpetuum mobile! Yes! It's so simple, every child would get it:
Throw a stone in the black hole here on Earth and see it falling from the sky (or
have your ancestors, offspring respectively seeing it fall down).

There we go! Everything balanced out. If you think about it, its a good
investment, though. Invest an incredible amount of energy and get an infinte
amount back. Problem solved.

But how do we convince the government to fund our project, as they still
believe in such stupid things as "energy conservation" (lol) ?
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  • #2
Your concept of spacetime is flawed, and it makes you believe a wormhole is some kind of friendly portal.
  • #3
TcheQ said:
Your concept of spacetime is flawed, and it makes you believe a wormhole is some kind of friendly portal.

Thank you, friendly expert, for contributing so much to this topic.
  • #4
There is nothing of any scientific content here - it's all wild speculation.

I encourage everyone to reread the PF Rules on overly speculative posts.

Related to Newton, Einstein, multiply connected spacetime, Energy and so forth

1. Who is Isaac Newton and what are his contributions to science?

Isaac Newton was a physicist and mathematician who is well-known for his laws of motion and theory of gravity. He also made significant contributions to the field of optics and invented the reflecting telescope. His work laid the foundation for classical mechanics and is still widely used in modern physics.

2. How did Albert Einstein revolutionize our understanding of the universe?

Albert Einstein was a theoretical physicist who developed the theory of general relativity, which fundamentally changed our understanding of gravity and the structure of the universe. He also proposed the famous equation E=mc^2, which relates mass and energy and has been crucial in the development of nuclear energy and weapons.

3. What is multiply connected spacetime?

Multiply connected spacetime is a concept in cosmology that suggests the universe may have a non-trivial topology, meaning that it is not simply connected like a sphere. This theory proposes that the universe may be connected in multiple ways, allowing for the possibility of parallel universes or wormholes.

4. What is the relationship between energy and matter?

According to Einstein's famous equation E=mc^2, energy and matter are equivalent and can be converted from one form to another. This means that matter can be converted into energy, and vice versa. This concept has been crucial in understanding nuclear reactions and the production of energy in stars.

5. How do these concepts relate to our daily lives?

Newton's laws of motion are essential for understanding the movement of objects in our daily lives, from the motion of vehicles to the trajectory of a thrown ball. Einstein's theories have had a significant impact on technology, such as the development of GPS systems and nuclear energy. Understanding the structure of spacetime and the relationship between energy and matter has also led to advancements in fields such as cosmology and particle physics.

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